

Analysis on Transition and Upgrading of Processing Trade in China from the View of Changing the Way of Economic Development

【作者】 李元春

【导师】 邓敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 国际贸易学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 2007年,胡锦涛总书记在党的十七大报告中指出,“实现国民经济又好又快发展,关键要在转变经济发展方式、完善社会主义市场经济体制方面取得重大新进展”。同以往的“转变经济增长方式”相比,它的涵义更为丰富,要求更加提高。它的提出,标志着我们在理念上实现了这些转变,反映了我们党对经济发展规律的认识更加全面和深刻。为了夺取全面建设小康社会的新胜利,我们必须增强贯彻落实科学发展观的自觉性,使各项经济活动都牢牢把握这一全新的战略思想。加工贸易是经济全球化背景下发展中国家参与国际分工的一种重要方式。改革开放以来,我国顺应发达国家产业转移的良好契机,利用丰富的劳动力资源大力开展加工贸易,并取得了迅速的发展,为经济和社会发展做出了历史性贡献。但总体来说,这样的发展现状其实一直保持着数量型、粗放型与外延型的模式,不计成本,依靠消耗大量能源和资源实现出口产品的数量扩张,致使出口产品档次低、价格低,企业效益低,与转变经济发展方式的要求相比还有不少问题。如果不改变这种发展模式,片面追求加工贸易出口的快速增长,不考虑所付出的资源、环境和社会代价,将会导致经济增长和发展错位,出现高增长低发展或有增长无发展的局面。这样一来,内外需结构不平衡,产业结构不合理,人与自然发展不平衡等实质性问题难以解决,将严重阻碍经济发展方式的转变,进而阻碍国民经济又好又快的发展。由此可见,加工贸易的转型升级必不可免,它可以在极大程度上促进经济横向与纵向的跨越、数量和质量的提高,从而达到加速经济发展方式转变的目的。它实际上也是按照转变经济发展方式的要求所进行的外贸方面的改革,是科学发展观在对外贸易方面的具体要求。本文正是基于这一背景,从转变经济发展方式的角度入手,揭示出加工贸易的科学发展模式,指出现有的加工贸易存在的问题,深入分析它对转变经济发展方式的影响,进而提出一些政策建议。围绕主题,本文采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的研究方法,从以下几个部分展开研究:第一部分是绪论部分,主要内容包括选题的背景和意义,文献综述,研究方法,最后介绍论文框架及创新与不足。主要通过此部分内容引出转变经济发展方式的写作背景,为下文展开加工贸易的转型升级研究做了铺垫。第二部分旨在探讨转变经济发展方式与加工贸易的科学发展模式。首先阐述转变经济发展方式的科学内涵以及它与科学发展观的内在联系,最后从宏观层面上根据转变经济发展方式的内涵阐述加工贸易的科学发展模式。这部分的基本观点是:转变经济发展方式紧紧围绕以人为本的核心,真正做到全面协调可持续发展,它要求加工贸易在发展过程中注重数量与效益、人与自然和谐相处以及内外发展的相互协调。根据这一要求,现有的科学加工贸易发展模式应该是自主高效、环保节能、内外并重、互利共赢,保证贸易与环境及资源、进口与出口、各种贸易方式之间的协调发展,保证各类贸易主体的公平竞争,从而提高开放型经济水平,对内促进资源合理利用,对外促进中国和平崛起;这种模式所具有的特征是:科学的人才结构和自主创新体系;高层级的产业结构;“环境友好型”的可持续发展;内外并重的区域格局。第三部分介绍加工贸易的发展状况,主要包括加工贸易的三阶段发展历史,随后指出现有加工贸易的以下几方面特征:发展方式以进料加工为主;贸易主体以跨国公司为主;区域分布以沿海为主;产业状态由劳动力密集型转向劳动、技术密集型相结合。最后指出加工贸易对宏观经济的贡献,在扩大对外贸易规模、促进产业结构升级、增加就业等方面的积极影响。为了增强说服力,这部分采用了大量的数据、图表以及定性和定量相结合的方法。第四部分从转变经济发展方式的要求入手,阐述了现有加工贸易存在的种种问题,并分析这种问题的主客观原因。随后介绍了现存问题对转变经济发展方式的不利影响,包括忽视以人为本的核心,缺乏创新;加重了经济的粗放增长;忽视人与自然的和谐发展;未合理统筹区域发展;未强调国内发展和对外开放的协调统一。针对有关问题,这部分最后分析了加工贸易转型升级对转变经济发展方式的重要意义。第五部分深入分析了加工贸易转型升级的涵义及意义。首先分别解释加工贸易升级和转型的科学涵义:加工贸易升级是指产业升级、价值链升级、企业网络地位升级、关联与外溢效应升级、产品升级、从高梯度向低梯度的区域转移;转型是指向一般贸易转变,向境外加工贸易方向发展;转型和升级之间相互关联、相互促进。然后介绍加工贸易的转型升级对转变经济发展方式具有的重要意义,主要包括:通过加工贸易的转型升级,有利于“以人为本”的自主创新体系的建设;有利于产业结构的优化调整;有利于经济的可持续发展;有利于内外格局的协调发展,实际上是按照转变经济发展方式的要求所进行的外贸方面的改革,是科学发展观在对外贸易方面的具体要求。第六部分在前面各部分内容的基础上提出加工贸易转型升级的对策——按照转变经济发展方式的要求实现转型升级,基本路径包括以人为本,确定以企业为主体的创新战略;提升加工贸易产业结构,走新型工业化道路;积极促进节能减排,增强可持续发展能力;向中西部地区合理转移,实现区域协调发展;发展境外加工贸易,建设开放型经济体制。在本文的研究过程中,遵循了定性分析与定量分析相结合的原则。在定性方面,如分别从产业经济学和区域经济学的角度对加工贸易升级的概念和内涵进行界定;解释转变经济发展方式的科学内涵;界定加工贸易的科学发展模式;分析加工贸易现存问题对转变经济发展方式的影响等。在定量分析方面,如根据开放经济条件下的简单凯恩斯模型推导出加工贸易对国民经济增长的贡献度和拉动度两个公式,从而说明加工贸易对宏观经济的贡献;采用加工贸易出口、进口增长的贡献率说明加工贸易在扩大对外贸易方面的作用等。此外,论文还通过计算制作出大量的图表,如来料加工与进料加工的比较、加工贸易各年增值系数等,使文章更具有说服力。本文在具体内容方面的创新主要包括:(1)在阐述转变经济发展方式科学涵义的基础上,指出它对加工贸易转型升级的具体要求,以及提出科学的加工贸易发展模式;(2)分析了加工贸易现存问题对转变经济发展方式的影响;(3)通过理论分析,从多角度系统解释了加工贸易转型和升级的涵义,并分析说明了两者之间的关系。通过以上几方面的分析,本文论证了以下观点:(1)转变经济发展方式要求加工贸易在发展过程中注重数量与效益、人与自然和谐相处以及内外发展的相互协调。(2)现有的科学加工贸易发展模式应该是自主高效、环保节能、内外并重、互利共赢,保证贸易与环境及资源、进口与出口、各种贸易方式之间的协调发展,保证各类贸易主体的公平竞争,从而提高开放型经济水平,对内促进资源合理利用,对外促进中国和平崛起;(3)加工贸易的现存问题忽视了以人为本的核心,缺乏创新;加重了经济的粗放增长;忽视人与自然的和谐发展;未合理统筹区域发展;未强调国内发展和对外开放的协调统一,对转变经济发展方式带来了不利影响。(4)加工贸易升级是指产业升级、价值链升级、企业网络地位升级、关联与外溢效应升级、产品升级、从高梯度向低梯度的区域转移;转型是指向一般贸易转变,向境外加工贸易方向发展,转型和升级之间相互关联、相互促进。另外,加工贸易的研究是一个庞大的课题,涉及面非常广,由于转变经济发展方式这一观点提出较新,对于它的科学涵义还缺乏深层次的理解,同时限于自己知识水平特别是对于经济研究中所要求的工具性的知识学习不够深入,没有通过更加科学的模型来说明问题,在分析转变经济发展方式对加工贸易发展模式的一般要求等方面有待进一步深入。

