

A Study on Strategic Planning of Logistics Corporation--For Long Gu Group

【作者】 江丽君

【导师】 杨丹;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , MPAcc, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 物流是为满足顾客需求而对商品及相关信息从产地到消费地高效率、低成本流动和储存而进行的规划、实施和控制过程,其使命是使正确的商品或服务在正确的时间、以良好的状态到达正确的地点,同时对企业做出最大贡献。物流业一如人体的血管,输送营养,代谢废物。拥有畅通、快捷、准时、经济合理的社会化、专业化物流网络,整个社会生产生活才能正常运行,发展现代物流业,是我国应对经济全球化和加入世界贸易组织后全面开放的迫切需要,对于提高我国经济运行质量和效益,优化资源配置,改善投资环境,增强综合国力和企业竞争力具有重要意义。现代物流业是一个高度集成的行业,涉及到众多领域,提供的是综合性服务,需要合理配置及整合资源。随着全球经济一体化和科学技术的迅猛发展,物流业发展迅速。由于我国的物流业起步较晚,虽然经历了近年的快速发展,整体水平仍较低,目前已全面向外资开放,竞争日趋激烈。如何在复杂多变的环境中应对激烈的竞争、合理配置和整合资源是国内物流企业面临的大挑战。本文以一个处于高速发展中的民营物流企业为例,在对其现状进行充分调研,并对调研材料进行认真分析的基础上,运用企业战略管理相关理论,结合一些定量与定性的分析方法,系统地研究了该企业的发展战略,力求能对同类企业起到一定的借鉴作用。全文共分六章。第一章,先简要地介绍了国内外物流市场的现状、国内物流市场存在的问题以及物流市场未来的发展趋势,接着对龙谷集团的概况进行了简述,然后提出了本文研究方法。在第二章中,阐述了企业战略管理的基本理论,包括企业战略的相关概念以及战略管理的产生、发展历程及其理论派别,同时阐述了我国战略管理运用状况及条件。其中把战略的发展历程分为四个阶段:1960年是战略管理理论的萌芽阶段;70年代就进入了热潮阶段,这时候西方企业界宣称进入了“战略管理”时代,战略管理的著作也大量涌现;而80年代战略受到企业界冷落,开始进入回落阶段;进入90年代,企业的规模日益扩大,企业管理的有效性和效率问题变得非常重要而且,战略管理的重要性就显得十分突出,战略又重新受到了企业界的重视。进入21世纪,企业面临着新的机遇和挑战,企业战略理论也需要寻求新的发展。第三章,从经济环境、政策环境、技术环境三方面阐述了企业的外部环境,通过对龙谷集团外部环境充分的分析研究,来判断龙谷集团在行业中所处的位置和生存发展机会大小,并据此对各种可供选择的企业经营战略进行反复分析、比较,以找到对企业现在和未来发展最为有利的经营战略,以有助于企业合理配置内部资源,提高对外部环境的及时反应能力,增强企业对动态环境的适应能力和竞争能力。企业的宏观环境主要包括政治法律、经济、技术以及社会文化等宏观因素,分析宏观环境的一个常用工具是PEST分析模型,即从政治法律(Political)、经济(Economic)、社会文化(Social)和技术(Technological)角度分析环境变化对本企业的影响。同时进行了行业分析,弄清行业的总体情况,发现环境中存在的威胁,寻找企业发展的机会,把握竞争的形势,进行行业选择及在行业中所处地位的选择。第四章,对企业内部环境进行了分析,企业在追求市场机遇时,不仅要以外部机会的存在为基础,还要以公司资源形成的竞争优势为基础,因此对企业的管理状况、组织架构、商业模式、资金筹措以及企业的历史沿革等多个方面来进行分析。分析企业内部环境,可以使企业管理人员把握企业现有的经营资源,正确认识企业自身的经营实力和竞争力,根据外部环境的变化,在考虑外部环境机会与威胁的基础上,发挥企业内部的经营优势,克服企业的劣势,增强企业对环境变化的承受能力。第五章,运用SWOT分析法以及企业竞争能力分析法来分析公司的优劣势、面临的机会和威胁,分析公司的核心竞争力,比较公司的备选战略,对公司进行战略规划。根据分析结果,制定出龙谷集团的战略方案,从而制定出龙谷集团的发展战略:以公司现有物流业务和基础设施为基础,通过资本运作和运用现代信息技术充分整合社会现有闲散物流资源,广泛结成战略联盟,建立“非资产型”的第三方物流企业,成为中国最大的物流综合服务供应商。以物流运作服务和物流增值服务为基础,建立物流电子商务平台,结成广泛的战略联盟,成为中国最大的物流综合服务供应商。把商流、物流、信息流、资金流四流合一,形成集约、集成的第三方物流公司。第六章,在明确龙谷集团战略发展基本思路与框架的基础上,为保证龙谷集团的战略顺利实施,根据企业内部运作状况,首先应分析其战略实施的风险,同时应采取行之有效的措施为之提供保障。从组织、制度、技术和资金四个方面来为战略执行提供保障措施。同时,又为战略执行提供了相应的路径选择。本文在研究中运用了理论研究、实证研究等方法。理论研究主要有战略理论研究、环境扫描研究等;实证研究主要是以龙谷集团为例,将这些理论及模型应用其中。在全球化和国际化的环境下,中国的每个物流企业都面临着一个如何选择战略规划问题,每个物流企业都在依据自己的企业实际情况和经济环境,尝试制定适应自己企业、适应市场机制的发展规划战略。本文是在分析调查龙谷集团的基础上,把实际情况与物流战略思想理论相结合,对构建集团物流体系,发展集团物流产业,建立集团公司自己的物流信息平台,实现集团公司物流系统网络化,强化集团物流体系进行了规划研究,它将为实现龙谷集团物流体系发展起到一定的指导作用,即:以公司现有物流业务和基础设施为基础,通过资本运作和运用现代信息技术充分整合社会现有闲散物流资源,广泛结成战略联盟,建立“非资产型”的第三方物流企业,成为中国最大的物流综合服务供应商。我国传统的物流体制已经不能符合现代物流企业发展战略需要。本文研究了龙谷集团公司从传统物流体制向真正意义上的第三方物流公司的发展过程中所应该采取的措施和对策,并对其经济效果和管理效果作了具体分析,运用SWOT分析法对集团的优势、劣势,面临的机会和威胁分别进行了分析,对企业进行战略规划,同时对企业战略实施的步骤以及保障措施进行了具体阐述。这就是本文的创新点所在。由于我国物流业尚欠发达且受到龙谷集团所处地理位置所限,使得本文在市场调研方面还存在一定局限性。

