

Research on Vibration Reduction for Dehydration Process of Drum Washing Machine

【作者】 罗宝台

【导师】 赵荣祥;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 电机与电器, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 滚筒洗衣机在脱水启动以及运行过程中存在着强烈的振动,这种振动是由于偏心负载的作用引起的。滚筒洗衣机工作时,由于负载的作用使得驱动电机定转子之间的气隙磁场分布呈现不对称分布状态,从而在转子上产生单边磁拉力,使得转矩出现脉动。这将使洗衣机滚筒产生振动,并伴随着强烈的噪声。针对洗衣机的减振降噪前人开发了一系列机械角度的减振方法,但都存在种种限制。随着近年来信号检测技术,电机控制技术以及智能控制技术的发展,新型号的洗衣机减振方法的开发得到了长足的进步。本文在理论和实验基础上针对斜式滚筒洗衣机的振动检测以及振动控制做了详细的研究工作,本文的结构以及主要内容如下:第一章首先介绍了滚筒洗衣机的振动和噪声的产生机理,然后针对选题背景以及实际意义做了详细论述,介绍了国内外滚筒洗衣机振动检测以及振动控制的主要技术手段。对全文工作做了简单介绍。第二章介绍了永磁同步电机矢量控制系统的基本原理,然后介绍了驱动系统的主要硬件组。最后,针对驱动系统控制软件PE-View的主要功能做了简单介绍。第三章首先介绍了脱水振动产生的机理以及振动检测方案,然后介绍了偏心负载的径向及轴向位置的确定方法,并给出实验验证,其中径向定位由前期工作完成。然后介绍了应用模糊控制对偏心负载轴向位置进行确定的方法并给出了仿真结果。最后介绍了振动的定子电流检测法,推导出了单边磁拉力公式,指出了气隙分布不对称情形下,转子上的电磁力含有2倍频周期分量。之后给出了偏心运行时的定子电流频谱,发现定子电流中存在明显的2倍频分量。第四章介绍了自振动分段控制法的原理并给出了实验结果,提出了基于前馈控制的减振方法,提出了控制算法的快速开发方法。第五章对全文的工作做了总结,并对研究课题的发展做了论述。

【Abstract】 When the drum washing machine start and run in the dehydration process, there is a strong vibration, which is due to the role of eccentric load. Drum washing machine at work, due to the role of the load makes the asymmetry distribution of the magnetic field distribution between the drive motor stator and rotor air gap, resulting in the rotor to generate unilateral magnetic pull, allowing torque pulsation occurs. This will allow washing machine drum to vibrate, and accompanied by a strong noise. For the washing machine noise and vibration reduction predecessors developed a series of mechanical damping angle of approach, but there are limitations. In recent years, with the development of signal detection techniques, motor control technology and intelligent control technology,new models of washing machines vibration methods are being developed with considerable progress.In this paper, you can know the research work in detail, which is theoretical and experimental basis for the ramp-style drum washing machine vibration detection and vibration control. The structure and the main content of this article are as follows:Chapter one introduced the drum washing machine vibration and noise generation mechanism, and then the background for the topics of practical significance, as well as a detailed exposition paper introduces the drum washing machine vibration detection and vibration control of the main technical means.Chapter two describes the permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control system, the basic method, and then introduced the drive system’s main hardware groups. Finally, for the drive system control software, the main function of PE-View did a brief introduction.Chapter three first introduced the mechanism of dehydration produced by vibration and vibration testing program, and then introduced the eccentric load to determine the radial and axial position, and gives experimental verification. The determination of radial position was done by predecessor. Then introduced the application of fuzzy control to the eccentric axial loading location to determine the method and gives the simulation results. Finally the vibration of the stator current detection method, derived the formula of unilateral magnetic pull that the distribution of air gap asymmetry case, the rotor of the electromagnetic force multiplier cycle contains two components. Run-time is given after the eccentric stator current spectrum and found that there exists an obvious stator current in the two harmonic components.Chapter four describes the vibration control method since the principle and the experimental results, is proposed based on the vibration method of feedforward control.Chapter five describes the work done on the full sum, and the development of research done is discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