【Abstract】 In 2007, Hu Jintao,general secretary of China, pointed out it is the most important to change the way of economic development and consummate socialist market economic system to realizes the national economy to be good and quick development.Compared with changing the way of economic growth ,it contains more implications and higher requirements.It symbolizes that we have realized these transformations in the mind and have deeper comprehension to the laws of economic development.In order to construct affluent society, we must strengthen the Scientific Outlook on Development and grasp this brand-new strategic concept firmly.As we all know,processing trade is a kind of important way that developing countries participate in the international trade in the background of economic globalization. Since the reform and open policy has been taken, our country has seized the opportunity of industry shift to develop the processing trade in the use of labor power.As a result, processing trade has made historical contributions to the economic and social development of our country. Actually, it always ignore the cost and consume a mass of energy and resources to expand quantities so that it reduce the price and qualities of export products and cause a lot of problems comparing with changing the way of economic development.If we do not change the way of economic development and pursue the growth of processing trade blindly,if we do not consider the cost of resource and environment,it will result in dislocation of economic growth.In the end, the structure of inside and outside demands and industry will not be balanced, meanwhile,the human and the nature will not be in harmony.Therefore,it is necessary to transform and upgrade processing trade so that it can stimulate economy enormously and accelerate the transition of the way of economic development. As a matter of fact, it is also a kind of reformation on the mode of foreign trade which conform to the request of changing the way of economic development. Theres are six parts in this thesis.The first part of the thesis is introduction.It contains the background and significance of the selected topic as well as main literature summaries.Besides,it explains the practical method of the thesis. Then it works out the basic frame and the innovation and insufficiency finally.The purpose of this part is to introduce the background of changing the way of economic development in order to make foundation for the following study.The second part is to analyse the theory of changing the way of economic development and scientific mode of processing trade.Firstly,it explains the definition of the changing the way of economic development and its relationship with Scientific Outlook on Development.Secondly,it analyses the scientific mode of the development of processing trade:independent and highly effective, the environmental protection and energy conservation,paying equal attention to the inside and outside development,the mutual benefit and Win-win,so that it can guarantee coordinated development among trade&environment,export&import and different types of trades.As a result,it can raise the level of open economy and promotes the use of resources reasonably and Chinese peaceful rise outward.Last but not least,it explains the characteristic of the model:scientific structure of labour and independent innovation system;high level of industrial structure;sustainable development of environment friendly and region pattern of paying equal attention to inside and outside.The third part is to analyze the historical development of processing trade and four characteristics:firstly,the way of development is to import materials primarily.Secondly,the main body of the trade is multinational corporation primarily.Thirdly,the regional distribution of processing trade is mainly located in eastern China.Fourthly,the industrial condition of the processing trade is transforming from labour-intensive to labour and technology-intensive.At last,processing trade has made great historical contributions to China’s opening up and economic development and the growth of international