

Research on Software Componentization for Aero-Engine Modeling

【作者】 孙龙飞

【导师】 孙健国;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 航空宇航推进理论与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 组件化程序设计方法作为解决“软件危机”的一种可行办法,近几年得到了极大的重视,使用这种方法开发的应用程序有非常突出的组装性能,通过使用已有的组件以及自己开发的组件,程序员可以方便地开发自己的应用程序,并且可以通过替换组件达到软件的维护以及更新的目的。本文以建立一个可重用和扩展灵活的航空发动机通用仿真平台为目标,运用面向对象的分析和设计方法,建立了仿真平台框架;采用面向对象编程语言C++,在Windows平台上基于现有的MFC类库,以Microsoft公司的COM规范为标准编写了发动机部件组件,以及使用TCP协议的网络组件,除此之外还开发了基于ADO、DAO两种访问方式的数据库组件。与此同时,本文重点优化了数据在内存中的使用方式,使得仿真数据得到了充分的保护,并且尽量减少了数据冗余,避免了传统开发方式中的全局变量的使用。最后,以某型双轴混排涡扇发动机为例,在开发的仿真平台上搭建了该型航空发动机的仿真模型,并虚拟了发动机的工作过程以验证组件化航空发动机仿真平台的可行性。

【Abstract】 Component-based programming as a feasible method to solve the "software crisis" has been highly valued in recent years. Application based on this method has prominent assembly performance. Programmers can develop their own application expediently by using existing components and their own, and can replace software components to achieve the maintenance and upgrading.This paper is aimed to create a reusable and expanding-flexibly aero-engine simulation platform. A framework for the simulation platform has been established by using object-oriented analysis and design methods. Engine component and network component using TCP protocol have been built by using object-oriented programming language C + + on the Windows platform based on the existing MFC class library and Microsoft’s COM specification standard. In addition, database components have been developed through two types of access ways—ADO and DAO.Meanwhile, this article has optimized the data in memory use, making simulation data have been fully protected, and minimized the data redundancy, and avoided the use of global variables.Finally, taking a certain dual-axis mixed turbofan engine for example, a simulation model of this type of aero-engine has been developed on the existing simulation platform, and it has verified the feasibility of the component-based simulation platform of aero-engine by virtual working process of this engine.


