

【作者】 杨朝雄

【导师】 伍林;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 天体物理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 伽玛射线暴(Gamma Ray Bursts)简称伽玛暴(GRBs),是当今天体物理领域中最重要和最热门的研究领域之一。在过去的十几年里,伽玛暴的研究取得巨大的进展:其中长暴(持续时标大于2秒的暴)被认为起源于大质量恒星的塌缩死亡,越来越多的观测证据表明,长时标伽玛暴与恒星形成区、甚至可能与超新星成协;2005年以来短时标伽玛暴(持续时标短于2秒)之谜也开始被解开,短暴的双中子星合并模型也得到观测支持。最近,Swift卫星还观测几个红移值高于6.0的伽玛暴(GRB 050904红移值6.29;GRB 060116红移值6.6;GRB 080913红移值6.7),这标志着伽玛暴开始成为研究高红移宇宙学的探针。本文笔者在收集了69个带红移值、余辉衰减指数和峰值能量的伽玛暴基础上,探讨γ暴的红移值与能量、红移值与余辉衰减指数的相关性。

【Abstract】 Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) is one of the most important and hottest research fields in astrophysics. Great progress on Gamma-ray Bursts research has been made in the past ten years. The long GRB (continuous time scale is greater than 2 seconds) is considered which came from massive stars in the death of collapse. A growing number of observations evidence that long GRBs and star formation region, indeed may be associated with supernovae into the Association. Since 2005, the enigma of short GRBs (short then 2 seconds) is now being unraveled. New observations support the neutron star binary merger model for short GRBs. Several GRBs with high-redshift z>6.0 (GRB 050904 z=6.29; GRB 060116z=6.6; GRB 080913 z=6.7) has been detected by Swift satellite recently. It indicates that GRBs now begin to serve as probe of the high-redshift cosmology. In this paper, the author base on 69 GRBs with redshift, afterglow decay index and the peak energy, to explore the relevance of redshift and the peak energy, redshift and afterglow decay index.


