

【作者】 杨帅

【导师】 白凤翔;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术不断发展,网络以其强大的功能在社会各个领域中发挥着越来越大的作用,在教育领域也不例外,各种各样的网络化教学方式使用和研究越来越多,特别是网络教学平台,得到了很好的发展和应用,越来越多的教师借助于网络,组建课程网站,将自己的教学延伸到了广阔的网络空间中。课程网站是在网络环境下围绕某一门课程进行较为广泛深入研究的课程学习网站,以此来培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,它是传统课堂教学的有力补充。本文在论述课程网站的发展、功能、分类的基础上,提出将参与性融入到课程网站的建设中,以期开阔课程网站建设的研究视野,以及参与式学习方面的理论和实践视野。积极促进学生的参与热情,促进学生的积极学习,深化对课堂教学与课外学习关系的认识,找到两者的最佳结合点,最后,通过课程网站的教育性评价功能,在对学生的学习进行科学评价的同时,进一步探讨、研究教育性评价理论和实践,以期找到一个比较符合参与性课程网站的评价方式。本文创新之处体现在充分体现学生在基于课程网站学习、评价和建设的参与性,以此促进学生的学习积极性和学习效果。本文在查阅大量文献的基础上对课程网站进行概述,并对参与性课程网站进行设计、开发与研究。论文主要包括以下内容:第一,阐明了对课程网站研究的背景、意义、现状,并对课程网站作出了界定;第二,在对课程网站深入研究的基础上,对课程网站从发展历史、发展状况、分类等方面进行了阐述;第三,基于目前课程网站中对学生参与性体现不多的情况下提出了参与性课程网站的建设思想,并确定其理论基础;第四,从功能和建设角度对参与性课程网站进行定位;第五,论述参与性课程网站的设计与开发;第六,探讨了参与性课程网站的测试与改进。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of network technology, network with its powerful functions in all areas of society to play an increasingly important role in the field of education is no exception, a wide range of network-based teaching methods and the use of more and more research, particularly network Teaching platform, has been very good development and application of more and more teachers through the use of network, set up courses sites, their teaching extended to the vast network space.Course Website is a Web-based learning method which apply network environment to study to train students’ innovation and practical ability. It is a powerful addition of traditional education. This paper discussed the development, function and classification of course Website ,on this basis ,I propose to build a involvement course Website to open the vision of construction site research and participate learning in theory and practice. Actively promote students’ enthusiastic of participation, and promote students’ learning, and deepening awareness the relationship between classroom teaching with extra-curricular learning, in order to find the best combination of the two points, finally, through educational courses site evaluation function to evaluate students’ learning and to further explore the evaluation theory and practice.The article is divided into the following five specific parts:The first part, I discussed the background, significance and situation of the study, and make a definition of course Website.The second part, on the basis of in-depth study of the historical and situation of development courses site, development of the classification aspects were also discussed.The third part , the perspective of functions and positioning of the curriculum website.PartⅣ, the idea and theory of the involvement course WebsitePartⅤ, Design and development of the involvement course WebsitePartⅥ, testing and improving the involvement course Website.

【关键词】 课程网站设计开发数字校园
【Key words】 Course WebsiteDesignDevelopmentDigital school

