

Study on Trust Mechanism in Cooperation and Innovation Network of Complex Products and Systems

【作者】 王智生

【导师】 许广义;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国近年来经济高速增长,但现有的技术创新绝大多数是基于技术引进或模仿创新,突破性、基础性创新极少。复杂产品系统(CoPS)在当今国家经济系统中占有重要地位,CoPS创新是基础性技术创新的一种主要形式,而合作创新网络作为CoPS的一种重要组织形式发挥着越来越重要的作用。然而CoPS创新理论本身还不完善,在企业合作创新实践当中也有许多问题需要解决,比如说信任问题。由于网络组织形式与合作创新过程都不可避免的要面临着合作伙伴间相互信任关系建立的问题。信任是合作的基础,交易的核心,而信任机制则是复杂产品系统合作创新网络(CoPS-CIN)成功运作的基石。因此,对CoPS-CIN的信任机制进行系统分析和探讨,是现实的需要,也是理论研究不能回避的重大课题。论文借鉴国内外相关理论研究和实践的合理因素,以规范研究为主,定性研究与定量研究相结合,围绕CoPS-CIN的独特性,运用演化博弈理论、粗糙集与支持向量机结合、多Agent系统、共生理论等相关理论以及一些定性描述和定量分析模型对CoPS-CIN的信任机制进行了较为系统和深入的研究。引出问题后,文章在对国内外相关研究进行分析比较和相关理论铺垫的基础上,紧紧围绕CoPS-CIN中成员信任关系与信任机制的独特性逐次展开。首先,论文重新认识了CoPS-CIN中成员合作关系及其信任关系,对影响信任关系的因素进行了理论分析,并提出了成员信任关系演化与稳定的机理。在此基础上,论文提出了CoPS-CIN中成员信任评审模型,并创新性地应用粗糙集与支持向量机结合的方法构建了信任伙伴选择模型与实例验证。论文的最后阐述了基于多Agent的信任协商机制、包含公平分配模型的信任激励机制以及风险控制机制等信任保障机制,并提出了相应的保障措施和对策建议。总之,系统性地研究CoPS-CIN中的信任机制,是本文的一大特色。

【Abstract】 The economic of China has developed rapidly in recent years. However, the vast majority of the existing technological innovation is based on technology import or simulating innovation. Radical and basic innovation is very little. Complex Product Systems (CoPS) occupies an important position in national economic system today, and CoPS innovation is a major form of basic innovation. Simultaneity, as an important organization form of CoPS, cooperative innovation network is becoming more and more important. But the innovation theory of CoPS has not been completed, there are many problems to be solved in the practice of cooperation and innovation, such as the issue of trust.Network organization forms and the process of cooperation and innovation will inevitably be faced with the issues of establishing partners’mutually trust relationship. For trust is the foundation of cooperation and transaction is the core, while the trust mechanism is the cornerstone of complex products and systems cooperative innovation networks (CoPS-CIN) successfully operated. Therefore, the systematic analysis and discussion on the trust mechanism of CoPS-CIN is not only the major issues of theoretical studies but the reality needs.This thesis, mainly based on the regulative research and the methods of qualitative and quantitative research, combined with the unique nature of CoPS-CIN, absorbs the rational factors of domestic and foreign research and practice related to the theories, uses the evolutionary game theory, Rough Sets combined with Support Vector Machine, Multi-Agent systems and the symbiotic theory et al. and some qualitative analysis and quantitative described models to study on the trust mechanism of CoPS-CIN systematically and deeply.After leading to the problem, this thesis firstly analyses the trust relationship and the factors that affect the trust relationship of CoPS-CIN members based on the comparison of domestic and foreign research and practice related to the theories, and raises the evolution mechanism of the trust relationship. On this basis, this thesis presents the members trustworthy model, and innovatively applies the method of Rough Sets and Support Vector Machine to select the trustworthy partner. At last, the thesis describes the Multi-Agent-based trust negotiation mechanism, the trust incentive mechanism including the equitable distribution model and risk control mechanism, and presents the corresponding safeguards and countermeasures.In short, that systematically studying on the trust mechanism of CoPS-CIN is a major feature of this thesis.

  • 【分类号】F224;F273.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】152
  • 攻读期成果

