

The Study on the Property Right’s Mode of Urban Real Estate

【作者】 梅劲

【导师】 喻敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 民商法学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 土地及其上的建筑物,是最重要的不动产,一直被人们视为是安身立命之本,关系着广大民众的基本生活和社会的稳定。因交易而发生的房地产变动在房地产市场上占有举足轻重的地位,研究房产变动与地产变动具有重大意义。在市场经济活跃的今天,土地及其上的建筑物更是因为价值巨大而成为财产法律规制的重点,一国的不动产制度既是其基本国情和经济发展状况的反映,也反过来促进或制约其资源的利用、经济的活跃。基于建筑物和土地在物理形态上的不可分性,我国的房地产制度确立了建筑物与土地使用权一起流转的“房地一体化”模式,以简化经济生活中的不动产权利关系,减少纠纷,最大限度地保证权利人对土地的利用。但随着城市化进程的加大,城市规模变得越来越大,在城市变大的过程当中,房地产行业也得到长足的发展。随着我国房地产行业蓬勃兴起,土地资源越来越稀缺,对土地资源的充分利用变得日益重要,充分利用每一寸土地应成为指导房地产行业发展的重要原则。同时由于历史的原因和制度的不完善,在发展的过程当中涌现了许许多多的问题,这些问题制约着房地产行业的健康发展,不利于土地资源的充分利用。为了对有限的土地资源进行充分利用,立足于我国人多地少这一国情,保障社会经济的健康发展,需要完善当前的房地产法律制度,改变目前单一的、机械的、僵硬的土地与建筑物的关系,进行积极的制度创新、借鉴他国优秀立法经验,创造出符合我国当前经济发展状态的法律规范。我国长期以来一直遵循着房地产权一致的模式(俗称“房随地走,地随房走”),在市场经济日益发达的今天,我国这一独有的传统模式,面临着诸多问题与挑战,日益显现其滞后性,而且,在实践中对这一模式己经有了很大的突破。因此,改革现有的“房地一体化”,承认土地与建筑物的相对分离就成为必要。本文运用比较法学的分析方法,对这些问题加以分析,对房地相连时权利处分之原则的更新与完善提出自己的观点。本文认为,一定程度地剥离地产变动与房产变动的关系,既有必要也有可能,并认为法律应该给予当事人在房地分离方面一定的意思自治空间。全文共分四个部分:第一部分是引言,主要说明了问题的由来及研究意义。首先对房产与地产的概念进行界定,本文中的地产主要是指建设用地使用权;房产仅仅指房屋所有权。并着重分析了土地与房屋的关系,介绍了世界各主要国家(地区)房地关系的四种立法模式:罗马法中土地吸附房屋的立法模式、德国法中的房地结合模式、日本和台湾地区法中的房地分离模式,以及我国“房随地走,地随房走”的房地一体立法模式。并对“结合模式”和“分离模式”进行了比较法上的考察,比较分析了我国房地一体原则的内涵。目前,在世界各主要国家,存在结合模式、分离模式、“地随房走”模式以及房地一体模式。不论是哪种模式,都是各个国家基于其特定社会背景而做出的选择,并随着社会的发展不断变更。论述了我国学者对土地与建筑物关系的不同观点以及对房产关系与地产关系的分歧,即支持房、地不可分的学者的主要理由是:一从静态表现看,土地和房屋在物质存在状态上是自然联结在一起的;房产和地产虽然从价值形态上看是两种不同的财产,但由于其自身的固有特性,房地产法律关系的客体——房、地产是紧密相连、不可分割的不动产;房产所有权和土地使用权是始终共同存在的,不存在有此权而无彼权的情形。二从动态表现看,物权设定中房地不可分;物权变更中房地不可分。支持房、地可分的学者的主要理由是:虽然房产与地产在物理形态上紧密联系,但是在法律形态和价值上又具有独立性和可分性。第二部分是就我国现行立法进行了考察分析,分析我国房地一体原则存在的冲突,列出了“租地建房”中所出现的问题:承租人能否取得其所建房屋的所有权;房产转移中出现的问题:在交易中,要求房地严格按照一体交易,对于那些只想就房产进行交易而保留地产或者只想就地产进行交易而保留房产的交易双方来说,无疑会造成巨大的阻碍,使交易双方不能按照自己的意思对地产和房产进行处置,容易造成土地资源的浪费;房产抵押中出现的问题:如果将土地使用权与房屋所有权结合起来进行担保,就有可能出现抵押物的价值大大超过被担保的主债权价值的情况;房产出租中出现的问题:房产是否能与其未用尽的地产一起出租或分别出租。该部分首先是提出我国现实中存在的问题,并结合我国立法和其他国家和地区的立法,特别是德国、日本、台湾地区的立法进行比较分析,讨论我国要解决这些基于房地一体模式下出现的问题,是宜用结合模式还是宜用分离模式,在比较分析各国立法背景和经济发展现状的情况下,结合我国现状进行探讨。第三部分是为了解决我国房地一体模式下出现的问题,寻找较适合中国现状的立法模式而进行新的制度设计。该部分在进行制度构建的过程当中,充分比较其他国家和地区的立法,特别是德国、日本和台湾地区的立法,分析结合模式和分离模式各自在我国实行的可行性。在新制度构建当中,认为我国更宜采用地产与房产适当分离的立法选择,并且对结合模式和分离模式进行了比较。提出我国在“租地建房”问题上,我国可借鉴日本模式,采取“房地分离”模式,以“租赁权”成为连接房屋与土地的桥梁。在房产转移问题上,可以以适当的权源来解决房屋所有人实际占有土地,但又无权源的问题;在房地分别交易的时候,如果双方当事人能达成合意,则法律应该尊重当事人的意思自治,但是如果出现双方意思表示不明确的情况,则应有法律对土地所有人与房屋所有人之间的关系加以推定;设定土地的优先购买权;设立完善的登记公示制度。在房产抵押问题上,应该统一抵押登记部门;建立优先购买权;建立法定地上权。在房产出租的问题上,可以赋予当事人更多的意思自治空间;增加合同公示。第四部分是结论部分,对以上各部分的主要观点做了一个简单的总结。提出改变传统的房地一体模式,允许建筑物与土地的适当分离;借鉴国外立法,完善土地租赁权制度;在没有法律限制和当事人约定的情况下,法律推定土地权利与建筑物权利主体一致;为避免出现两种权利分别登记,不利于管理的局面,应该建立统一的权利登记部门。

