

【作者】 陈一哲

【导师】 程鹰;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自主学习是目前新课程改革提倡的一种学习方式,也是许多教育工作者不断尝试探索的课题。与此同时,存在着中学生自主学习习惯不良,教师不重视自主学习习惯培养的现象,为此,本文针对这种现象对本校初中学生自主学习习惯进行系统的研究,本文采用了问卷调查法、观察法和定性分析法对我校三个年级的优秀生、中等生和困难生进行了抽样思想品德学习习惯的调查研究。从中学生思想政治自主学习的现状及其影响因素几个方面进行分析。论文研究可分为三个部分,第一部分通过文献分析,界定了自主学习的内涵,概括介绍了国内外关于自主学习与本研究相关的一些研究成果以及本研究的理论依据,第二部分为调查研究阶段,主要从对中学生的问卷调查和教师的课堂听课两个方面进行,通过对中学生的问卷调查分析,主要得出了结论:一是中学生思想政治自主学习习惯总体发展水平较低,且分化程度较大。二是中学生思想政治自主学习习惯的发展有其学习阶段性。不同学习层次的中学生的自主学习习惯在学习动机、学习策略的使用、自我监控、学业求助等方面都呈现出不同的特点。三是初中思想政治优秀生、普通生和困难生在自主学习习惯上有很大的差异,且这些差异导致了学习效果的差异;弄清了学习习惯和学习效果相关性程度及其原因。第三部分是实践探究阶段,根据得出的结论进行实践研究,又再在实践中改进、反思、总结,提出了对初中生思想品德学习习惯培养的指导建议。

【Abstract】 Autonomous learning is the new curriculum reform, advocate a way of learning, but also many education workers trying to explore the topic. Meanwhile, there exists independent learning habit, school teachers pay no attention to the phenomenon of autonomous learning habits, in this paper, the phenomenon of the junior middle school students’autonomous learning ability, this paper systematically studied using the method of questionnaire investigation, observation and qualitative analysis to our three grade honor student, medium and learn bad students sample moral learning habit of research. Students’ideological and political situation of autonomous learning and its influencing factors analysis of several aspects. Research can be divided into three parts, the first part through the analysis of literature, defines the connotation of autonomous learning, introduces the research about the self-study and related research and some of the research, the second part of the theoretical basis for the study of middle stage, mainly from the questionnaire and the classroom teacher lectures on two aspects of students, through the questionnaire survey analysis, the conclusion:one is the student thought political self-study habit overall development level is low, and the differentiation.2 is a middle school student ideological and political development of autonomous learning habit learning phases is its. Students learn the different levels of autonomous learning habit in learning motivation, learning strategy, self-monitoring, academic help-seeking aspects of different characteristics. Three is the junior middle school thought political honor student, ordinary life and learn bad students in autonomous learning habit there is a big difference in these differences, and the difference in the learning effect, The study habits and learning effect and its reason correlativity degree. The third part is exploring stage, according to the practice of the conclusion of the study, again carries on the practice in practice and reflection, summarize and improve students proposed to the moral learning habits advice.


