

Research on Petri Net-based for Software Process Modeling

【作者】 陈挺

【导师】 张育平;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 探索新的软件开发过程来提高软件生产率和质量一直是软件工程学研究的焦点,在当今信息化社会中,软件开发机构迫切地需要开发高质量软件的方法。软件开发是一项复杂的工作,需要好的人员、好的技术以及好的过程才能成功。但目前很多软件项目因为种种原因延期甚至失败。很多组织已经认识到,要想他们的软件项目获得成功,具有一个定义良好并且被很好文档化的开发过程是很重要的。本文首先介绍了软件过程的相关概念、技术以及软件过程研究的主要问题。接着研究了统一软件过程和敏捷开发思想,在总结敏捷方法与统一过程的基础上,提出了敏捷统一过程框架A-RUP,它是在RUP的基础上,利用敏捷开发的原则,针对中小型软件开发项目的实际情况对其进行裁剪得到的过程框架。接着分析了现有建模技术,比较了不同建模方法的特点,最后选择了基于Petri网的建模方法对A-RUP中工作流进行建模,用YAWL语言描述过程。为了用Petri网的验证理论对模型进行验证,本文给出了EWF网到Petri网的映射方法并简单讨论了模型的验证问题。最后本文在上述研究的基础上,设计并实现了一个基于A-RUP过程框架的软件过程管理平台原型系统——SPMS,该原型系统结合了YAWL技术为软件过程的自动执行提供了可靠的保证,同时保证整个软件开发过程是基于A-RUP过程框架的。

【Abstract】 One important point of software engineering is finding new software processes to improve the productivity and quality of software. Now in this information society, many software organizations are eager to find ways to develop good software. It is a complex job to develop software, which needs good personnel, good technology and good process. Many organizations realize that there must be a good process with good definition and good documents if they want their projects succeed.Fist of all, this article introduces some related theories and technologies of software process and main issues of studying software process study. We also study united process and agile methodologies. Based on both of them, we give A-RUP which is a process framework by cutting RUP following agile rules and current situation of domestic small and middle company. Besides that, this article analyzes current modeling technology and chooses YAWL based Petri-net to describe the process by comparing the trait of different modeling. To validate the process model by Petri-net, we give the transform methods mapping EWF-net to Petri-net and discuss issues of modal validation. Finally, we design and implement a software process management system based on A-RUP which provides automatic execution of software process and could make sure the whole software process run as what A-RUP says.


