

In-situ Simulated Study on Manure Water-solubable Phosphorus Fractions and Its Nitrogen & Phosphorus Losses in Dianchi Lake Watershed

【作者】 龚文

【导师】 李永梅; 张维理;

【作者基本信息】 云南农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 滇池流域农田氮磷流失直接威胁滇池水体安全,当地农民又有向长期集约化利用农田增施有机肥以改良土壤的习惯,准确把握有机肥水溶性磷组分和氮磷流失规律,是决定能否充分发挥有机肥独特价值的关键,而正确、合理利用畜禽粪便的前提条件就是要预知其成分、含量及其流失特征。本研究在滇池流域选择三种具有代表性的畜禽养殖场,根据畜禽生长规律对其粪便进行连续取样分析,分析了滇池流域猪、奶牛、蛋鸡三种主要畜禽不同生长阶段粪便可溶性磷组分的含量变化;然后利用人工降雨的方法对滇池流域不同种植方式下施用有机肥农田进行了原位模拟研究,探讨了施用有机肥农田的氮、磷流失特征,结果表明:(1)滇池流域主要畜禽(猪、奶牛、蛋鸡)不同生长阶段粪便中水溶性磷的平均含量在1232.1 mg/kg~5012.7mg/kg之间,其中可溶性无机磷是其水溶性磷的主要形态,约为水溶性磷的80%,水溶性有机磷约占20%。不同畜禽、不同生长阶段有机肥中水溶性磷流失潜能和风险高低不同,水溶性无机磷的流失潜能和风险最大。本试验研究三种畜禽中,蛋鸡粪便中可溶性磷含量最高,猪粪次之,奶牛粪最低。(2)不同土地利用类型间渗漏水量和径流水量存在一定的差异,表现出集约化蔬菜、花卉地多于大田;不同土地利用类型农田渗漏水量大于径流水量。(3)滇池流域坝区农田氮流失的主要途径是渗漏,磷流失的主要途径为径流。(4)通过径流、渗漏途径流失的不同形态氮、磷浓度和流失量都随着有机肥用量的增加而增加,它们之间存在显著相关关系,相关系数(r)在0.75以上。(5)水溶性总氮(DTN)是农田氮素流失的主要形态,水溶性总磷(DTP)是渗漏流失方式下磷素流失的主要形态,颗粒态磷(PP)是径流流失方式下磷素流失的主要形态,与有机肥用量无关。通过渗漏流失的DTP,约占全部渗漏流失磷量的60%以上,通过径流流失的PP,约占全部径流流失磷量的80%以上。(6)集约化蔬菜、花卉种植区域是农田氮、磷流失的高风险区域,也是控制农田氮、磷流失的重要区域。同一有机肥用量情况下,集约化种植的蔬菜、花卉农田,其以径流和渗漏方式流失的氮、磷的流失浓度以及流失量皆要高于大田的。(7)有机肥施用使得土壤中氮、磷的累积增加,增大了土壤中氮磷流失风险。

【Abstract】 Nitrogen and phosphorus losses from farmlands in Dianchi Lake watershed is a threaten to the body of water in Dianchi lake,in order to improve soil , local farmers get accustomed to apply manure into intensive cultivated farmlands , whether it can produce a marked manure distinctive effect or not , the key is to grasp manure water-solubable phosphorus fractions and the law of nitrogen & phosphorus loss exactly, but the precondition to utilize livestock or poultry manure correctly and reasonably is to foresee manure compositions and contents and their loss characteristics.Three kinds of typical livestock or poultry nurseries(pig,cow and egg chicken) were selected in this test, livestock or poultry manure was sampled and analyzed continuously in different growth stages according to their growth laws , the contents dissoluble phosphorus fractions were analyzed on the basis of their growth laws in three kinds of major livestock or poultry manure.And then with the in-situ simulated rainfa11 method the test studied nitrogen & phosphorus losses of farmlands of applied manure in Dianchi Lake watershed. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) Dissoluble phosphorus (DTP )average content is beween 1232.1 mg/kg and 5012.7 mg/kg in different growth stages in the three kinds of major livestock or poultry (pig, cow, egg chicken) manure in Dianchi Lake watershed, the dissoluble inorganic phosphorus(DIP) is the main form, the percentage of DIP and the dissoluble organic phosphorus (DOP) are 80% and 20%, respectively; The loss potency and risk of dissoluble DTP in livestock manures and poultry are different , the loss potency and risk of DIP are the greatest,among the three kinds of major livestock or poultry , the DTP concent is the highest in the egg chicken manure , the pig′s is higher than the cow′s.(2) There is a distinction between leakage water amount and run-off water amount among the different land utilization types,it shows that the amounts in the intensive cultivated vegetable and flower farmlands are more than that in the usual fields; the leakage water amount is more than run-off water amount among the different land utilization types.(3) Leakage is the main way of nitrogen loss and surface run-off is the main way of phosphorus loss in the Champaign district farmlands in Dianchi Lake watershed.(4) There was a positive correlation between the concentration and amount of N,P forms, the loss amounts of N,P by leakage and runoff and the application amounts of manures, the coefficient correlations are all more than 0.75.(5) There isn’t a correlation with manure amount, the total dissolved nitrogen (DTN) is the main loss form in farmlands, of which the average amount of loss occupies more than 70% of the total loss nitrogen, DTP is the main phosphorus loss form, of which the average amount of loss occupies more than 60% of the total loss phosphorus under the loss type of leakage; Under the loss type of surface run-off, the partical phosphorus( PP) is the main phosphorus loss form , of which the average occupies more than 80% of the total loss phosphorus.(6) The planting areas of intensive vegetable and flower are the high risk of nitrogen or phosphorus losses and they are also the important districts to control nitrogen or phosphorus losses. Under the same applied amount of manure condition, the loss concentration and amount of nitrogen and phosphorus by leakage and surface run-off in the intensive vegetable and flower farmlands is more than that in usual fields.(7) Manure applied makes the cumulative amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus increase in soil ,and this aggrandizes the loss rise of nitrogen and phosphorus.

  • 【分类号】X52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】154

