

【作者】 卢芳

【导师】 王渝光;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着云南省高中新课程改革实验在今年九月份的全面实施,语文新课程改革已由理念的思考转入实践的探索,传统意义下的阅读教学遭到了强有力的挑战,而作为语文教学重中之重的阅读教学,如何改变目前现状,达到新课标的要求?这成为了广大语文教师最为关注的问题。论文的主体部分的内容主要阐述了以下几个方面的内容:第一章导论。这一部分包括论文问题的提出、本课题研究的意义、本课题研究的方法及文献综述。第二章是阐述阅读与文学鉴赏的含义、内容及目的。第三章是关于语文阅读教学的现状分析。主要包括了阅读教学的成就概述及阅读教学的困境分析。阅读教学的困境主要分析了阅读教学的伪圣化、技术化危机;教学设计的预设性、封闭性局限;阅读教学重结论、轻过程的弊端;阅读主体重分析、轻积累的缺憾;阅读教学重理论、轻鉴赏的错位。第四章是关于高中语文教学中文学鉴赏的内涵探讨。包括人本教育为出发点、母语教育为重点、思维方式的转变、主体关系的凸显四个方面的探讨。第五章是关于高中语文阅读教学与文学鉴赏的实践与构想。包括扩大读书量,开阔视野,激发阅读期待;优化课程资源,增强意识,增加有效阅读量;创设多元情境,唤醒创造热情,促进情感生成;采用感悟法,以文为本,先感后悟;比较阅读,知人论世,学会反思;迁移文外,大胆批判,张扬个性等方式的实践与构想。高中语文阅读教学中加强文学鉴赏教学,并非是一朝一夕可以完成的,但文学鉴赏教学却是加强学生人文素养的基础,它能为高中学生的研究性学习作铺垫,从学生可持续发展的角度来看,它是必要的、也是不可缺少的。在阅读教学的过程中去探究,通过对新课标的解读和认识,引导学生去探寻文学鉴赏的规律,并尝试在教学中,寻求一种使语文真性情和个性得到回归,且行之有效的教学方法,这是每一个语文教师的必修课。

【Abstract】 Along with the new curriculum reform experiment full implementation of Yunnan Province senior senior high school in September this year, new Chinese curriculum reform have changed from the idea thinking to the practice exploration, the traditional reading-teaching in the sense of being a powerful challenge, and language teaching is the most important in the Chinese teaching, how to change the status nowadays and achieve the requirements of new curriculum? That is the main problem concerned of majority of teachers.The main body of the paper mainly on the following aspects:Preface. This part of the problem including the thesis, the significance of this research, the research methodology and literature review.The first chapter is on reading and literary appreciation of the meaning, content and purpose.The second chapter relate to the analysis of status on reading-teaching. It mainly includes an overview of the achievements and analysis of the Puzzledom in the reading-teaching. Analysis of puzzledom in Reading-teaching mainly include the pseudo-saint, technology of crisis; instructional design of the default and the limitations of closed, the lack of attenting conclusions and despising the process in Reading-teaching; in main body of reading, the deficiency of attenting analysis and despising accumulation; Facts of Reading-Teaching divide from literature appreciation.The third chapter on language teaching in senior high school literature to explore the connotations of appreciation. Including education as a starting point, focusing on mother-tongue education, ways of thinking changes the relationship between the main highlights of the four aspects.Chapter IV is on the senior high school language teaching and literature appreciation reading practice and ideas. Including the expansion of school capacity, broaden our horizons, look forward to stimulating reading; optimization of curriculum resources, and enhance awareness and increase the volume of effective reading; the creation of multiple contexts to create a warm wake-up call to promote the emotion generation; sentiment method used to text-based, first flu Wu; Comparison of reading, knowing of the world, learning to reflect on; relocation of the text, the bold criticism, publicity, such as the practice of personality and vision.To enhance teaching of literary appreciation during reading-teaching in senior high school is not to be completed in short term, but the teaching of the literature appreciation of is the basis of strengthening humanistic quality of students, that can study for senior high school students learning to make paving the way, from the perspective of sustainable development of students to of view, it is necessary and indispensable. In the process of teaching reading to explore, through reading and understanding of New Curriculum to guide students to explore the law of literary appreciation, and try in teaching, to find a language so true and personality to be the return of effective teaching and method, which is a compulsory course for language teachers.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【下载频次】212