【Abstract】 Logistics is the process of efficient planning and controlling of the transportation and storage of products and related information from the origin field to consumption area to meet the requirements of customers, the purpose is to enable the right products and services to reach the right location at the suitable time and in good condition, therefore contributing for enterprises the most. Logistics is just like human’s blood vessel, transporting nourishment and excreting waste. The entire society can not operate if we do not have the smooth, timely, economical and professional logistics network. Developing modern logistics is greatly necessary for our country to boost economy globalization and promote the opening steps after entering the WTO, which is most helpful to raise our economy operation quality and efficiency, to optimize the resources distribution, to improve the investment environment and to strong the integrated nation and enterprise competitive power.Modern logistics has a high degree of integration, covering various fields and providing integrated services, hence it needs suitable resources distribution. With the economy globalization and science technology development, logistics develops rapidly. Since our logistics started rather late, its whole development level is still low though it improves speedily these years, with the process of opening to foreign ventures the competition is more and more severely. It is great challenge for our logistics enterprises to face the severe competition and distribute resources in the condition of complicate and changing environment. This article gives an example of a rapid developing private enterprise, while investigating and researching it and careful study, uses enterprise strategy management theory, combines the quantification and qualification analyzing methods, researches this enterprise’s development strategy all-round, and tries to make it as a reference. The article is divided into 6 chapters.First of all, it briefly introduces current domestic overseas logistics market status, domestic logistics market existing problems and logistic market future development trend, and provides Longgu group overview and offers the research method of this article. Secondly, it explains the basic theory of enterprise strategy management, including related concepts of enterprise strategy and its origin, development and the condition and status for using it. The strategy development is divided into 4 phases: the year of 1960 is the origin phase of strategy management theory; in the decade of 70s, it entered the hot-view phase, during which, the western enterprises declared the strategy management era was coming, plenty of strategy management works came into being; in the decade of 80s, strategy was treated coldly and started to lower down; in the decade of 90s, with the enterprise scale enlarged little by little, the efficiency and effectiveness became more and more important for enterprises, the necessity of strategy management was greatly evident, and the strategy was attached importance again by enterprises; in the 21st century, enterprises face new opportunities and challenges the strategy theory needs new development accordingly.Thirdly, explain enterprises’ outside environment in 3 aspects of economy, politic and technology environments, through full researching to the outside environment for Longgu group, to estimate its status and development opportunity in the industry, in addition analysis and compare all the optional enterprise strategy, then select the favorable strategy for the current and future development, hoping it can enable enterprise to distribute the internal resources reasonably and raise the reaction power for external environment, boost up its adaptation and competition power for the dynamic operation environment. The macro-environment of enterprise mainly includes political, economic, social, cultural and technological factors; the analysis tool for the macro-environment is PEST analysis model, that is, from the political, economic, social, cultural and technological point of view to analyze the effect to the enterprise caused by the changed environment. Meanwhile, it also analyzes the industry and grasps the total condition, finds the threats and opportunity, controls the competition situation, and chooses the industry and relative status. In the end, it uses the SWOT matrices theory to analysis the opportunity, threat, strength and worse, which the enterprise faces; understand the exterior opportunity and threat and interior strength and worth.Fourthly, when seeking for the exterior opportunity, enterprises will not only base on the exterior existing opportunity, but also its interior resources strength, therefore, analysis enterprises interior environment such as management status, organization structure, human resource, marketing, finance status, entire performance, so that can help management level to grasp the current internal resource, recognize enterprise operation and competition power itself, considering the external environment opportunity and threat to develop its internal operation strength and overcome worse, to boost up the adaptation power for the changing exterior environment.Fifthly, according to the analysis result, it composes Longgu group development strategy proposal: based on the current logistics and fundamental facility, through capital operation and modern information technology reuse social current scattered logistics resources, it combines into strategy alliance, establishes "non-asset" third party logistics enterprise, and becomes the largest logistics integrated services provider in China, meanwhile, it unifies the business, logistics, information and capital aspects into a integrated third-party logistics company. In the end, when understanding the basic idea and framework of Longgu group strategy development, in order to safeguard Longgu group strategy implementation, according to the internal operation status, it analyzes the strategy implementation risks and takes related measures to guarantee the implementation with the 4 aspects of organization, system, technology and capital, at the same time provides the related method for the strategy implementation.In the research, the theory study and practical example are combined in this article. Theory study mainly includes the strategy and environment scan, and etc; practical example study mostly set the example of Longgu group, applies these theories and models to it.

【关键词】 物流发展战略战略规划
【Key words】 LogisticsDevelopment strategyStrategy plan
  • 【分类号】F253
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】666