trade. Besides,it has made contributions to the upgrading of industrial structures and provided jobs for millions of people. The forth part ,starting with requirement of changing the way of economic development, sets forth the problems existed in processing trade and analyzes the subjective reasons for them. Then,it introduces negative influence of the existing problems on the way of changing economic development, including ignoring the core of people-oriented, lacking of innovation;extensive economic growth; ignoring harmony development between human and nature; unreasonable coordination of regional development; not stressing harmonization between domestic development and opening up. It further points out the significance of transition and upgrading of extensive trade for changing the way of economic development.The fifth part analyses the definition and significance of transformation and upgrading of processing trade.The main concept of this part are concluded as follows:firstly,it explains the definition of the transformation and upgrading of the processing trade respectively as well as the relationship between transformation and upgrading.The upgrading of processing trade is refers to the industrial upgrading,the value chain upgradeing,the upgrading in the network status of the enterprise,the upgrading in the connection and the spill-over effect,product upgrading and regional shift.Transformation is refer to sgeneral trade and foreign processing trade.They have cross correlation and promotes mutually.Secondly,it analyses the significance of transformation and upgrading,which pay attention to innovation in the core of people-oriented, promote optimize of industrial structure and capability of sustainable development as well as coordinated development of regions.The sixth part comes up with countermeasures for transforming and upgrading of extensive trade on the basis of the above words:achieving transition and upgrading on the requirement of changing the way of economic development. It includes core of people-oriented, confirming strategy of being innovative, composed mainly of enterprises; optimizing industrial structure of extensive trade, taking a new road to industrialization; intensifying capability of sustainable development; achieving coordinated development of regions by reasonable transfer to Middle West region; developing extensive trade abroad and building open economic regime. In this thesis,it has followed the principle of combined qualitative and quantitative analysis.For qualitative analysis,it explains the definition of the transformation and upgrading of processing trade respectively based on the theory of Industrial Economics and Regional Economics.Besides,it analyses the scientific mode of the development of processing trade.Moreover,it deeply analyses the present problems of processing trade and its effect on the transformation of the way of economic development.For quantitative analysis,it infers to two formulas according to simple Keynes model to explain the contribution to macro economy,that is the degree of contribution and growth to national economy.Besides, the thesis also has lots of graphs through computation so that it can increase the power of persuasion.Beside,there are three innovation points in this thesis:firstly,it analyses the scientific model of processing trade on the basis of the definition of changing the way of economic development.Secondly,it deeply analyses the effect on changing the way of economic development.Thirdly,it explains the definition of the transformation and upgrading of the processing trade respectively based on the theory of Industrial Economics, Regional Economics and analyses the relationship between transformation and upgrading.


