

Research on the Influence of Leader Member Exchange and Perceived Organizational Support on Enterprise Labor Relations

【作者】 汪海峰

【导师】 卿涛;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 劳动关系是就业组织中由雇佣行为而产生的关系,是市场社会中最核心最广泛的社会关系,其和谐与否直接影响到一个社会是稳定还是动荡、一国经济是高增长还是低效率,也直接体现出这个社会是否公平、正义,甚至民主与自由。然而,与当前国内GDP快速增长相对应的却是劳动关系局面紧张。据统计,近年,国内劳动关系方面的争议和纠纷每年以30%左右的速度增长,劳动关系问题在近几年大量、集中涌现,已经对社会经济造成了严重影响。劳动关系问题正在成为经济发展过程中不可回避的重大课题和敏感社会问题。劳动关系领域正在经历前所未有的深刻变化,需要全社会高度重视。近年来,国内很多学者依据国外的劳动关系理论和我国的实际情况对我国企业的劳动关系进行了大量研究,并取得了丰硕的研究成果。自上个世纪八十年代以来,组织行为学、心理学、社会学等相关学科逐步渗透到人力资源管理学领域,学科之间的交叉和融合日益显现。随着国内劳动关系的日益恶化,很多学者逐步把研究的视角从单一的宏观层面转移到微观层面,即开始从企业的人力资源管理来调解和改善劳动关系,现已形成了两条研究主线,一是从宏观立法,建立工会和三方协调机制的角度来研究劳动关系;二是从企业自身的人力资源管理角度来改善劳动关系。领导成员交换理论(LMX)和组织支持理论(POS)就是企业改善劳动关系的有效工具。领导者-成员交换理论(LMX)吸取了社会交换的某些观点。社会交换理论认为,所有的交换关系都可以分为经济交换(economic exchange)与社会交换(social exchange)两种类型。经济交换是建立在利益得失算计的基础上的,利益得失会影响双方的交换行为;而社会交换关系的本质则是以信任和善意为基础,付出者主要不会考虑眼前利益,而是预期对方在未来会以履行义务的方式来回报。这种基于双方互惠互利发展起来的关系,有时会超越明确规定的契约关系。可以看到,经济交换具有短期性特征,而以信任和双赢为基础的社会交换具有长期性特征。组织支持感(POS)是员工对于组织重视自己的贡献和关注其幸福感的全面看法。这一概念有两个核心的要点:一是员工对组织是否重视其贡献的感受;二是员工对组织是否关注其幸福感的感受。目前这两个理论已在部分企业中加以运用,并取得了很好的效果本文共分六章:第一章为绪论。该部分内容可以说是整篇文章的前言和导论,它主要包括本文研究的背景、研究的理论意义和现实意义,本文的写作思路和框架、本文的研究方法和可能的创新之处等方面的内容。第二章为文献综述。笔者从领导成员交换关系、组织支持感和劳动关系三个领域系统地阐述了国内外学者在这三个领域的研究现状,并做出了研究综述总结。通过文献综述的总结,笔者发现,国内外学者对劳动关系的研究多半是从宏观角度,从法律层面上,从企业与工会的关系层面上加以分析,而把劳动关系和企业内部人力资源管理联系在一起进行分析的却非常少,更少有人从微观层面系统地将LMX、POS以及企业劳动关系联系起来,分析三者的内在联系,提升企业的人力资源管理水平。本文正是从人力资源管理学角度,从理论层面分析了LMX和POS对企业劳动关系的影响机理。第三章是本文的理论基础,任何研究都要有扎实的理论做支撑,这部分笔者主要给出了社会交换理论、支持关系理论、劳动关系理论、公平理论、个性理论等作为本研究的理论基础。第四章为本文的核心,即领导成员交换理论、组织支持感对企业劳动关系的影响机理研究。领导成员交换理论是上级主管与下级之间的互动关系,组织支持感是员工感受到的组织的关心与支持。二者对企业劳动关系的影响路径虽有相同之处,但更多的是不同。这部分,笔者首先介绍了企业劳动关系微观层面的一些基本框架,接着从LMX对劳动关系中的工作关系的影响、POS对劳动关系中的情感关系的影响两条主线分析了LMX、POS对企业和谐劳动关系的内在影响过程。最后给出了和谐劳动关系的评价指标和以及谐劳动关系可能导致的正面效应。第五章为案例分析。人力资源管理策略作为组织意图的代理,常常作为员工认知中的组织“人性化”行为的表达。和谐劳动关系的微观基础在于雇佣双方之间交换的等值、交换过程的公平以及双方的信任,因此,人力资源管理策略在和谐劳动关系的构建以及重建中意义重大。为了更好的说明以上理论,把人力资源管理更好的应用于实践。本文以CM公司为例,分析了CM公司在企业劳动关系方面存在的问题,并提出相应的人力资源管理策略。列举大量与LMX和POS相关的人力资源管理策略,详细解释了它们是如何影响企业和谐劳动关系的构建。第六章对本文进行了总结,作者通过全文的严密推理,主要得出了以下结论:第一,领导成员交换关系可以通过员工的角色行为和公民行为影响企业的劳动关系。高质量的领导成员交换关系即有高质量的员工角色行为和公民行为,进而有利于企业和谐劳动关系的构建。第二,组织支持感可以通过员工的角色行为和组织承诺影响企业的劳动关系。高度的组织支持感即有高质量的员工角色行为和高的组织承诺。进而有利于企业和谐劳动关系的构建。第三,人力资源管理学和劳动关系对企业和谐拉动关系的研究视角是不同的,将劳动关系学的研究内容合理地融入到人力资源管理中,才能从本质上解决企业的劳动关系问题。最后,由于相关条件的限制,本研究也存在一定的局限性。在本文的最后一部分,对此进行了讨论,并针对这些局限性提出了需要在今后深入研究的几个问题。

