

The Exploratory Research of Influence Factor for the Credibility of Online Word-of-mouth

【作者】 艾青

【导师】 朱敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球互联网的发展,网络口碑营销成为了研究和实践的焦点,互联网口碑营销的重要性也日益显现。伴随虚拟社区的发展,网络中人际沟通也越来越受到重视。许多公司均采取积极措施鼓励消费者在网络虚拟社区中交流信息。传统的口碑沟通是指信息传播者与接收者面对面的、非正式的沟通行为。因为口碑传播是一种直接面对面并且无商业目的的沟通行为。透过双方的讨论交流因而对特定的商品或服务产生更多的认识,进而影响消费者对客体的评价与消费意愿,所以口碑传播被认为是一种比较自主、可靠、值得依赖的信息来源,并且具有相当大的传播与影响效果,被学者与实务界广泛重视与研究。随着网络传播媒介的发展,口碑不再只是局限于人与人面对面之间的交流,而是将意见、经验与评论等通过讨论区、聊天室、留言板等网络空间传播,形成新形态的网络口碑。网络口碑在匿名的情况下传播,网络谣言、恶意攻击的可能性增大。第十八次网络调查中,网民对于内容真实性表示满意的只有31%,消费者对网络口碑的信任体现出与传统口碑的明显差异。当口碑不再局限于传统的面对面之间的交流,而是通过网络进行口碑传播时,在网络充斥着谣言、虚假信息的同时,口碑是否依然能够得到消费者的信任?哪些因素会影响到消费者对网络口碑的信任?网络口碑传播者和网络口碑传播媒介(网络口碑所依赖的虚拟社区)的可信度,是否影响消费者对网络口碑信息内容的信任?针对这些问题,作者在回顾己有的口碑沟通和虚拟社区信任研究的基础之上提出本文的研究框架,探讨网络口碑可信度的影响因素,文章主要包括以下六个部分:绪论,该部分提出了本文的研究背景,指明了该项研究的理论意义和现实意义。并概括了文章的整体框架,使用的研究方法,最后特别说明了研究的创新之处。第一章对国内外口碑及网络口碑的研究文献进行了综述。通过回顾以往的研究,发现以下三个特点:(1)大部分的研究都集中在网络口碑的传播意愿或网络口碑对消费者购买决策的影响之上,而根据消费者态度理论模型,网络口碑是通过影响消费者的态度从而影响购买决策,当消费者对网络口碑产生信任以后,并不一定马上形成购买决策,而是在态度上发生改变,潜意识影响到消费者的购买决策,而目前对于网络口碑可信度的研究非常少;(2)目前的对于网络口碑信任的研究中,对于网络口碑的来源可信度、渠道可信度以及信息内容可信度未做区分,而是作为一个整体——消费者对于网络口碑的信任来进行研究;(3)通过文献回顾,归纳出网络口碑可信度的影响因素,为本文后面的研究奠定了理论基础。第二章为理论模型构建部分,通过回顾国内外对于网络口碑信任的研究模型,在借鉴以往理论研究模型的基础之上,提出本文的理论模型,并提出本文的九个研究假设。第三章介绍了本研究中各变量的定义与测量指标,此为问卷设计的基础。通过小规模访谈及问卷前测保证了本研究中问卷的效度与信度,以及本文通过文献研究所设计的具体因素是否全面、合理。再者,通过面对面的沟通与被访谈者共同探讨从理论上得到的测量问项的合理性和表达上的易读性,考察测量问项是否具有歧义,表达是否清楚。该部分还介绍了本研究的研究对象及调研方法。研究对象为虚拟社区的会员。具体调研选择了在网络上人气旺盛的几个虚拟社区,包括西南财经大学校园内比较有代表性的草堂茗香以及校外的大型的虚拟社区——天涯社区之化妆护肤讨论区。在实行的调研过程中,通过联络和委托这些虚拟社区的版主或站长向这些社区的会员发放电子版问卷的链接地址。第四章为全文的重点,对调研收集的数据进行分析。笔者首先对收集的调研样本的基本概况进行分析和说明,以考察调研样本的人口性别、年龄、收入水平及教育程度等人口分布情况,证明本研究收集的样本分布均匀合理。其次进行信度及效度分析,用于本研究之问卷具有较高的信度与效度,适宜做进一步的统计分析。笔者利用人口统计学变量进行方差分析,分析发现,不同性别与收入水平的人群在对网络口碑来源可信度、网络口碑渠道可信度和网络口碑信息内容可信度的感知上不存在显著性差异,而不同年龄及教育水平的人群之间存在显著性差异。最后,笔者运用AMOS统计软件对本文的理论研究模型进行结构方程估计,对第三章提出的假设进行检验。统计结果显示,网络口碑传播者的专业性、网络口碑传播者的利他动机、网络口碑接收者基本信任观念对网络口碑来源可信度感知有显著的正向影响,网络口碑传播者与接收者的相似程度对网络口碑来源可信度有弱显著的正向影响;接收者专业性对网络口碑来源可信度的感知没有显著的负影响;网络口碑接收者的网络涉入程度、媒介依赖程度对网络口碑渠道可信度感知有显著的正向影响;网络口碑来源可信度与渠道可信度均对网络口碑信息可信度感知有显著正向影响。第五章主要在实证研究的基础之上从五个方面提出了企业进行网络口碑营销时的建议。包括了解目标受众,细分目标受众,实现精准营销;合理选择网络口碑传播者,利用意见领袖,培养意见领袖;了解虚拟社区定位,合理选择网络口碑营销渠道;重视负面口碑,实行危机公关;推行健康的网络口碑营销,杜绝暴力营销。最后提出了本研究的不足之处及未来研究展望。全文概述了网络口碑可信度的相关理论及已有文献,构建了网络口碑可信度研究的新模型,丰富了网络口碑的研究,为促进企业的网络营销提出了相应的管理学建议。本文的创新之处主要在于:(1)本文将影响网络口碑效果的影响因素划分为三大类:网络口碑传播者的因素、网络口碑传播媒介的因素、网络口碑信息接收者的因素。同时,将网络口碑可信度创新性地分为来源可信度、渠道可信度以及信息内容可信度三方面来进行研究。我们综合前人在传播学、营销学和口碑传播中的研究将网络口碑传播者的影响因素分为传者专业性、传者相似性和传者动机三方面。对于网络口碑接收者自身的因素我们又主要考察了接收者的专业性、基本信任观念、网络涉入度、媒介依赖程度和个人基本特征对网络口碑可信度的影响。这些维度都有细的指标来衡量,我们以此可以定性分析出网络口碑可信度的影响因素。(2)本文主要研究的是虚拟社区沟通模式下的网络口碑可信度问题,由于虚拟社区模式下的网友沟通体现出与其他线上交流的不同性,因此将虚拟社区中的网络口碑与其他形式的网络口碑加以区别研究,对于企业更好地进行社区网络营销有着重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of global internet, there are more and more studies of online word-of-mouth. The importance of online word-of-mouth marketing also becomes more significant. With the development of virtual community, online interpersonal communication has been paid more attention. Many companies have taken positive measures to encourage consumers to exchange information in virtual communities.Traditional word-of-mouth is an informal kind of communication behavior in which the information disseminator and receiver has a face-to-face communication. Through that information exchange, consumers would have more understanding to the specific commodity or service, and then the appraisal and purchase intention would be affected. As a result, word-of-mouth has been regarded as a reliable information source which has great influences. As the internet developed, word-of-mouth is not limited to face-to-face communication but also disseminate on internet space, which is called online word-of-mouth. The online word-of-mouth spread anonymously, which lead to higher possibility of online rumor or hostile attack. In the 18th internet research, only 31% of netizens are satisfied with the credibility of online information.Could online word-of-mouth get the trust of consumers when there are a plenty of fake information on the internet? Which factors would have influence on the credibility of online word-of-mouth? Does the credibility of online word-of-mouth disseminator and virtual community have influence over the trust of consumers on the information?To answer the above questions, the author has a review on the past researches of word-of-mouth communication and virtual community trust, and then proposed the framework of the paper. This study includes six parts as the