

【作者】 谢虎

【导师】 易敏利;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 经营战略,或者所谓业务层面战略,是服从公司发展战略(总体战略)前提下,对经营内容的选择和定位,以及相关的一系列实施措施。它的基本特征就是在顾客、竞争者及利益攸关者之间,在短期和长期之间,在内部和外部之间找到平衡点。在复杂多变的环境下,它是企业聚焦于核心竞争优势以及取得长期可持续发展的强效工具。两面针公司有自己的公司战略和使命陈述以及愿景等,也获得了公司发展所需要的相关资源条件,但是,实际经营结果并不理想。原因不是公司发展战略或总体战略不对,而是公司的经营战略与公司的总体战略脱节。两面针公司的总体战略突出了公司的核心业务和竞争能力,经营战略应该是围绕这一核心,在业务方面具体化,而不是偏离这一核心实行自己并不擅长的多元化,以致在无任何战略优势指引的多元化投资中迷失方向,大多数项目以失败告终。本文肯定两面针公司的传统经营优势,也认可在此基础上提出并经过去发展经验证明的公司总体战略,以及相应的愿景和使命。并且,认为在这样的愿景和使命的引领下,实现经营层面业务战略的创新,特别是在公司总体战略思路指导下的营销战略的创新,实现公司经营战略的重新定位,两面针完全可以走出发展的低谷,再现辉煌。本文依据战略管理理论,采用定性和定量、理论和实践相结合的方法,分析两面针公司当前面临的经营战略问题。目的是为柳州两面针公司的核心牙膏业务提供一个切实可行的经营战略,指明未来的战略方向,并为类似公司或牙膏品牌的战略管理提供参考。本文的创新之处主要在于研究如何避免经营战略对总体战略的偏离,使经营战略与企业总体战略保持一致,并提出了具体的经营战略定位的核心和关键点。本文主要内容有6个部分:1.绪论。首先介绍当前柳州两面针公司经营中存在的主要问题、研究目的和意义;其次,回顾目前国内外关于牙膏行业的战略研究现状;最后,说明全文的主要内容、研究方法、贡献和不足。2.两面针公司发展战略和实施成效回顾。主要回顾两面针的发展历程,发展战略的基本内容和实施成效。3.从经营战略和行为方面分析发展战略失效的原因。总结了其过度地、非相关多元化经营战略导致发展战略失效的原因。4.核心业务未来发展趋势分析。通过情景分析维度,分析两面针公司核心牙膏业务的未来发展趋势,找出未来可能由此带来的机会。5.核心业务经营战略定位分析。通过对外部经营环境、竞争者和消费者的分析,结合企业内部的资源、能力和核心竞争力,进行TOWS分析,并提出相应的组合策略。首先,必须与企业总体战略保持一致,即与企业的使命和愿景保持同一方向、协同一致。其次,两面针公司应该停止非相关多元化的战略,减少目前的八大业务单元,以日化为核心主业,在保持证券市场投资和其他盈利项目的情况下,采取相关多元化战略。再次,针对牙膏业务,采用集中差异化的竞争战略定位;最后,在市场定位战略中,保持天然、草本类牙膏差异化的同时,集中公司资源,重点进攻区域性市场,取得局部领先,然后再步步为营,拓展更多的区域市场和防蛀、美白、清新口气等细分市场。6.经营战略的实施。从营销战略和策略的角度对两面针经营战略的实施进行阐述,并指出,战略管理的关键点在于加强执行力。

【Abstract】 Being subject to company’s development strategy, business strategy is the selection and positioning of strategic business units, as well as a series of implementation measures. Its basic feature is that a certain balance among the customers, competitors and other stakeholders should be reached in any efficient marketing strategy. In the complex and ever-changing market circumstance, it has become a powerful tool for the enterprises to focus on obtaining the core competitive advantage and achieving its long-term stable and sustainable development.With the guidance of strategic management theory, this paper conducts a thorough study on the current strategy problems of Liuzhou LMZ Company by using both the qualitative and quantitative means, combining theories and practice together. The ultimate purpose of this paper is to put forward a set of practical and operational solution to Liuzhou LMZ company, and fix on its development direction of business in the future. Accordingly, the conclusion provides some references for the strategic management of some enterprises which are similar to Liuzhou LMZ Company. This paper is made of the following six parts:1. Introduction. First, this part explains the background and significance of the article, including the current problems of Liuzhou LMZ Company. Second, this paper introduces the domestic and foreign present research situation of the toothpaste industry. Third, it also draws out the analysis framework and methodology of this paper.2. Review of development strategy. This part recalls the main course of development and introduces the basic elements of development strategy and the effectiveness of the implementation.3. The analysis of the development and business strategy. In the use of strategic management framework, this part analyzes the cause of the problems in the corporate and business strategies by looking back through history.4. The analysis of core strategic business units. By forecasting trends, this part points out the future direction of development and opportunities.5. The analysis of business strategy. Based on the environment analysis, the concerns of opponents, the insight into customer needs and TOWS analysis, the business strategy is obtained. Most of all, Liuzhou LMZ Company must stop unrelated diversification strategy and take differentiation strategy focusing on its core business such as the toothpaste industry and keep core competences in accordance with its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Secondly, it must be taken into focusing on differentiation in positioning of the competitive strategy. Finally, the market positioning strategy is to maintain differentiation of the natural, herbal toothpaste category, including the concentration of corporate resources, the focus of offensive regional markets, local leader. And then, step-by-step, it is very important for LMZ to explore and develop more regional markets and mothproof , whitening, fresh breath and other market segments.6. The implementation of business strategy. In this part, the author indicates the key points of marketing strategy in accordance with the business strategy.

【关键词】 发展战略经营战略定位两面针
【Key words】 Development strategyBusiness strategyPositioningLMZ
  • 【分类号】F426.72
  • 【下载频次】531

