

The Collision and Resolution between Domain Name and Tradmark

【作者】 刘峰

【导师】 李光曼;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 民商法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 电子商务的发展使域名从一个单纯的技术概念蜕变成一个融技术、经济价值为一体的混合物。附加在域名上的权益能否成为权利,成为何种权利,若能成为权利,其权利内容又如何,这些问题一直困扰着理论界和司法界。是什么原因使现实世界中的商标与网络世界中的域名发生碰撞,如何来解决这些冲突,为商标在网络环境中的合理延伸铺平道路,这些问题都亟须回应。本文认为,域名应有“权利”,应为一种独立的知识产权,而利益的驱动、域名和商标自身的特性以及体制问题等各种因素造成了两者的冲突。通过考察域名的国外现行规则和洞察我国自身立法、解决机制,本文建议在制度层面上采取建立在先权利检索制度、设立专门域名争议处理机关、创新域名预留机制、完善域名撤销程序以及健全域名注册程序等措施,在立法层面上则从完善异议制度、明确赔偿责任、建立对物诉讼制度三方面着手完善两者冲突解决机制。当然,在冲突的解决过程中,需遵循相关基本原则。

【Abstract】 With the development of e-commerce, the concept of domain name has changed from technique to a composition with technical and economic value. Problems have being pended in the field of theory and judiciary, namely, whether the interest attached to the domain name can become human being’s right; what kind of rights; what content of the right if it is available. Hence, why the trademarks of the real-world collide with the domain names of the network; how to resolve these collision and how to clear the way for the trademark’s friendly extension in the network environment, which need to be answered on the double. In this thesis, the domain name should get "right" which is an intellectual property right independently. The reasons of the collision are the driven interest, their own attributes of the domain names and trademarks, and institutional issues. After studying the regulations of the domain name at abroad and legislation and resolution mechanisms at home, this thesis presents the solutions and suggestions. That is to say, systemically, measures should be taken, namely, establishing the retrieve system of earlier rights, setting up an arbitration department dealing with the dispute of domain names, innovating the reservation scheme for domain names, improving the cancellation and registration procedures for domain names. Legislatively, improving mechanism resolving the collision should be taken, including improving the objection system, clear the compensation responsibility, establishing lawsuit System of action in rem. It’s clear that relevant principles should be followed in the course of resolving the collision.

【关键词】 域名商标冲突解决
【Key words】 domain nametrademarkcollisionresolve
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