following. The introduction part was the background information in the essay. This part summarized the importance of this paper from both the theoretical and realistic prospective. Then it outlined the framework of the investigation and the major method. In particularly, the creative part of the essay has been pointed out.The first part summarized the past literatures about word-of-mouth. Through the review, we have found that most researches were about the influences of online word-of-mouth over purchase intention. According to the consumer attitude theory model, online word-of-mouth influence over purchase intention through affecting the consumers’attitude. However, when consumers trust the online word-of-mouth, it is possible that they would not have purchase intention immediately but their attitude might have been changed. At present, there are little researches about the credibility of online word-of-mouth. In addition, the credibility of online word-of-mouth should have been studied in three aspects, including source credibility, channel credibility and information credibility. In existed researches, those three aspects were studied as a whole. By reviewing the past literatures, the influence factors were summarized providing a theoretical base for the following research.The second part introduced the establishment of theory model in this essay. Using the existed models of online word-of-mouth as a reference, the author proposed the theory model of influence factors of the online word-of-mouth credibility, and research hypothesizes.The third part talked about the definition and indicators of all variables in the essay, which is the base of questionnaire design. In order to ensure the credibility and validity of the questionnaire, a small scale discussion and a pre-test has been hold before data collection. In addition, the questionnaire could be revised to be more clear and intelligible through a small scale discussion. This part also introduced the research method. The questionnaire was posted on several virtual communities in which there are a great number of registered users.The fourth part is the most important part of the essay. A general overview of the collected data was given. It can be seen that the sample distribution was reasonable. Then, the credibility and validity analysis proved the questionnaire was credible, valid and suitable for further statistical analysis. Through variance analysis, we have found that gender and income level doesn’t have significant influences over the trust of online word-of-mouth credibility. On the contrary, age and education background have significant influences over the trust of online word-of-mouth credibility. At last, through the analysis of structured equation, except the receiver’s specialized ability and similarity has little influence on the credibility of online word-of-mouth, most of the previous research hypothesizes has been proved.The last part proposed some advices on how to implement online word-of-mouth marketing. Market segmentation and being familiar with the target consumers is the primary thing. Second, companies should select appropriate online word-of-mouth disseminator, take advantage of opinion leaders and cultivate opinion leaders. Third, find out the position of virtual communities to select appropriate online word-of-mouth marketing channels. Fourth, pay attention to negative word-of-mouth and crisis public relations. Fifth, implement healthy online word-of-mouth marketing and keep away from violent marketing activities. At last, the author came up with the limitations of the research and the future work.The paper analyzed the theory about the credibility of online word-of-mouth, established the model and got the solutions to implement online word-of-mouth marketing.1 The influence factors were classified into 3 categories, including the online word-of-mouth disseminator, receiver and information channel. At the same time, the credibility of online word-of-mouth was studied from 3 perspectives, including source credibility, channel credibility and information credibility.2 This essay focused on the credibility of online word-of-mouth under the virtual community’s communication style, which is different from other online communication. It is crucial for enterprises to implement community marketing.

【关键词】 网络口碑虚拟社区可信度
【Key words】 Online Word-of-Mouthvirtual communitycredibility
  • 【分类号】F224;F274;F49
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】951
  • 攻读期成果

