

On Application of Adaptation Theory in Translating Chinese Public Signs into English

【作者】 张慧

【导师】 Du Yaowen;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的飞速发展以及改革开放政策的进一步深化,中国与世界各国的经济合作日益增多,对外联系和国际交流日趋频繁。中国正在加快融入全球一体化的步伐,并且逐渐受到来自世界各地的外国友人的青睐。为了方便他们的衣食住行,给他们提供了解中国及中国文化的机会,许多像北京、上海和广州这样的大城市和旅游城市都使用了汉英双语的公示语。由于关系到整个国家的形象,公示语翻译得到了来自各级政府、社会团体以及普通市民的重视。尽管如此,某些不称职的翻译工作者和印刷中的疏忽大意还是导致了各种错误的发生,甚至在社会中的普遍蔓延。而目前我国对公示语汉英翻译所做的研究非常少,所取得的相关成就也很有限。在这种情况下,找到切实可行的方法和策略来解决公示语翻译中的问题已经成为当务之急。由于语用学和翻译有着共同的研究对象,即语言理解和语言表达,本文试图从语用学的角度来处理这一问题。其中,顺应论可以为公示语翻译提供科学的解决方案。论文以维索尔伦的顺应论为理论基础来探究中国的公示语英译问题,揭示了公示语汉英翻译是一个不断选择的顺应过程。在论文的第四章为了使读者能对公示语的语言特点有更好更系统的了解,作者就汉英公示语语言特点的异同进行了对比性研究。研究表明,同为人类的语言,中英公示语在语言方面都具有言简意赅等共同点。但鉴于中英语言的不同和中西方文化的差异,中英公示语在句子结构、词性的选择以及修辞的运用方面都存在着很大的差别。本文通过对大量的语料的分类和研究分析,发现公示语英文译本中存在很多错误。因此,作者在对比中英公示语语言特点的基础上,从顺应论出发对其进行研究,提出了两条可行的翻译策略:语言顺应和非语言顺应。其中对语言顺应方面的研究是从词汇和结构两个层面上进行的,而非语言层次上的顺应则是从社会文化习俗和目标读者对客观世界的认识入手的。本文通过顺应理论对公示语的翻译进行了尝试性的定性研究,希望这项研究能够引起翻译界对公示语翻译的重视,进一步提高公示语翻译的质量,从而有助于在中国创造良好的英语语言环境。

【Abstract】 With the expeditious development of Chinese economy and the deepening of our reform and opening-up policy, the economic cooperation and international communication between China and outside world tend to increase greatly. China has accelerated its pace of integration and globalization and gradually turned into a popular country for people from other different nations of the world to steam into for various purposes. In order to provide convenience for these foreigners in eating, boarding, traveling and shopping and acquaint them with China and Chinese culture, it is of great necessity to use bilingual public signs in some large cities and tourist cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, which are often the hosts of big events. As a demanding task, translation of public signs has aroused considerable attention from not only the government but also the organizations and common citizens. Although great efforts have been made to correct the errors in this field, regrettable mistakes in public signs translation can still be frequently observed due to the incompetence and negligence of the translators. What’s worse, some of them are even prevalent in the society. However, the study on C-E translation of public signs carried out in China is too sparse and only a few accomplishments have been achieved. Therefore, it is convinced that it is a matter of urgency to figure out some effective approaches to improve the situation and provide some constructive and feasible suggestions for translation of public signs. As pragmatics and translation study share the same emphasis on the comprehension and interpretations of the target language, the author intends to tackle this problem from the perspective of pragmatics. Thus, adaptation theory is chosen as the most appropriate theoretical base. This study attempts to explore the translation of current public signs in China from the approach of adaptation theory. The theoretical foundation for the present research, which is explained at length in Chapter Three, is developed from Verschueren’s (2000) Theory of Linguistic Adaptation, which offers theoretical insights into how the translator makes linguistic choices to communicate with target audience. According to this theory, translation of public signs is a process during which translators consciously make target language choices to convey the author’s intentions. A contrastive study on Chinese and English signs is conducted in Chapter Four, in which the similarities and differences in the features of Chinese and English public signs are presented so as to acquaint the readers with some basic knowledge of the linguistic and cultural features of public signs. Both as human language, they do resemble in some aspects. However, the differences are quite remarkable in terms of sentence structures, parts of speech and figures of speech. A large volume of examples are collected and cited to contribute to the investigation of C-E translation of public signs, in which plenty of errors are found. Therefore, based on adaptation theory, two feasible strategies are put forward in this thesis to improve the translation of public signs: adaptation at linguistic level and adaptation at extra-linguistic level. The first consists of adaptation to lexicon and adaptation to structures. The second contains the physical and social-cultural factors that affect the adaptive choices greatly.As a qualitative and tentative study on translation of public signs from the perspective of adaptation, the present study will obviously be expected to contribute to the improvement of the quality of sign translation and help to build up a more favorable language environment in China.

【关键词】 公示语汉英翻译顺应错误
【Key words】 public signsC-E translationadaptationerrors

