

The General Framework of Campus Network and Security System Research and Design

【作者】 万嵩

【导师】 石永革;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 校园网作为学校基础通信平台和信息资源平台,是教学和科研不可缺少的支撑坏境,也是衡量学校学术水平和管理水平的重要标志。在校园“数字化”进程中,校园网正扮演着日益重要的角色,而校园网的安全问题,直接影响着学校的教学活动。本文结合几年来校园网络使用安全及防范措施等方面的经验,对如何加强校园网络安全作了分析和探讨。本文详细分析了江西机电职业技术学院校园网的现状、存在问题和原有网络安全措施,并对网络建设中涉及到的网络技术、三层交换技术、VLAN的划分、Vlan ID+IP+MAC绑定等关键技术问题进行了探讨。在计算机网络理论的指导下,通过对网络系统的需求分析,设计了一个校园网的主干网及其安全系统,建立起一个基于VLAN、NAT和网络防火墙的防护体系,为教学、科研和管理提供更为方便、快捷、高效的服务,保证校园网的安全、可靠工作,并给出了详细的实施方案,尤其是三层交换技术、VLAN技术在方案中得到充分体现。论文提出的设计方案已在江西机电职业技术学院校园网二期工程中得到初步实施,并取得了预期效果。

【Abstract】 Campus Network, as foundation communication platform and information resource platform of campus,is the essential supportable environment of the teaching and the scientific research. It is the important symbol weighing the academic level and management level of campus. In the "Digitizing" processing, Campus Network is playing an important role day by day. And the safety of the campus network, a direct impact on classroom teaching. In this paper, over the past few years the use of campus network security and preventive measures, such as experience, on how to strengthen the campus network security analysis and discussion were made.This text analysised particularly the current situation, the existent problem and the original network security measure in Campus Network of Jiangxi Vocational College Of Mechanical. It also discussed the key technique issues during the construction of network reffered to netwok technique, layer-three switch technique, V1AN dividing and Vlan ID + IP + MAC binding etc. Under the instruction of internet theory, through the demand for network systems analysis, design of a campus network security system, based on the establishment of a VLAN, NAT and network firewall protection system for teaching, research and management to provide more convenient, fast and efficient services, to ensure the security of campus network, reliable,and gives a detailed implementation plan, particularly the three-switching technology, VLAN technology in the program to be fully reflected.The plan in the paper has been the formation of Jiangxi Vocational College Of Mechanical and campus network to be the second phase the initial implementation, and have achieved the desired effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】TP393.18
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】188

