

【作者】 吴航

【导师】 朱端强;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 潘耒是清初值得深入研究的一位著名学者。顺治三年(1646),他出生于江南吴江县(今江苏吴江县)的一家书香门第。父亲潘凯、长兄潘柽章都是明清易代之际的遗民学者。潘耒六岁而孤,十八岁时长兄柽章又因湖州庄廷鑨《明史》案牵连致死。后来,他为了避难,隐姓埋名,颠沛流离。潘耒天生聪颖,少时曾师事戴笠、吴炎、长兄柽章、王锡阐、徐枋、顾炎武等著名学者,其于经学、史学、音韵学、历算学、金石学等均有研习,颇为精通,而尤为强调经世致用的实学。康熙十七年(1678),清政府诏举“博学鸿儒科”,潘耒为左谕德卢琦和刑部郎中谢重辉交章推荐。试后,潘耒名列二等第二名,以布衣身份被授为翰林院检讨,参与《明史》修纂。潘耒在京为官五年。其间,除参修《明史》外,又被康熙帝亲自简拔为日讲起居注官;出任会试考官,分校礼闱。他对于时政亦多有建白。康熙二十三年(1684),潘耒被人弹劾而降调,又突遭母丧。从此,他辞官归隐,游历山水,究心学问,甘老林泉,不再复出。潘耒晚年崇信佛学,更加信服清廷政治,表现出明显的卫道气息。本文试从博学鸿儒的角度论述清初学人潘耒的生平事迹及其学术成就,尤其侧重于对潘耒的史学成就的考论。本文主要包括三个方面:其一,钩稽潘耒的生平事迹及其早年的成长过程。其二,论说潘耒在史学研究上的成就。其三,剖析潘耒在其他方面的学术成就。通过对清初一代学人潘耒的探研,我们可以发现此时的学术研究已由明末以来的陈腐糜烂的空疏学风逐步向经世致用的务实学风转变和过渡;潘耒堪称这一时期学术研究中的一位代表人物。

【Abstract】 Pan Lei was one of the eminent and worthwhile scholars in the early Qing Dynasty. He came from a family of scholars in Wujiang County, Jiangnan Province in the 3rd year of Shunzhi Period, whose father Pan Kai and elder brother Pan Chengzhang were both survivor scholars of the Ming Dynasty. His family was not very fortunate, his father passed away early when he was six, and his elder brother was killed because of the implication of the case of Zhuang Tinglong’s Mingshi at his age of eighteen. Later Pan Lei lived under an assumed name and moved around, homelessly and miserably, in order to seek refuge. Pan Lei was intelligent inherently and had some survivor scholars of the Ming Dynasty, for example, his elder brother, Dai Li, Wu Yan, Wang Xichan, Xu Fang, Gu Yanwu as his good teachers and helpful friends, and so he made so much progress in scholarly attainments. He was proficient in Confucian classics, historiography, phonology, epigraphy, arithmetic, study of calendar, Buddhist philosophy and so on, and he well paid attention to the practical knowledge of managing state affairs.In the 17th year of the Kangxi Period, the government of Qing dynasty declared the edict to have the BoXueHongRu test (the imperial civil examination called the Special Test). Pan Lei was recommended by both of his old friends Lu Qi, Zuoyude Official,and Xie Chonghui, Langzhong Official of Ministry of Punishments. After examination, he was ranked as No.2 of the Class 2 and conferred Jiantao Official of Hanlinyuan, the Imperial Academy in accord with the status of commoner, to compile THE HISTORY OF MING. In addition, during the period of five years in Beijing, Pan Lei was selected as Rijiang and Qijuzhu Official by Emperor Kangxi and examiner of the general examination for the successful candidate of all the provincial civil examination, and he put forward the proposals to the current political affairs. In the 23rd year of the Kangxi Period, Pan Lei was impeached by somebody and demoted, and his mother suddenly died in this year. Confronted with these dreadful events, he resigned and lived a secluded life, either traveling for pleasure everywhere or having academic research.The paper studied Pan Lei’s biographical needs and academic research, especially laid emphasis on his historical research achievements and other academic attainments. Pan Lei’s academic research proved that the learning atmosphere had been moving from the obsolete and unrealistic one at the end of Ming Dynasty into the practical and pragmatic one in the early Qing Dynasty. Pan Lei was one of the scholars who advocated the sound scholarship during this period.


