

Chen Pengnian and JiangNanBieLu

【作者】 姚萍

【导师】 王德保;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 陈彭年是北宋著名的政治家、音韵学家,一部《大宋重修广韵》奠定了其音韵学史上不可忽略的地位。陈彭年学问渊博,熟悉典章制度,朝廷礼仪的制定无不参与,深得真宗器重。因陈彭年善于逢迎帝意,急希进用,故名声不佳,与王钦若、丁谓、刘承规、林特被称为北宋“五鬼”。论文根据大量的史料记载,对中国历史上出现的三个名为“五鬼”的群体进行了考述与评论,从而佐证陈彭年被列入“五鬼”之群有失公允之处,力求还原其北宋士大夫形象。陈彭年私自撰述的《江南别录》较详细的记裁了南唐四代君主之事,是研究南唐历史的原始资料,有着一定的史料价值,但前人对该书研究甚少。本文通过《新五代史》中关于南唐史的记载与《江南别录》进行比较,寻求二者在体例、内容、修史原则等方面的差异并从文献学角度对二书在史料方面的借鉴与继承进行比较,将其逐一列出,以备诸家指正。

【Abstract】 Chen Pengnian is a famous politician and phonological scientist of Northern Song,the book of Great Song rehabilitation Guangyun has laid its phonology can not be ignored in the history of the position.Chen Pengnian has profound erudition,and familiar with the laws and institutions, he has often participate in the formulation of court etiquette and won the Emperor’s placing importance. Chen Pengnian good to meet a result of the meaning of the emperor and greece went into emergency, Therefore,he had bad reputation. Chen Pengnian and Wang Qinruo,Ding Wei,Liu Chenggui,Lin Te are the members of Five Devils in Northern Song Dynasty.According to a large number of historical records, The article carried out textual research and reviews about the three named " Five Devils " group which appeared on Chinese history through a large number of historical records, since then, can also prove that Chen Pengnian was included in the " Five Devils " group is not fair. Sought to restore its image of the Northern Song scholar-officials. Jiang Nan Bie Lu is written privately by Chen Pengnian which includes four generations of Southern Tang emperor’s deeds, it is the raw data to study the history of Southern Tang and have a certain historical value about Southern Tang, However, little study of our predecessors on the book. In this paper, the "New History of the Five Dynasties" compare to "Jiang Nan Bie Lu"with regard to the historical record of Southern Tang. To seek the differences both in style, content and principles of historical and compare with their reference and inheritance in the historical context studies from the literature point of view,then list them one by one, to prepare for scholars correction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

