

On the System Innovation of China’s Inner-party Democracy

【作者】 冯石

【导师】 刘焕明;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中国共产党始终致力于党内民主的建设。历经革命、建设和改革,中国共产党已经从领导人民为夺取全国政权而奋斗的党,成为领导人民掌握全国政权并长期执政的党;已经从受到外部封锁和实行计划经济条件下领导国家建设的党,成为对外开放和发展社会主义市场经济条件下领导国家建设的党。新时期,只有坚持创新发展,党内民主制度才能继续保持党的创造力,凝聚力和战斗力。本文共分五个部分:绪论、第一章、第二章、第三章、结束语。绪论:党内民主的国内外研究现状以及制度学文献综述。第一,国内学术界对党内民主的涵义、原则、发展党内民主的途径、党内民主与人民民主的关系以及党内民主与民主集中制的关系等进行了较为深入的研究。本文主要介绍了党内民主的内涵、党内民主的原则及党内民主的发展途径三个方面的研究现状。第二,西方学者多从政党制度的角度对中国共产党加以研究。经过几十年的发展,西方学者对中国内部政治的研究发生了巨大改变,从对上层政治人物的个体研究转向对政治体制的整体研究,从模式化的研究转向现实化的研究。第三,制度问题基本理论。研究党内民主制度创新,首先要了解制度问题的基本理论。制度问题是十分丰富和庞杂的,本文介绍了制度的涵义、制度的分类、制度的功能以及制度创新等内容。第一章:中国共产党党内民主制度的基本理论与实践历程。正确理解党内民主的内涵,要掌握党内民主的基本要求,即党员主体、党员权利保障以及程序性要求。中国共产党党内民主制度建设可以分为四个阶段:从1921年建党到遵义会议的准备阶段;从遵义会议到八次全国代表大会的逐步完善阶段;从党的八大之后到十一届三中全会的曲折发展阶段;十一届三中全会以来的恢复和发展阶段。第二章:中国共产党党内民主制度解构。分别介绍了三个制度的基本涵义、发展现状以及现存制度中的问题和不足。民主选举制度主要存在以下问题:一是候选人产生机制不健全;二是差额选举流于形式;三是现有的程序制度不完善。民主决策制度主要存在以下问题:一是决策前的协商、论证不够充分;二是对决策的贯彻落实监督检查不够;三是民主决策制度本身不够完善。民主监督制度主要存在以下问题:一是对被监督对象尤其是主要领导干部的监督不够;二是对监督主体一党员的监督权利保护不够;三是党内监督体系不够健全。第三章:中国共产党党内民主制度创新。党内民主制度创新要遵循一定的原则,这些原则是:坚持马克思主义基本理论与中国的发展实际相结合;坚持理论与实践相结合;坚持借鉴与创新相结合。针对选举制度中存在的问题,提出了完善选举制度的设想:是要完善候选人产生机制;二是要扩大差额选举、逐步实现直接选举;三是要完善选举程序。针对决策制度中存在的问题,提出了以决策的程序为线索,完善民主决策制度的设想:一是要广泛听取党员的意见;二是要完善决策前的论证、质询机制;三是要完善决策后的监督、检查机制,从而充分发挥民主决策的优越性。针对监督制度存在的问题,提出了完善监督制度的设想:一是要加强对被监督主体尤其是领导干部、“一把手”的监督检查;二是要保障完善广大党员的监督权利,从而使民主监督有效展开;三是要加强专门监督机关建设,保证纪检机关的独立性和权威性。结束语:对中国共产党党内民主制度发展的展望。经过几十年的发展,中国共产党党内民主制度建设取得了很大的进步,中国共产党已经建立了一整套比较完备的党内民主制度,但是在党内民主的实践中,还存在一些问题。同时,随着市场经济体制的建立以及世界形势的变化,必然要求党内民主制度进一步发展和完善。因此,党内民主制度建设仍将是一项长期任务,需要在探索中前进和发展。

【Abstract】 From the time of set up, Communist Party of China has always been committed to the construction of inner-party democracy.80 Over the years, it is full of twists and hope. Now, the status of the Communist Party of China has undergone tremendous changes, from a party that led people strive to seize power become a leader that have the power and long-term ruling; from a party that led people struggle for revolutionary become a party that leads reform and opening up. New period, only constructing inner-party democracy can continue to maintain the party’s advanced nature and purity, creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness.This text is made up of introduction, three chapters and conclusion.Introduction:the text originally outlines current situation of this subject researching and institutional. Firstly, the academic community mainly from the democratic centralism, the historical development of inner-party democracy and the construction of inner-party democracy system, in-depth research inner-party democracy. The article introduced three aspects:the democratic centralism, the principle of inner-party democracy and the development of means of inner-party democracy. Secondly, Western scholars research Chinese inner-party democracy from the perspective of the party system. After several decades of development, Western scholars reserches has undergone tremendous changes. It changes from individual research on top politician into universal research on political system; from modelization to realization. Thirdly, institutional is very rich and complex, which includes the meaning, the nature of the institutional, the classification, the functions and innovation, etc.Chapter one:the basic theory of inner-party democracy and the development of inner-party democracy. The basic theory of inner-party democracy contains the connotation, the meaning of inner-party democracy, also includes Marxist classical writers’ and the Chinese communists’ opinion on the inner-party democracy. The development of inner-party democracy experience four stages:From the founding in 1921, before the Zunyi Meeting; from the Zunyi Meeting to eight National People’s Congress; from the party after the Group of Eight to the Third Plenary Session; after the Third Plenary Session of the development of inner-party democratic system.Chapter two:the development of inner-party democratic system. This chapter includes three parts:democratic election system; democratic decision system and democratic supervision system. Introduced the basic meaning of the three systems and the development of the current situation and existing problems. Democratic electoral system mainly have these issues:First, elected mechanism is not perfect; second, Competitive elections is a mere formality; third, the procedures need strengthed. Democratic decision system mainly have these issues:First, the consultation is inadequate; Second, the supervision and inspection of the decision-making is not enough; third, democratic decision-making system itself is not perfect. Democratic supervision system mainly have these issues:First, the supervision of the major leading cadres is lack; second, the supervision rights of party members is not enough; third, party supervision system is not perfect.Chapter three:innovation of Inner-party Democracy. Innovation of Inner-party Democracy must follow certain principles, such as adhering to the basic theory of Marxism with China’s development practice; insist on combining theory and practice; insist on a combination of drawing and innovation. In the view of the existence of the electoral system, it put forward the idea of improving the electoral system: firstly, improve the mechanism of the candidates; secondly, improve the electoral mechanism; thirdly, improve the electoral process. Innovative decision-making system based on the decision-making process for the leads, first of all, we should solicit the views of party members. Secondly, we must improve the consultation, verification mechanisms before making the dicision.Thirdly after the final decision-making to improve the supervision, inspection mechanism, and thus give full play to the superiority of democratic decision-making. As to the innovation of democratic supervision system. At first, we must strengthen the supervision of the principal particularly leading cadres, especially "the top leaders".The second is to improve the protection of the supervisory power of party members, so that the efficient conduct of democratic supervision.The third is to strengthen the building of specialized oversight body to ensure that the discipline inspection organs the independence and authority.Conclusion:the prospect of China’s inner-party democracy. Despite decades of development, inner-party democratic system has made great progress, the Chinese Communist Party has established a relatively complete set of inner-party democratic system, but in the practice of inner-party democracy, there are also some problems. Meanwhile, with the establishment of market economy and the world changes in the situation, inner-party democratic system require the further development. Therefore, the future of inner-party democratic system will continue be a long-term task and can only move forward in the exploration and development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

