

A Study of the Influence of the Gender Difference on Junior High School Students’ Command of Biology and the Improvement of Learning Capability

【作者】 吴静波

【导师】 师振黎;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 由于受社会因素的影响,许多包括教师在内的人都认为男生在理科学习上优于女生,而女生在文科学习上优于男生是因为男生比女生智力好。有潜力。从很多的研究表明,男女生之间不存在智力上的差异,男女生学业上出现差异的原因主要是社会的影响,是社会性别差异的结果。所以,在初中生物教学中,能正确看待差异,并认真寻找差异产生的原因,及时调整教学对于大面积提高教学成绩和落实教育的性别公平性有重要的意义。本文针对以上问题,探讨社会性别差异对初中生物知识的掌握和学习能力的形成的影响。研究对象是初二年级同一层次的4个教学班,具体的研究方法采用文献资料法、行动研究法、定性研究法、材料分析法等,并对教学干预前后进行对照。研究结果显示:社会性别差异对学生的应用目标层次有影响,男女生间有显著的差异(P<0.05);通过制订了消除男女学牛在生物学习上差异的对策,即帮助学生捌立自信心、充分利用教师的期待作用提高男女生的学习积极性、在生物教学中设置语言情景进行思维训练,发挥优势,弥补劣势、鼓励男女生在学习活动中的交往,促进优势互补等方法以缩小男女生在学习能力上的差异,使男女生之间的学习能力差异明显缩小。本文还对社会性别形成的理论基础、教育中的性别公平性以及在在教学中如何调整教学应对差异作了系统的总结。本研究可为初中的各科教师实施因性施教提供方法参考和帮助。

【Abstract】 Influenced by some social factors, many people including some teachers hold the belief that the reason why male students are superior to female students in the science subjects but inferior in the liberal arts study is that male students have better intelligence and greater potential. However, many studies show that there exists no difference between male and female students in their intelligence. The reason that the difference occur in academic achievements between male and female students lies in social factors, resulting from gender difference.Therefore, in the course of teaching of Biology in junior high schools, it is of great significance for the teacher to treat the differences correctly, find the causes of the differences, and adjust the teaching in time to get the students improved and educated equally in spite of the gender difference.This paper explores the effect of gender differences on the learners’ command of biological knowledge and the formation of learning ability in junior high school. The subjects are the same-level students from 4 classes of junior two. Research methods are adopted such as literature review, action research, sampling, data analysis on the results of pre-and post-teaching intervention. The results show that social gender difference influences on the learners’ application of biology and there is significant difference between boys and girls (P <0.05). Based on the research, the paper has put forward some strategies to reduce the difference in their learning of biology between male and female students as follows: the teacher should treat the male and female students equally, help to set up the confidence toward learning biology, and improve their classroom teaching to reduce learning capability difference in the study of biology.This thesis also summarizes the theoretical basis of social gender, gender equality in education, and how to adjust teaching to the gender difference in teaching.This study may provide teachers of other subjects with methods and help to deal with gender difference in teaching.


