

Research on Adaptive Wing Structures Based on Niti SMA Actuator

【作者】 李飞

【导师】 徐志伟;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 工程力学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 科技的发展带来航空器设计的革命,自适应机翼因其具有自动调节机翼形状以获得最佳气动性能的能力而成为研究热点。形状记忆合金(Shape Memory Alloy,简称SMA)作为驱动器具有大应变、高效的工作输出和潜在的材料融合性,成为自适应机翼驱动器的最佳选择之一。因此,研究形状记忆合金驱动器在自适应机翼结构中的应用,必将推动自适应机翼设计的发展。基于上述思想,本文对形状记忆合金驱动自适应机翼的可行性进行了研究,将形状记忆合金与机械结构相结合,设计基于形状记忆合金驱动的自适应机翼结构。本文的主要工作有:(1)全面测试形状记忆合金各项性能参数,为自适应机翼结构的设计提供参考和依据;(2)分析形状记忆合金丝的驱动机理、驱动方式和影响形状记忆合金动作响应速度的因素;(3)设计多关节自适应机翼结构,并选择差动方式进行驱动;(4)利用测得的形状记忆合金参数建立自适应机翼变形结构的力学模型,并利用Pro/e软件仿真计算,验证设计的可行性;(5)制作自适应机翼结构,并利用本试验室自行设计的控制系统,对该自适应结构进行了弯曲角度的控制实验,实现了弯曲角度可控。通过以上工作,从理论和试验上,证明了该变体结构的可行性和有效性,为自适应机翼的进一步研究打下基础。本文只是对SMA变体机构做了一些基础性的设计、计算工作,在提高变体结构响应频率、控制系统的有效性等方面还有待进一步研究。

【Abstract】 The surroundings of traditional aircraft change intensively during flight, and it is difficult for aircraft wings to fit the change properly. The adaptive wing based on smart structure is one of the most effective methods to solve the problem. The concept of adaptive wing is that the wing shape parameters such as camber, span-wise twist, and thickness can be varied to optimize the wing shape for various flight conditions. For aircraft, concepts include: active feedback control systems for flutter suppression, load alleviation, and improvements in ride quality; and changing the shape of the wing for optimal performance at different flight conditions (take-off, landing, maneuver, and multiple cruise conditions). Many scientists have completed a lot of research in this area and the aerodynamic benefits of this concept have been analyzed and proved.In this paper, Niti SMA is selected as the actuator; the theoretical model and analysis of SMA are achieved. The basic characteristics of shape memory alloy (SMA) are obtained. Then, the structures of the trailing edge of adaptive wing are designed, simulated and analyzed. The configuration of SMA actuators on this structure is also finished. Finally, the experiments are arranged to verify the feasibility and reliability of the adaptive wing structures.


