

Development and Implementation of School Office Automation System

【作者】 徐进武

【导师】 江顺亮; 谢志斌;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 计算机技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 OA,即办公自动化(office Automation),是实现办公的信息化,它结合现代科学技术,使工作人员的各种办公业务活动逐步由各种设备、各种人机信息系统来协助完成,目的在于改善工作质量,提高工作效率,并且可迅速掌握资讯,节省开销。OA系统也是企业实现全面信息化工程项目的基本项目。从C/S结构过渡到B/S结构,从开始的办公软件的应用到后来网络审批、资源信息共享、会议申请与管理等功能应用,OA已经是扎根于我们的日常工作中,也成为了企业快速发展的得力帮手。随着科学技术和社会经济的发展,南昌大学附属中学的综合实力与日俱增,学校也越来越感觉到节约成本、提高工作效率、规范管理对于一个省重点中学的重要性。学校以前所使用的老套的管理手段和决策方式已经感到力不从心了。根据时代的需要,南昌大学附属中学迫切地需要建立起一种能够适应时代发展的高效率的办公教学环境。这样的新环境必须具备快速高效的反应速率,大大缩短办公时间,节约办公成本,提高整个学校的办公效率。结合南昌大学附属中学自身的学校特性和应用需求,本文采用了PHP+MYSQL+APACHE进行主页、架构和模块开发出自己的OA系统,实现了办公自化系统的规范化、电子化、标准化,完成了办公自动化系统中个人办公系统、公共事务系统、资源库等主要模块的设计。系统目前已经在南昌大学附属中学投入使用,得到了校方的一致肯定,证明了办公自动化的高效率性,为学校实现现代化教学做出了积极贡献。

【Abstract】 OA, the office automation(OffieeAutomation) is to achieve office information, it is combined with modern science and technology, enable staff to a variety of office operations gradually moved from a variety of equipment, various human-machine information system to assist in the completion, aimed at improving the quality of work, improve work efficiency, and can be quickly grasp the information and save money. OA systems are also companies to achieve a comprehensive information technology projects, basic items. From the C / S structure of the transition to the B / S structure, from the beginning of office software applications for approval later the network, resources, information sharing, meetings and management functions for applications, OA is rooted in our daily work, has also become a the rapid development of enterprises capable helper.With the science technology and socio-economic development, The scale of Nanchang University subsidiary middle school is expanding, School’s competition is increasingly competitive. Standardize the school management on the importance of a provincial key middle schools.Traditional information processing technology and decision-making methods and tools have been unable to meet the needs of modern social development and establish an open, networked, efficient office and teaching the new environment, to a comprehensive support group collaboration, process control, information query and management functions of information systems for the exchange of school management to provide basic information on transmission, processing channels, office automation system is the management of higher vocational colleges is an important task.Nanchang University subsidiary middle school combined its features and application requirements, using PHP+MYSQL+APACHE for homepage, architecture and module developed its own OA system,implementing the OA system for standardized, electronic,standardized,accomplishing the individual office system, public affairs system, resource library and other major module design of the office automation system. The system is already in use in the High School Affiliated to Nanchang University, has been unanimously endorsed by the school proved efficient office automation being reckless, for schools to modernize the teaching and make a positive contribution.

【Key words】 Network Office SystemPHPMYSQLAPACHE
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】TP317.1
  • 【下载频次】191

