

【作者】 税光华

【导师】 赵虹;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文的主要内容是:在对黑格尔的绝对精神作变异理解的基础上逻辑地推导出世界历史是一个社会阶段——近代日耳曼世界阶段,并且世界历史就是近代日耳曼白人精神的历史。世界历史不是人们常识所理解的整个人类文明史或者黑格尔的自古代东方世界至近代日耳曼世界的世界历史。此外,我还对世界历史的性质、结构等方面进行了非传统描述以形成基本的世界历史印象。导论主要说明论文的选题意义,分析有关本题的国内外研究现状,指出遇到的困难和问题,提示几个应该注意的相关概念。第一章首先阐述黑格尔的世界历史观,然后对绝对精神进行理解,认为绝对精神就是自我意识的自由精神,并据此认为自由精神的显现就是世界历史,也就是近代日尔曼白人的历史。由此也就可进一步推之:世界历史是一个社会历史阶段,世界历史并非遥遥无期的文明史或者黑格尔的自古代东方世界至近代日耳曼世界的世界历史。第二章阐述了世界历史的几条主要性质以形成世界历史基本印象,这几条性质分别是:平面、大众的世界历史;乌合之众的、无意识的世界历史;肉欲的世界历史。得出这几条主要性质的理论依据在于黑格尔的关于主奴关系的两种不同话语模式的转变,当然也包括了对自我意识的欲望式解读。第三章阐述了对世界历史中作为大众的、无意识的、肉欲的人的量场理解。认为世界历史中的“人”应是一个由各种资本量组成的肉欲着的性肉体量场,而且这些资本量最终都会以符号资本量的形式体现出来。并依据符号资本量中知识与权力的相互勾结得出结论:权力无不来自于肉欲着的性肉体量场。第四章阐述了量场关系和世界历史的结构。量场关系主要包括量场间的强力与模仿关系以及虐恋关系。依据这两种关系可以总结出世界历史的基本结构——虐恋结构。该结构在世界历史中有三阶段演变,在第三阶段中阐述了世界历史作为“有死”的历史,其瓦解而非终结的必然性。世界历史之后,必然会有新的历史中心载体的出现,该载体的根本仍是本土民族特色的发掘。结语阐述了本文进一步思考的立足点。

【Abstract】 The preface represents the significance of the selected topic of this thesis, analyses the current studying situation at home and abroad, points out the difficulties and problems I was coming across, clears several relevant concepts.First chapter firstly elaborates Hegel’s world conception of history, then carries on the understanding to the Absolute Spirit, thought the absolute spirit is the self-awareness free spirit. According to the above and thought the appearance of the free spiritual is the World History, also is the graceful Caucasian’s history modernly. From this also we can further have a conclusion: the World History is a society historical stage, it will have the history which will die, and the world history is never the history of civilization or the Earth human history.Second chapter elaborates several essential properties about the World History in order to form basic impression about the World History. These natures are: Plane, poplar’s World History; Motley crew, unconsciousness World History; Carnal desire World History. These essential properties are basic to the Hegel’s theory about two kind of different words pattern transformation which relates the master and slave. It has certainly also included to the explanation about the self-awareness desire type.Third chapter elaborates the understanding about the human’s quantity field in the World History .Thought in the world history the human should be a carnal desire human body quantity field. This quantity field formation includes various capital quantities, the economical capital quantity, the cultural capital quantity, the social capital quantity and the mark capital quantity as the primary factor. The character has reflected between the capital rotatable chemical properties. And resting on the cultural capital quantity, the knowledge and the authority colludes with mutually each other, according to this, we can draw the conclusion: The authority comes from the entire carnal desire human body quantity field.Fourth chapter elaborates the quantity field relation and the World History structure. The quantity field relation mainly includes the force and the imitation relations between the quantity fields as well as loves the relations oppressively. According to this I can summarize the world history basic structure based on these two kind of relations——to the love structure oppressively. And then I elaborates the loves structure oppressively three stage evolution about the World History. After the World History, the new historical center carrier appears inevitably. The forecast about the next history center is not unnecessary. The Chinese nation rise firstly needs to study the West and to attach to world great superpower USA, but most basically was still native place nationality characteristic excavating.The conclusion elaborates the next pondered point of application about the coming study.

  • 【分类号】K107
  • 【下载频次】163

