

A Study on the Polyphonic Characters in Hanshu Noted by Yan Shigu

【作者】 范学建

【导师】 金理新;

【作者基本信息】 温州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 全面研究《汉害》颜注“又音”的工作尚未有人从事。颜注《汉害》比陸法言《切韻》(《切韻》舆《广韻》系统同,本文以《广韻》代《切韻》)仅仅晚出40年。二者具有可比性。通过比较,发现:一、有些《庚韻》中“有音燕羲”、“多音同羲”的字在颜注中有释羲,二、某些《广韻》中只有一个读音的字,颜注中有“又音”,三、部分《广韻》中只有一个读音的,其音与颜注所记录的不同。很多出现在颜注中而《广韻》没有收录的词语在《说文》、《玉篇》、《集韻》等典籍中有所记录。研究《汉害》颜注可以:一、弥补《广韻》的不足,二、探讨某些词捂音羲的关系及来源,三、探讨上古汉捂形态燮化,四、为汉语史研究提供可靠的语言资料。《<汉害>颜注“又音”研究》之“绪论”部分介绍了《汉害》颜注的研究情况以及作者的研究目的、内容舆方法。“‘又音’界定”讨论了师古注音方法、“又音”的定羲、颜注“又音”的具体界定。“‘又音’分析”分析了师古注音的目的、“又音”的匾别方式,并比较了颜注与《广韻》的异同,探讨了祠语的音羲关系及来源。“上古汉语形态释例”封论上古汉捂形悲问题。“数据库”收录了12727条注音材料,可以为学者进一步研究《汉害》颜注提供方便。

【Abstract】 Up to now, no one works on "Polyphonic Characters" in "Hanshu Noted by YAN Shigu". It was only 40 years later than "Qieyun" when the"Hanshu Noted by YAN Shigu" was completed. Therefore, the language materials in "Guangyun" ("Qieyun") and "Notes in Hanshu" are substantially the same and comparable. These facts can be found by comparison:1, Some polyphonic characters without meaning in "Guangyun" have the interpretation in "Hanshu".2, There is a word with only one pronunciation in "Guangyun", but perhaps with more than one pronunciations in "Hanshu".3, There is only one pronunciation of a word in "Guangyun",and so in "Hanshu". The two sounds sometimes are different. Some words which were recorded in "Hanshu" but not in the "Guangyun" can be found in such books as "Shuowen", "Yupian", "Jiyun",etc. Thus, the following objectives will be able to achieve by studying the "Polyphonic Chracters" in "Hanshu Noted by YAN Shigu ": First, to make up for "Guangyun" deficiencies. Second, to explore the source of the meaning or voice of certain words. Third,to study ancient Chinese morphology. Four, to provide reliable information for the research of Chinese language history.Chapter One in the paper "A Study on Polyphonic Characters in Hanshu Noted by YAN Shigu" is an introduction about the reseach of "Hanshu Noted by YAN Shigu", and the purpose, contents and methods in the paper. Chapter Two, the definition of "polyphonic characters" is discussed, and the phonetic method in the"Hanshu ", the contents of the study are defined. Chapter Three, the purpose of the phonetic notes, and the difference between polyphonic characters, both are analysised. "Hanshu" is compared with the "Guangyun". The relationship between sound and meaning of terms are explored and the source of sound and meaning is researched with some terms. Chapter Four, to discuss morphology about the ancient Chinese.Chapter Five, The Materials Phonetic database on "Hanshu " includes all the materials which were phonetic 12,727.Perhaps,it can help other scholars to study the "Hanshu Noted by YAN Shigu" further.

【关键词】 漢書顏師古注“又音”
【Key words】 HanshuNotes by YAN Shigupolyphonic characters
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 温州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

