

A Study on the Ci-peotry of Wen Ting Shi

【作者】 刘仕婉

【导师】 万文斌;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 文廷式是晚清词坛重要的词人之一,他的词作数量虽然不多。但是从他的只字片语的词话以及词集序言中,我们还是可以清晰地了解其词学思想和立场。第一部分概要介绍文廷式其人其事以及其词学思想。创新式地以文氏之最重要的三重身份解读其人其事以及其词学思想,以这一全新的立场发掘不同角度的文廷式以及《云起轩词》。第二部分集中阐述文廷式之“词史”概念。追溯“词史”,其形成背景和理论渊源错综复杂。作为晚清重臣和有志之士,文廷式在词作中自然地注入词史观念,并自觉地达到以词存史的目的。第三部分探讨文廷式的“词心”品质。首先是其家国之忧,包括两个方面:忧国之心和社会忧患意识。其次是人生失意之叹,词人踌躇满志,一心报国。却屡被黝落,心态自然难以平静,表现在词中就是屡屡感叹怀才不遇。其三是豁达超脱的心境,面对不公正的待遇,词人放荡不羁,雄心未减,体现了对人格本色的追求。总之,文廷式的词学思想和其词作都不愧为晚清词坛上一层绚丽的晚霞,成为清词最后的辉煌。

【Abstract】 As one of the most famous Ci-Poet in late Qing dynasty, we can also come to understand the Ci-Poetry clearly, only though the preamble of Yun Qixuan Ci-Poetry and some words else. In the first part, we introduce something about Wen Tingshi, such as his growth experience and bureaucratic experience. And we also expound the Ci-Poetry of him generally. The most important is that we innovatively interpretative the first part using the most significant three status of Wen Tingshi. In the second part, we concentrated explain the obvious quality of history for his Ci-Poetry. It is hard to say clearly about the thoretical sources. As one of the most eventful officials in late Qing dynasty, Wen Tingshi infiltrates the quality of history to his Yun Qixuan Ci-Poetry in a natural way and consciously achieve the purpose of cosseting the history though his Ci. The third section explores Wen Tingshi feelings in his ci. Firstly, the sense of apprehension, he worries about the country and the society. He also expressed his frustration. after deposed, his mentality is not quiet, in the face of unfair treatment.In the other hand, he is optimistic. Thought he is forced to lose his job and be away from Beijing, he never gives up his dream, and he believes oneday it is his chance. In a word, the Ci-Poetry and Ci of Wen Tingshi can be a splendid sunset, being glorious denouement in late Qing dynasty,.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

