

Orbal Oxidation Ditch Process Commissioning in Wastewater Treatment Plant at Low Temperature

【作者】 吴鹏

【导师】 杨云龙;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 市政工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,保护环境、改善环境的呼声也越来越高。水是人类生活环境的主要组成部分,合理建设城市污水处理厂已成为现代城市发展的必然要求。目前,城市污水厂多数采用活性污泥法处理生活污水。对各种活性污泥法工艺的研究以及新工艺的开发,对于改善城市污水处理现状,提高污染物去除率,更大程度地实现节能减排,具有重大意义。奥贝尔氧化沟工艺在处理城市生活污水中已得到广泛应用。其良好的有机物去除及脱氮除磷效果已被普遍认可。本文通过对榆社县污水处理厂奥贝尔氧化沟工艺的调试运行研究,进一步分析探讨了该工艺对有机物的去除机理和脱氮除磷机理。在实际调试运行过程中,应对各种条件的变化,深刻分析了奥贝尔氧化沟运行效果的影响因素,研究了温度、CDO等与氧化沟脱氮除磷效果的关系,从理论上得出了奥贝尔氧化沟的最佳运行条件,具有一定的指导意义。榆社县污水处理厂建成于2004年,但由于实际进水量远远低于设计规模,至2008年11月一直没有运行,造成了环境的继续恶化和资源的严重浪费。为此,在调试开始前,针对榆社县污水厂实际情况提出工艺改造方案并部分实施,为后续调试创造了有利条件。榆社县污水处理厂自11月份开始调试工作,首先进行了活性污泥的培养驯化。随后,在吸取失败教训的基础上,仔细分析失败原因,在第二阶段污泥培养工作中改善影响污泥生长的不利条件,污泥量稳步增长,SV30、SVI也逐步改善,污泥培养取得成功。在此过程中,总结了大量的实际经验,为此类恶劣条件下的污泥培养提供了切实可行的参照。随着活性污泥的培养成功,对不同条件下奥贝尔氧化沟的有机物去除效果、同时硝化反硝化、除磷效果等开始了仔细的研究工作。研究结果表明奥贝尔氧化沟工艺在低负荷状态下仍具有较高的有机物去除率和很好的除磷效果,COD、BOD5、TP去除率分别达到了84.9%、93.5%、86.3%。而NH3-N的去除效果较差,通过进一步的研究发现,其主要原因在于水温过低使同时硝化反硝化难以正常进行。在09年开春后,对榆社县污水厂又进行了连续几天的检测,NH3-N平均去除率已达77.3%,这一结果表明在温度条件适宜的情况下,奥贝尔氧化沟有较好的脱氮效果。榆社县污水厂调试自11月份开始后,气温持续降低并进入冬季,如何保证水厂顺利过冬并尽可能使处理效果不受影响成为调试工作的重要问题。通过对比不同温度下工艺的各项运行指标,并对具体问题仔细分析思考,总结了工艺在低温条件下的运行规律,通过调整曝气量,回流比等措施使出水除NH3-N外其余指标在低温条件下仍能达到排放标准。在调试工作结束后,对几个月来的调试过程做出系统的总结,并对污水厂运行进行了详细的经济分析和环境、社会效益分析,最后为污水厂更好地运行提出了几条合理建议。

【Abstract】 With economic development and people’s living standards, the voice of protecting and improving the environment is also getting higher and higher. Water is the main component of human being’s living environment, so constructing urban sewage treatment plants reasonably is an essential requirement for urban development.At present, most wastewater treatment plants are using activated sludge to treat the domestic sewage. It is of great significance for various activated sludge process research and development of new techniques, for improving the status of municipal wastewater treatment, for improving the pollutant removal efficiency and greater energy-saving emission reduction.Orbal oxidation ditch process has been widely used in treating the sewage of urban life. The good effect of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus removal has been generally recognized. Based on the Orbal Oxidation Ditch process commissioning study on wastewater treatment plant in Yushe county, the author gives further analysis of the removal mechanism of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. In actual process of commissioning, there are many changes in response to various conditions, a profound analysis of the effect of Oxidation Ditch Orbal factors is present in the thesis. It studies the relationship between temperature, CDO and nitrogen, phosphorus removal and finally the best operating conditions of Orbal Oxidation Ditch is put forward theoretically, which has a certain guiding sense.The wastewater treatment plant in Yushe county was built in 2004, but it has not been run until in November 2008. Because the actual inflow is far below the design scale, which resulting in the continued deterioration of the environment and a serious waste of resources. Therefore, before the commissioning starts, we proposed the process transformation plan and part implementation in view of the actual situation in Yushe County wastewater treatment plant, which created the advantage for the follow-up commissioning. The commissioning started from November in 2008, first carried out the cultivation of activated sludge acclimation. Raise initial period, because of water shortage, high aeration, the plate spinning drift effect difference, low temperature etc., sludge grew slowly even died massively, and the sludge target (MLSS, SV30, SVI) was extremely low, the first stage sludge raise announced defeat. Subsequently, in the absorption defeat lesson’s foundation, based on careful analysis of the reasons for failure, in the second period, we improved the adverse conditions for the growth of sludge, the sludge quantity grew with stability, and SV30, SVI also gradually improved, sludge cultivation obtained success. In this process, we summed up a lot of practical experience, which provided practical and feasible reference for sludge cultivation under such harsh conditions.With the successful cultivation of activated sludge, we started a careful study on removal efficiency of Orbal Oxidation Ditch’s organic matter, nitrification and denitrification, phosphorus removal etc. under different conditions. The results show that the oxidation ditch process Orbal in low-load state still has a higher removal rate and good effect of phosphorus removal. CODcr, BOD5, TP removal rates were 84.9%、93.5%、86.3%. While the effect of NH3-N removal was less effective, further studies have found that the too low water temperature mainly due to nitrification and denitrification at the same time so difficult to track. In the spring of year 2009, we carried on several day-long examination continuously to Yushe County wastewater treatment plant, the NH3-N average removal rate reached77.3%, this result indicated that the oxidation ditch Orbal has good denitrogenation effect under appropriate temperature conditions.Since the commissioning in Yushe County Wastewater Treatment Plant in November, the temperature continued to reduce and later it was winter. How to ensure the smooth water plant over the winter and the processing effect smoothlyhas become an important issue of commissioning. By comparing the running process indicators in different temperatures, detailed analysis of specific issues and thinking, we summed up the process at low temperature operation law, in addition to the effluent NH3-N outside the remaining indicators low temperatures were able to meet emission standards by adjusting the amount of aeration, reflux ratio and so on .At the end of the work of commissioning, the author makes a systematic summary over the past few months and carries out a detailed economic, environmental and social analysis, finally gives some reasonable suggestions for the better operation of wastewater treatment plant.


