

Research on Monitoring and Treatment Device for the Bruxism

【作者】 朱智超

【导师】 宋晓峰;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 生物医学工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 磨牙症是一种由于非生理功能运动发生的牙齿磨动或咬紧的现象。该病症危害性巨大,目前由于没有明确的病因,还没有统一的治疗方法。在众多的治疗方法中,牙合板的治疗是较为有效的一种。本课题在牙合板治疗的基础上,开发了一种有良好的监护功能、治疗手段,同时也能满足医学研究需要的磨牙症监护设备。论文首先介绍了国内外的研究现状,并对现有的几种典型磨牙监护设备进行了分析,然后给出了本课题所开发系统的结构和设计理念。所开发仪器按照功能将其分为四个模块。微弱信号模块设计并实现了采集磨牙力度信号,并设计了信号处理电路,为了进一步改善磨牙信号,系统采用了PVDF压电薄膜自行制作了符合要求的压电传感器。信号控制模块通过单片机实现了对系统流程的控制。包括实现了对采集来的磨牙信号进行模数转换、语言芯片的录音控制和对蓝牙模块的流程控制。并提供了与PC机之间的串口传输方式。手机通信模块是通过控制蓝牙模块实现与手机的无线连接,并在手机上开发软件处理磨牙信号,并以短信的方式发送到医生的手机上。生物反馈治疗模块包括两种生物反馈治疗方式:音乐反馈和振动反馈。通过控制语音芯片和振动模块实现了对患者的音乐治疗和振动治疗。论文的最后还提出了仪器的进一步完善方案。本课题的开发将为磨牙症的治疗和深入研究奠定基础。

【Abstract】 Bruxism is a non-physiological function of the movement of teeth grinding or clenching type. It is great harmful, but the disease has neither a clear cause nor a uniform effective treatment now. Among these treatments, biteplate treatment is a more effective method.So we have developed a good function of guardianship and effective treatment device which based on biteplate treatment, as well as to meet the needs of medical research equipments of Bruxism. This article introduced the status of bruxism research at home and abroad at first, and compared the different of several classic bruxism monitor devices which made by some universities and hospitals in the world. And then the structure of device and the improved methods were elaborated.The device was comprised by four parts. The weak signal acquistion module was designed to obtain the datas of the teeth force in bruxism which including signal processing circuit. In order to further improve the signal of the teeth force, PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) piezoelectric films was used to make a piezoelectric sensor to meet the requirements of system. The function of the signal control module was achieved by single-chip, which is in charge of AD changing of the acquired signal, controlling the recording function of the audio chip, the work of the Bluetooth module and so on. The third module was designed to communicate with mobile phone by wireless ways and then deal with the signal of teeth force by the software which developed by ourself. Biofeedback module includes two kinds of biofeedback ways: sound feedback and vibrating feedback treatment. These two methods were realized by using audio chip and vibrating module.The further improvements of the device will be investigated in the future. Our work will lay a base for curing the bruxism.

【关键词】 磨牙症生物反馈咬合力远程治疗
【Key words】 Bruxsimbiofeedbackbite force of teethtelemedicine

