

【作者】 余静

【导师】 吴若飞;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 对技术异化的研究一直是哲学领域的重要问题。的确,技术给世界带来了许多惊喜,但伴随技术发展最终危及人类生存与发展的全球问题也越来越引起社会的关注。如何使技术最大限度地造福于人类或服务于人类福祉的问题,已经成为当代人类必须关注的重要问题。因而,从人学角度对技术异化进行审视,并通过构建更加合理有效的模式来引导人的行为,从而达到弱化技术异化,这是本文的目标。全文共分为四部分:第一部分阐述对技术异化进行人学审视的必要性。包括相关概念的界定,国内外学者对该课题研究成果的介绍,本课题的理论和现实意义。第二部分是从人学的角度对技术异化的实质进行审视。技术异化实质上是人与自然关系的异化、人与社会关系的异化和人与自身关系的异化。第三部分是从人学的角度对技术异化的根源进行审视。本部分通过人类社会制度根源、人的技术观根源以及人的价值观根源来揭示。第四部分是针对以上这三种根源提出了克服技术异化的途径,这是论文的重点部分。它们是:更新与矫正落后与失当的技术价值观和促进技术的发展与人的发展相和谐。总之,本文强调在高度发展技术的同时高度发展人,实现技术发展与人发展的和谐统一,确保技术发展为实现人的全面发展服务,这是克服技术异化的必然选择。

【Abstract】 The study on alienation of technology has been the important issue in the field of philosophy.In fact,human beings are cheering for the great joys that technology has brought them, but the society pay close attention to the global issues which endanger the existence and development of mankind in final.How to make technology serve the human beings to the maximum becomes an important issue that human beings must concern.Thus,the target of thesis is that we reconsider the technology alienation from the point of view of Humanics and weaken it by building a more rationally and efficiently patterns to guide people’s behavior.The article includes four Parts:The first part expound the necessary of reconsider the technology alienation from the angle of Humanics.Include elaborate the related concepts of technology alienation, the introduction of results that domestic and foreign scholars have researched on this topic,theoretical and practical significance.The second part is to reconsider the essence of technology alienation from the angle of Humanics.The essence of technology alienation is alienation of human and nature, human and society and human itself.The third part is to reconsider the origin of technology alienation from the angle of Humanics.Expose the origin from social regime, technology concept of people and value concept of people.The fourth part is to put forward the ways of remove technology alienation are directed against the three origin mentioned above,this part is the focus of papers. They are: renew and correct the technology value concept of backward and improper,promote harmonious of development of people and technology.In a word,this paper believed that in order to united modern technology with human into a harmonious station,it should be paid more attention to the development than technology.It is the necessary choice to get rid of technology alienation to keep the development of technology serving for the all-sided development of human.