【Abstract】 Land and the buildings on it, which has long been taken as the root of one’s settling down and getting on with his pursuit, are the most important real estate. The alteration of real estate caused by the transaction plays a decisive role in the real estate market. Researches on the alteration of house property and land property also have great significance.They are playing important role in people’s life and society’s stability. In today’s active market economy, land and the buildings on have become the key point of property law with their huge worth. A country’s real estate system not only reflects the basic situation of the country but also accelerates or restrains the sources’ using and the economy’s development on the other hand.According to the impartibility of the land and the buildings on it physically, the principle of building-land integration has been formed by the real estate system in which form buildings and land employment are moving together in order to simplize the right relations and disputes, making sure of the owner’s using to the land. With the development of socialist economy and the more and more detailed interest dividing of the society, absolute building-land integration is not catering for the need of reality, as there exists many building-land separations which act against the law and also challenge the authority of it. Therefore, it is necessary to inform the present building-land integration and to accept the comparative separation between land and buildings.As for disposition of rights in estate, there is an overriding principle having been followed in China that conforming subject of rights on building with that of on land. However, in now days while marketing economic has been increasingly developing, this principle faces many challenges and seems outdated. It has also been broken through in practice. The author thinks that the law should allow the parties to have some voluntary idea space in the separation of the house property and land property. The article is divided into four chapters:The first part is preface which mainly introduces the originality of issue and the importance of research. and analyzes the relationship between land and building, elaborately introduces four types of legislative mould in epresentative country, in Roman law which building adheres to land, "two-tiers" mould which land and building stand side by side, and mould of conforming subject of rights on building with that of on land in China.In the second part, the author analyzes the Chinese law and statute and illustrates the characteristic of the principle conforming subject of rights on building with that of on land in Chinese mould. It would be submitted that although the construction of rights in estate is the combination with rights in land and building, property of land and property of building are independent from each other. Thus, the characteristics should be including subject of rights on building conforming with that of on land, the simultaneous disposition of land and building and the inconsistence of the limitation on the rights of land and the rights of building.In the third part, the author discusses the defects of the principle conforming subject of rights on building with that of on land and enumerates the debate on how to improve this principle. It would be submitted that the current principle in China is too restricted and quite different from other countries. It also brings about many flaws in practice.The forth part is the conclusion, which summarizes the point of view of the above discussion.

【关键词】 房产地产立法选择
【Key words】 house propertyland propertyLegislative Choices
  • 【分类号】D922.3;F293.3;F293.2
  • 【下载频次】251