【Abstract】 Labor Relations is the key and broad social relations in society,which is harmonious or not, straightly influences on the social stabilization or turbulence;the economic high increase or low efficiency, and also responds the social equity、justice、democracy and freedom. However,in China enterprise relations is becoming worsen gradually, now,the problems of labor relations are growing at an annual rate of more than 30 percent, and it has been a big problem in society. In recently years, many demostic scholars have made a mass of research according to the foreign labor relations theory and the status of our own country,and have gained abundant fruit.From 80’s of last century, Human Resource Management has been attract more and more people’s attention, and with deteriorate of our country’s labor relationship, many scholars began to move their angle of view from single macroscopical aspect to microcosmic. Now,two research paths have been formed, one is from law、labor union、and three-square moderate mechanism view, another is from human resource management view. LMX and POS are effective tools those improve labor relations through human resource strategies.LMX comes from social exchange theory. All exchange can be divided into economic exchange and social exchange. The economic exchange bases on economic interests, and the social exchange bases on trust and goodwill, considering more future return. So The economic exchange has short-term character, and the social exchange has long-term character. POS is whole attitude of employees about organization’s concern. This concept have two key points: one is employees’feeling about whether the organizations attach importance to their contribution,a nother is employees’feeling about whether the organizations attach importance to their blessedness. At present, the two theories have been used in some enterprises ,and obtained a good effect. This article is divided into six chapters:The first chapter is the introduction. It can be said as the foreword and introduction of the whole article, which includes the background of this paper, the theoretical study and practical significance, the idea of writing this article and framework, the paper’s research methods and possible innovation and so on .Chapter II is for the literature review. It systematically expounds the scholars’ research and made a summary in the three areas of " 1eader-member exchange(LMX)" ,"Perceived Organizational Support(POS) " and" the Labor Relations". Through the sum of review, the writer found that scholars analyzed the labor relations mostly from a legal level or the relationship between trade unions and business level at a macro point of view. However, the analysis about internal labor relations and human resources management was carried out with very little, and it was less from the micro-level system to analyse the inter connection of LMX, POS and labor relations to improve the HRM level. But this article just theoretically analyzes the effect of them from perspective of human resource management.The third chapter is the theoretical basis for this article. Any research should have a solid theoretical support ,and the writer held social exchange theory, the relations support theory , labor relations theory, fair theory, personality theory as the theoretical basis of this research .Chapter IV is the core that is the research on impact of LMX and POS for the organization to labor relations mechanism. Leader members exchange theory is about interaction of superior and subordinate. Perceived Organizational Support means the staff feelings about the care and support from organization. Although there are many same points in impact path , it occurs more differences between them. In this part, the writer firstly introduced some basic framework on labor relations at the micro level. And then, analyzed the impact on the internal process of LMX, POS-to-business labor relations. Finally, positive effects were given which were caused by harmonious labor relations and its indicators .Chapter V is case analyze. The basis of harmonious labor relations is exchange equivalence、process justice and trust in each other. So, human resource strategies take a important role in constructing harmonious labor relations. In order to explain these theories better, this article took CM company for example, pointing out the problems about labor relations, and brought forward some human resource strategies. Particularized many strategies interrelated LMX and POS, explicated how did LMX and POS impact harmonious labor relations.Chapter VI is a sum-upm through rigorous consequence, the author made the following conclusions:First, LMX can influence on enterprise labor relations through employees’role behavior and citizenship behavior. high- quality LMX causes high- quality role behavior and citizenship behavior, and wich is favor of constructing harmonious enterprise labor relations.Second, POS can influence on enterprise labor relations through employees’role behavior and organizational commitment. high- quality POS causes high- quality role behavior and organizational commitment, and wich is favor of constructing harmonious enterprise labor relations.Third, the research view is different between Human Resource Management and Labor Relations. Only bring labor relations into human resource management, can enterprise labor relations been solved.Last, this research also exist some limitations due to correlative condition limitation, which were discussed at the last part of this paper, and as to these limitations, the author bring forward some points those need continue researching.


