

The Seeker in Absurdity-An Interpretation of Henderson the Rain King from Camus’s Philosophy of Absurdity

【作者】 陈燕

【导师】 何昌邑;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 索尔·贝娄是二十世纪美国著名的犹太作家。就其对生命的解读而论,在他所有的作品中,《雨王亨德森》是最具积极意义的一部小说。被贝娄称为“荒谬中高贵品质的寻求者”的小说主人公亨德森,虽然拥有声名显赫的家庭和财富,但饱受死亡的焦虑,遭受异化和缺乏存在价值的折磨,那回荡在他心中“我要,我要”的呼声就是这种精神危机的体现。为了逃离在美国令人窒息的生活,亨德森决心到遥远原始的非洲去寻求生活的本质和意义,寻找回荡在他心中“我要,我要”的声音的答案。经过他的非洲之旅,亨德森完成了他的精神转变。在这部小说中,贝娄真实地表现了现代人的精神危机以及现代人对生活价值和意义的永恒追求。通过讲述亨德森为寻求生活的意义而远赴非洲的故事,小说体现了贝娄对人生、现实和死亡的哲学阐释。贝娄在小说中的探索回应着加缪的“荒谬哲学”。基于存在主义思想对索尔·贝娄的深刻影响,以及笔者对该作品评论的综述,本文尝试采用加缪的“荒谬哲学”来解读《雨王亨德森》。加缪的“荒谬哲学”呈现出“荒谬一个人的反抗-集体的反抗-统一-和谐”的整体脉络,本文从加缪的“荒谬哲学”的角度集中研究了亨德森拒绝接受荒谬,寻求生活的本质和意义,接受荒谬,最后回归家园的整个过程。《雨王亨德森》成功表征了加缪的哲学思想。随着亨德森精神转变的完成,他意识到个人应该融入他人,在与他人的合作中感受和谐。他相信有意义的生活依靠爱,他应担负起作为丈夫和父亲的责任,通过为他人服务创造人生的价值。本文由五章组成。第一章是对论文的整体介绍。第二章介绍了《雨王亨德森》的国内外研究概况。第三章是理论框架,这一章首先概述了加缪的生平和著作,然后集中讨论加缪了的“荒谬哲学”,其中包括理论涉及到的基本概念和术语。第四章是论文的主体部分,这一章应用加缪的“荒谬哲学”系统地对文本进行讨论。第五章是结论,总结了《雨王亨德森》体现的主要思想,揭示它的重要内涵,并总结论文的成果和存在的不足。

【Abstract】 Saul Bellow is a celebrated Jewish-American writer in the twentieth century. Of all his works, Henderson the Rain King is Bellow’s most significant novel in terms of interpreting life and existence.Eugene Henderson, the protagonist of the novel, whom Bellow has called "the absurd seeker of high qualities" , despite his wealth and distinguished family, suffers from the anxiety over death, alienation and his lack of value in existence, and is tortured from the spiritual crisis, which is vividly embodied in the voice "I want, I want " echoing in his mind.In order to escape from his suffocating life in America, Henderson takes a trip to the remote and uncivilized Africa to quest for the truth and meaning of life and seek for the answer to the repeated crying "I want, I want " from the depth of his mind. Through his American-African journey, Henderson achieves a spiritual transformation. Bellow in this novel truthfully presents the spiritual crisis the people are suffering in modern society, and vividly expresses modern man’s perpetual quest for value and meaning of existence.The novel Henderson the Rain King embodies Bellow’s philosophical interpretation of life, reality and death by telling a story that Henderson goes to Africa to seek for the significance of life. Bellow’s exploration in Henderson the Rain King echoes Camus’s philosophy of Absurdity. Based on a brief account of the relevant literature review of Henderson the Rain King and the influence of Existentialism on Bellow, the present thesis attempts to apply Camus’s philosophy of Absurdity to the interpretation of Henderson the Rain Kim, especially the process of the protagonist’s spiritual transformation.Camu’s philosophy of Absurdity develops through a clear line, which can be presented as follows: absurdity- individual revolt- collective revolt- unity- harmony. This thesis attempts to focus its study on the process of Henderson’s refusing absurdity, seeking for the truth and meaning of life, accepting absurdity and returning home from the perspective of Camus’s philosophy of Absurdity.In Henderson the Rain King, Bellow succeeds in conveying Camus’s philosophical ideas. With the accomplishment of the protagonist’s spiritual transformation, Henderson realizes that human beings should integrate with others and experience harmony by cooperation. He believes that a meaningful life rests on love and he should take his responsibility as husband and father, and create the value of life through serving other people.This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One is a general introduction to the present thesis. Chapter Two systematically summarizes both domestic and overseas reviews on Henderson the Raining King. Chapter Three is the theoretical framework, which starts with a general introduction to Camus’s life and works, and then concentrates on the discussion of his philosophy of Absurdity, including the notions and terms used in the thesis. Chapter Four is the trunk of the thesis, which gives a detailed analysis of Henderson the Raining King in the light of Camus’s philosophy. Chapter Five is the conclusion that summarizes the main ideas embodied in Henderson the Raining King and reveals its significance, as well as the achievements and limitations of the present study.


