

Research on Automotive Headlamp Electronic Ballast Using Full-digital Controlled Mode

【作者】 杨鑫祎

【导师】 钱照明;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 HID氙气灯是一种填充有氙气的高强度放电灯,它的优点是照明亮度高,稳定性好,照射时间长并且节约电能,是目前汽车头灯照明的最佳选择。尽管全球刚刚经历了金融危机,但是中国的汽车前照灯市场始终保持了一定程度的需求,中国仍将会成为全球汽车头灯及配套设施增长最快的一个市场,因此,与HID氙气灯配套的电子镇流器一直是研究的热点。HID氙气汽车头灯电子镇流器有多种控制方式,先后经历了纯模拟控制和数模混合控制,全数字控制方式因为其较以上两种控制方式具有更好的控制灵活性和系统简洁性,成为目前汽车头灯电子镇流器的发展趋势。第一章绪论部分首先介绍了照明的一些基本概念。由于本课题的研究对象是35W HID氙气灯,而HID氙气灯属于高强度气体放电灯的一种,所以绪论部分也对高强度气体放电灯的物理特性和电特性作了介绍。绪论的后半部分对汽车头灯的发展历程作了简要的回顾,并介绍了目前汽车头灯的发展现状和汽车头灯的发展趋势,阐述了本课题的研究意义和要完成的主要工作。第二章对高强度气体放电灯电子镇流器作了研究。章节首先简要的介绍了几种基本的高强度气体放电灯镇流器和研究难点,然后对工作原理为低频方波的电子镇流器拓扑作了重点关注。在低频方波电子镇流器的研究中,对交流输入的低频方波电子镇流的基本结构和最具发展前景的两级式低频方波结构作了详细对比,对直流输入的汽车头灯电子镇流器拓扑作了基本介绍,这一章节为重点研究汽车头灯电子镇流器的关键技术作了铺垫。第三章在前面两章的基础上,对HID氙气汽车头灯电子镇流器的各个关键技术做了仔细研究,这些关键技术包括:HID氙气灯的启动过程、汽车头灯电子镇流器的直流/直流变换器拓扑、点火电路和各种控制技术。由于课题的创新点是全数字控制方式,因此,在控制方法这一领域的研究里,仔细对比了全数字控制相对于模拟控制和数模混合控制的优势和设计全数字控制汽车头灯电子镇流器的难点。这一章节的工作为进行具体实验样机的设计给出了理论依据。第四章非常详细地介绍了实际样机的设计过程,包括系统的整体设计、硬件电路设计、损耗估算、软件平台设计和控制电路的设计。硬件电路设计部分给出了系统关键参数的计算过程、平面变压器的设计情况和其他一些关键组成部分的设计。控制电路部分仔细介绍了单片机在控制中的应用情况,详细给出了全数字控制汽车头灯电子镇流器所需的各种功能的配置情况。文章将恒压控制、电流控制和功率控制的全数字实现原理作了重点介绍。通过实验样机的制作,文章给出了系统运行的波形图,验证了设计的合理性和全数字控制的灵活性及简洁性。

【Abstract】 Xenon lamp is one kind of High Intensity discharge (HID) lamps, and it has the advantages of high stability, long life time and energy saving. Xenon lamp has been selected the most popular automotive headlamp right now, and its demand on market is keeping increasing. As a result, the research on automotive headlamp electronic ballast attracts many electrical engineers. Automotive headlamp electrical ballast has many control ideas, compared to the conventional analog and digital-analog control methods, full-digital control method has the highest flexibility, and it becomes the developing trend in this research area.Chapter 1 first gives the brief introduction about lighting and HID lamps, then introduce the physical and electrical characteristics of HID lamp. At the end of this chapter, the history, application status and developing trend of headlamp has been discussed. The important meaning of the thesis also has been given.Chapter 2 mainly gives some research result about HID electronic ballast including basic ballast topology, key problems of HID electronic ballast. The automotive headlamp electronic ballast is one kind of low-frequency square-wave HID electronic ballast, so this chapter pays more attention to low-frequency square-wave electronic ballast. Two-stage low-frequency square-wave electronic ballast has been included.Chapter 3 gives some research results about key technical problems about headlamp electronic ballast based on formal chapter’s research results. These key technical problems are: the startup technical problems of xenon, the DC/DC converter, the igniter circuit and all kinds of control methods. Because full-digital control method has been chosen, the full-digital control technical has been discussed very carefully.Chapter 4 is the design process of all system parts, including hardware stage design, software stage design, parameter calculation of transformer and system waste calculation, control method of whole control process. By the implement of automotive headlamp electronic ballast prototype, experiment results have been given. These results show the rationality of the system design and do show full-digital control method has been successfully implemented.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

