

Study on the Legal Issues of Stakeholder and Staff Rights Protection on Merger Acquisition

【作者】 娄岩

【导师】 丁玮;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 经济法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 企业并购作为实现产业结构优化、合理利用资源的重要手段,对于建立现代企业制度具有十分重要的意义。而在企业并购的实践中存在大量理论争论和实务疑难问题,被并购企业职工的安置就是其中一个重要问题。当前,源于美国次贷危机的全球金融风暴成为人们普遍关注的话题,这场危机使得美国乃至全球股市大幅缩水,资本市场面临严峻考验。然而,在这样一个全球经济衰退的大背景下,我国企业并购热潮正悄然而至。如何把握金融危机下的企业并购。是我国企业实现跨越式发展所必须认真研究与解决的重要课题。长久以来,一些企业在并购的过程中,往往受到企业内职工极力的反对而作罢。而政府也希望能够保障职工的权益,避免造成社会问题的出现,对此也颁布了一些关于职工安置和职工保障的法规,并在确定企业资产转让时要考虑这一因素。并购企业过程中,如何保障被并购企业职工的利益是一个十分重要的问题。现阶段,由于我国对被并购企业职工利益保护的法律存在一定的缺陷,出现了大量侵害职工利益的事实,原因主要有企业追逐最大利益,地方政府官员追求短期利益,企业机制转变不到位和职工利益保障的法律法规不健全。因此,应加强企业的社会责任,建立利益相关方利益制衡机制,加强社会保障力度,健全并购企业的立法,从而将侵害被并购企业职工的利益减少到最小。但是随着这一成本的增加,却会使得主导方或者并购方却步,也不容易达成并购或者收购的目标。该如何平衡二者,最好的方式还是尽快建立其一系列的社会保障制度,并且能够彻底的实施,才能达到双赢的局面。

【Abstract】 The Merger & Acquisition functions as the methods to perfect the structure of entrepreneurs and using the resources rationally, has great meaning in the establishment of modern corporations. But in the process of M&A, there are many theory controversies and practical puzzle, as the resettlement of the staff of the merger company is one of these problems. Nowadays, the USA original financial crisis became the focus of every people, and this crisis made the stock value of USA and the countries widespread over the world decreased sharply that the capital market is facing fierce challenge. But in such an background of global economic doom, our country’ s company’ s M&A is in the beginning of the trend of boom. How to handle the M&A in the background of global financial crisis is a big question need deeply investigated for our country’ s company to realize big step development. For a long time, some companies in the process of M&A failed main because the strongly protest from the staff in the inner side of the company. And the government also hope to protect the benefit of the stuff to avoid social problem merging. Some laws about the protection about staff resettlement and staff’s benefit had been made accordingly and the government broadcast that the two points above should be taken enough attention in the process of company’ s estate transfer. In the process of M&A, how to protect the benefit of the staff of the country owned company is a big question. Now, as there are some flaw in the law related with the above question, there are many staff benefit invasion cases. The reasons include the company’s aim to realize max profit, local government’ s officer aimed at short term benefit, company’ s restructure didn’t perfect and the law protection about company’ s staff have many problems. So the company’ s social responsibility, the profit balance mechanism, social security, the law about M&A should be enhanced and established. To minimize the suffer of the staff of the merged company.But with the increased cost, it will stop the host and the M&A participator, and hard to finish the M&A’ s aim. The best methods for how to balance the two sides is to establish a system of social protection methods which can work smoothly. Only so could realize the two sides win.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】202
  • 攻读期成果

