

Meaning Construction of English Megametaphor from Cognitive Perspective

【作者】 潘玉娇

【导师】 徐朝晖;

【作者基本信息】 长春理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 博喻作为一种复杂的隐喻现象,在西方最早可以追溯到荷马时代,而在中国古代也早已作为一种修辞方法在文学创作中得以运用。但一直以来博喻主要作为一种修辞方法被众多学者反复研读,对于博喻的意义研究一直鲜有人提及。但没有博喻的深入研究,隐喻的研究也有缺憾。因此本文旨在分析博喻的意义建构。为了便于阐释博喻的意义建构,笔者在魏纪东分类的基础上,将其延伸式博喻和平行式博喻的分类进行了进一步的细化,即把延伸式博喻分为带有显性根隐喻和带有隐性根隐喻两种;平行式博喻分为带有显性共同蕴含和带有隐性共同蕴含两种。并在此分类基础上结合认知理论中极具阐释力的框架理论和概念整合理论对不同类型博喻的意义建构进行解析,并找出其建构过程中的不同。上述两个理论为博喻的意义建构提供了动态的意义建构模型,并揭示了意义建构中的认知机制。但是博喻作为一种特殊的隐喻现象,有着复杂的意义结构。在意义阐释的过程中,框架理论对框架中的各种元素形成意义的具体过程的解释稍显模糊。同时框架转移的过程如何进行也稍欠清晰。但这些不足可以利用概念整合理论进行补充。概念整合理论中的四维空间理论,层创结构以及复杂的整合过程能够充分解释意义生成的运演过程,尤其对于博喻这种复杂的语言现象更具有阐释力。

【Abstract】 Megametaphor is a special type of metaphor which is composed of a series of metaphors. The study of metaphor is the hottest topic in linguistic studies, yet without enough attention to megametaphor, the study of metaphor will be inadequate. So this thesis aims at analyzing the meaning construction of megametaphor which is a rewarding and challenging topic.According to Wei Jidong’s classification, there are two types of megametaphors: extended-type megametaphor and parallel-type meagmetaphor. For the convenience of research, the author of this thesis further divides each of these two types of metametaphor into two subtypes. According to the keynote metaphor, the extended-type megametaphor is classified as extended-type megametaphor with explicit or implicit keynote metaphor. While according to the common entailment, the parallel-type megametaphor is classified as parallel-type megametaphor with explicit or implicit common entailment.Based on this classification of megametaphor, the meaning construction of megametpahor is studied from the perspectives of frame theory and conceptual integration theory, which contains the most explanatory power on metaphor. The author interprets meaning construction of different types of megametaphor and finds out differences in the constructing process of them.These two theories reveal how the cognitive mechanisms run in the process of meaning construction of megametaphor from different perspectives. The frame theory and conceptual integration theory provide an effective and dynamic model of meaning construction. However, the meaning construction of megametaphor is very complicated because the structure of both extended-type and parallel-type megametaphor is complex. In a frame theory model, how the elements in the frames are combined into the real meanings and how the frame shifting takes place are not shown clearly. But the defects can be supplemented by the conceptual integration theory. With the four mental spaces and an emergent structure, the blending process is interpreted in details. Therefore, it is more accurate than the frame theory, especially explaining the complicated structures as megamtaphor.However, much more effort is still necessary to reveal the universal laws of cognitive mechanism of megametaphor.

  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】85

