

A Research and Application on One-Cycle Control Achieved By Digital Control

【作者】 凌雁波

【导师】 陈新;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们对于电源的故障管理、运行状态的监测与控制的要求越来越高,而这些需求通过模拟电路是很难实现的,于是在一些要求较高的电源中开始加入了微处理器来实现对电源各种状态信息的采集与处理,并可以和上位机进行通讯,为用户提供电源的实时诊断信息。随着处理芯片性能的飞速提升,使得现在的处理器不仅可以用来实时的监控电源,也有充足的裕量来实现对电源控制环路的程序处理。单周控制(One Cycle Control,OCC)作为一种新型的控制方式,由于响应快、自适应性强等优点,在各种电路拓扑中得到了广泛地应用。现阶段单周控制基本上都是采用模拟控制的方式,需要通过模拟电路来实现一个可以快速复位的积分器和一个稳定的积分常数。本文针对数字控制自身的特点和优势,采用数字控制的方式来实现单周期控制,从而即可以很方便地实现积分复位和保证控制器的参数不随时间和环境的变化而变化,又可以充分利用数字控制在实时通讯、状态监测等方面的优势。本文首先分析了引入数字控制后对电源产生的影响,并通过仿真进行了分析,最后给出了一些解决方法;然后介绍了单周期控制单相Boost PFC以及单周期控制全桥逆变器的工作原理,给出了数字实现的算法,并通过仿真进行了分析验证;此外在前面分析的基础上分别设计了一台基于DSP控制平台的单周控制单相Boost PFC和一台基于DSP控制平台单周控制全桥逆变器进行实验验证,用实验验证了数字实现单周控制的可行性。

【Abstract】 As for the increasingly high demand for the fault management, the operation monitoring and real-time control of power-supply, and these needs is very difficult to achieve through the analog circuit, so in some high lever power the microprocessor is used to realize acquisition and processing of power supply various state information, communication with host computer, and providing real-time diagnostic information for users. With the rapid promotion of the processing chip, the micro-chip is not only used for the real-time monitoring, but also for the realization of the control for the power-supply.One Cycle Control(OCC) , as a new type of control method, has advantages of quick response and strong adaptability, and has been widely applied in a variety of topologies. At this stage One Cycle Control are based on the analog control, the analog circuits of rapid reset and constant coefficient integrator are need. In this thesis, in connection with the characteristics and advantages of digital control, digital control is used to achieve OCC. Thus, it would be easy to achieve a rapid reset of integrator and a stable constant integrator coefficient. and realize real-time communication and supervision. Firstly, the effects of digital control are analyzed, and the related solutions are provided. Secondly the principle of single-phase Boost PFC controlled by one-cycle control is introduced, and the principle of full-bridge inverter controlled by one-cycle control is discussed. Then the related digital arithmetic are derived and analyzed by simulation. At last a Boost PFC and a full-bridge inverter system controlled by DSP are respectively designed, and validating the digital solution of OCC by the experimental results.


