

【作者】 谢灵巧

【导师】 刘玲;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的进步,需要公民具备较高的科学素养,才能适应社会的发展需要。而在我国西部的一些边远贫困地区由于经济落后,教育资源相对贫乏,学生知识基础相对薄弱,学校教育在很大程度上只重视升学率,过分强调知识的讲解和传授,忽视了科学方法,科学过程的培养,削弱了科学情感、态度与价值观,科学、技术与社会的关系等方面的教育。这种教育方式不利于学生科学素养的培养,更不利于学生的终生发展。本文从科学素养的内涵出发,.参照国际上通用的科学素养调查问卷,也就是我国四次公众科学素养调查采用的调查问卷,编制了一份中学生科学素养调查问卷,对贫困县的大关县一中高中三个年级部分学生进行抽样调查。通过对调查结果统计、分析,了解了贫困地区中学生科学素养的发展水平存在很大问题,表现在获取科学知识的途径和方法存在很大的偏差;科学态度、责任心不强;对科学研究过程和方法不甚了解;应用科学知识于生活的能力很差;学生的学习方式单一、缺乏创新精神和自主精神。在揭示问题的基础上,探讨了如何在边远贫困地区的化学教学中培养学生的科学素养,并从科学知识与地域特色、技能、科学探究,科学情感、态度与价值观和科学、技术与社会的关系三个方面介绍本人的几点教学对策与教学途径,为寻求提高教育贫困地区中学生科学素养的途径和方法提供了一定的依据。

【Abstract】 With the development of society, citizens are expected to have higher scientific literacy to meet the demands of society. However, in some poor region in western of our country, schools just pay much attention to the rate of the admitted students or just give the students some explanations of knowledge. They put too much emphasis on the teaching and explanation of pure knowledge, and ignore the cultivation of scientific methods and scientific processes. As a result, they have weakened not only the importance of scientific emotion, scientific attitudes and scientific values, but also the importance of the relation between science, technology and society. This kind of education is bad for the cultivation of scientific literacy, and even worse for the lifelong development of students.The essay beginning with the connotation of scientific literacy, international general scientific literacy’s resourceful paper which is adopted by the public scientific literacy’s research, the author redacted a resourceful paper of middle school student’s scientific literacy and investigated the students of grade three of senior school. It is believed that there lie a lot of questions of development about middle school student’s scientific literacy by statistic, analysis of the resourceful results. The essay resolves the problems and analyzes the advantage and disadvantage that effect middle school student’s scientific literacy. I have mainly talked about how to cultivate the students’ scientific literacy in chemistry teaching of less developed areas through the study of scientific knowledge and regional characteristic, skills and scientific researches, through the study of scientific emotions, attitudes and values, and through the study of the relation between science, technology and society. I have also explained my teaching strategies and teaching approaches in the process of the cultivation of scientific literacy. It offers definite warranty of improving the road and method of education in less developed areas middle school student’s scientific literacy.


