

Study on the Mechanism of Tolerance to Water Stress in Cut Rose

【作者】 赵志红

【导师】 吴红芝;

【作者基本信息】 云南农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验以目前市场流行的12个月季切花品种为材料,进行失水胁迫耐性的比较,筛选出对失水胁迫耐性高和敏感的品种,并进一步研究耐性和敏感品种失水胁迫时脯氨酸、甜菜碱含量变化的规律,探索月季切花失水胁迫耐性机理,为筛选或培育月季切花远途运输耐性品种提供参考。研究结果如下:1.以瓶插寿命、弯颈率、复水率、鲜重损失率、花朵开放直径和开花级数为衡量指标,从目前市场流行的12个月季切花品种中筛选出失水胁迫耐性品种‘夏克拉’(‘Shakira’)和敏感品种‘友谊’(‘Friendship’)。2.月季切花在轻度失水时,耐性品种‘夏克拉’积累的游离脯氨酸少于敏感品种‘友谊’积累的量;重度失水时,耐性品种‘夏克拉’脯氨酸积累量显著高于敏感品种‘友谊’的积累量。说明敏感品种在失水胁迫时需快速反应积累脯氨酸以抵抗胁迫伤害,而耐性品种则能较长时间适应失水胁迫,脯氨酸随失水胁迫程度加重增加从而长时间更强的抵抗失水胁迫的伤害。3.月季切花‘夏克拉’和‘友谊’复水瓶插6h后,花瓣、叶片中的脯氨酸含量均达到最大值,此后各胁迫处理脯氨酸含量均呈明显下降趋势。耐性品种‘夏克拉’叶片中的脯氨酸含量下降速度快于花瓣中的脯氨酸含量;敏感品种‘友谊’的复水情况与‘夏克拉’相反,花瓣中的脯氨酸含量下降速度快于叶片中的脯氨酸含量。说明不同失水胁迫耐性月季切花的叶片和花瓣,在抵抗失水胁迫耐性中的作用是不一样的。4.耐性品种‘夏克拉’和敏感品种‘友谊’经过失水胁迫处理后,花朵、叶片中游离脯氨酸的含量均大于对照。说明失水胁迫时,月季切花中游离脯氨酸的含量变化与其失水胁迫耐性具有一定的正相关性,可以作为筛选失水胁迫耐性品种的生理指标之一。5.失水胁迫时,耐性品种‘夏克拉’和敏感品种‘友谊’叶片中的甜菜碱含量均随着失水胁迫强度的增加先增加后下降。复水瓶插后,‘夏克拉’和‘友谊’叶片中的甜菜碱含量随复水时间的增长,表现出先降低后增加的趋势。说明甜菜碱在月季切花抗失水胁迫伤害方面有着重要的调节作用。

【Abstract】 The tolerance of cut rose cultivars to water stress was studied. The tolerant variety‘Shakira’and sensitive variety‘Friendship’was obtained respectively. The change of free proline and betaine in the tolerant variety and sensitive variety was studied when they were subjected to water stress. The results were as follows:1.‘Shakira’,which is strong tolerance to water stress , and‘Friendship’, which is sensitive to water stress were screened out from 12 cut rose cultivars, which are popular in the market, according to vase life, bent neck rate, water recovery rate, fresh weight loss,flowers diameter and flowering index.2. The accumulation of free proline in‘Shakira’was less than that of‘Friendship’during the light water stress, but the accumulation of free proline in‘Shakira’was much higher during the heavy water stress. Therefore, sensitive varieties avoid harmfulness from water stress by accumulating free proline quickly; tolerant varieties have a stronger resistance to water stress, and free proline increases with increasing water stress.3. When water recovery was 6 hours, the accumulation of free proline of flowers and leaves was at the highest point in‘Shakira’and‘Friendship’, then the accumulation of proline declined obviously. The decreasing of proline accumulation of leaves in‘Shakira’was faster than that of flowers, and the situation in‘Friendship’was opposite; the decreasing of proline accumulation of flowers in‘Friendship’was faster than leaves. It means that flowers and leaves’function is different to water stress in different cut roses.4. During water stress, the accumulation of proline of flowers and leaves were greater than that of control in‘Shakira’and‘Friendship’. Therefore, It can be concluded: the proline accumulation in cut rose is positive to water stress, and can be used a physiological standard to select variety which is tolerant to water stress.5. During water stress, the accumulations of betaine were increased in‘Shakira’and‘Friendship’firstly, then declining obviously. After water recovery, the accumulation of betaine declined in‘Shakira’and‘Friendship’, later the accumulation of betaine was increased. The above results showed: betaine has an important role on the tolerance to water stress in cut rose.

【关键词】 月季切花失水胁迫耐性脯氨酸甜菜碱
【Key words】 cut rosetolerance to water stressprolinebetaine

