

Vector Control System of Single-phase Motor Based on Mind Evolutionary Algorithm

【作者】 尚彦维

【导师】 杜永贵;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电力事业的发展,人们生活水平的提高,对家用电器如冰箱、洗衣机、空调等中的电动机的应用提出了越来越高的要求——要求其向着节能化、智能化的方向发展,于是,变频的概念越来越多地出现在普通百姓的日常生活中。变频方式的出现将避免电动机压缩电机的频繁启动,减小对电网的冲击并延长压缩机的使用寿命。然而,在目前的情况下,对家用电器中较多采用的单相异步电机的相关控制研究还较少。并且,随着电力电子技术和数字控制技术的发展,交流传动取代直流传动已经成为不可逆转的趋势。与此同时,异步电机系统还存在一定的问题,它是一个多变量、非线性强耦合的时变参数系统,虽然矢量控制技术在一定程度上能使异步电动机得以解耦控制,但是这并不能改变其非线性且具有时变参数的特点。况且,在交流调速系统实际运行过程中不可预测的干扰很多,所以交流调速系统中调节器的设计一直是人们研究的焦点。虽然,到目前为止,对于三相交流异步电机的变频控制已经较为成熟,但是对于单相电机,转速的调节主要采用调节端电压和改变电机极对数的方法。在这两种方法中,前者只适用于小功率低力矩场合例如电风扇等,后者则不能实现无级调速。事实上,单相异步电动机的结构与三相异步电动机较为相似,因而与三相电机一样,使得变频成为这种电机转速调节最为有效的方法。论文基于以上原因,在查阅相关文献和借鉴前人工作经验的基础上,以将单相异步电机在模型上等效为直流电动机为目的,仔细研究了单相电机物理模型和数学模型,通过两相静止坐标系/两相旋转坐标系的变换和直角坐标系/极坐标系的变换,整理出单相电机的运动方程、转矩方程、电压方程等,作为下一步系统设计的基础。另外,涉及到系统中转矩调节器和转速调节器的设计时的参数,常见的应用在三相电机上的有工程整定法、试凑法和经验值法等。在本文中,综合考虑了工程整定法和经验值等方面的不足,首先用工程整定的方法算出参数的初始值,然后,在详细学习和考量了各种优化算法的特点和优缺点的基础上,由于思维进化算法收敛速度快、定向机制、不受函数条件的限制等良好特点,最终选用它作为调节器参数优化的方法。在给出α=0.6的解空间范围内,即在初始值±60%的范围内,采用思维进化算法的趋同开采和异化勘探策略,实现了设计中参数优化的功能。在实验仿真阶段,分两个步骤进行,首先,关于调节器的思维进化算法优化部分是在VC平台,用C语言来实现,得出优化好的参数结果;其次,在simulink仿真阶段,搭建系统框图,将各设计参变量代入到系统中,运行得到scope图。

【Abstract】 With the development of power industry and the improvement of living standards of human being, more and more requirements about motors for home-appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, air- conditionings and so on are put forward , which are developed towards energy-saving and intelligent direction. This method will avoid compressor of motor from starting frequently,reduce strike to power and extend compressor life. Then, the concept of varial-frequency appears in the daily life of ordinary people.In present, the research on single-phase motor control is less .Moreover, with the development of power-electronic-technology and digital control technology, the trend of motor applications is that AC drive will replace the DC drive. At the same time, there are some problems with asynchronous motor. It is a nonlinear and time-change system. It has multiple variables and the personality of strong gearing. Although vector control can solve the problem of gearing to some degree, the system is still nonlinear and time-change. What’s more, during the real running course, there are many disturbance factors. So, the designing of regulators in AC adjusting speed system is the focus of researches so far. So far, although variable frequency control of three-phase AC induction motor has been more mature, for the single-phase motors,main methods of speed regulation are change voltage and the number of poles. The former is only applicable to low-power and low-torque circumstances such as fans, and the latter can not stepless speed regulation.In fact, the structure of single-phase asynchronous motor and three-phase asynchronous motor is similar. Therefore, the variable-frequency becomes the most effective method just as three-phase motor. Because of above reasons , on the base of studying relative documents and referring the experience of ancestors, I studyed carefully the single-phase motor physical and mathematical models for the purpose of equivalent to the DC motor in the model.Through the two-phase static coordinate system / two-phase rotating coordinate system and the cartesian coordinate system transformation / polar coordinates transformat- ion , the equation of motion, torque equation, voltage equation and so on was sorted out.It is the basis of the next step in the system design. In addition, there are several methods to decide parameters of ASR and ATR .In this paper, considering the faults of project-method and experience values, first of all, used the project-method to initialize the parameters, then, chose MEA to optimize them due to its fast speed, targeted mechanisms and not subject to conditions, after a detaile study and consideration of a variety of optimization algorithms based on their advantages and disadvantages . Solution space is the given asα=0.6. With the mining and explorating strategies of MEA parameters was optimized.In the simulation phase of the experiment,first , parameters of ASR and ATR was optimized in VC with C language using MEA. Then run simulink to get figures.


