

【作者】 韩卫军

【导师】 石俊生;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 光学工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机使用的普及,用计算机制作的电子幻灯片已成为从事各行各业人员常用工具。但是,在应用中经常出现投影仪显示色彩与在制作时显示器看到的彩色不同,甚至产生很大的差别。从显示器到投影仪这是一个跨媒介颜色再现问题,以往处理颜色再现问题通常都要用到各式光学仪器,这在实际应用中不太现实。本文拟采用人眼视觉匹配的简单方法,通过对投影仪校正来达到实现颜色再现的目的。具体完成的研究工作包括:(1)对满足相加性原理的时间独立性、时间稳定性、空间独立性和色品恒常性分别进行了测试研究,在此基础上研究了投影仪的特性化,分别用GOG和S模型(包括多项式、傅里叶和正弦逼近这三种方法)进行了拟合。并对这几种方法拟合效果进行了色差比较,结果表明S模型具有明显较小的色差。(2)采用视觉匹配几块颜色,由CIELAB色空间色貌匹配获得显示器到投影仪变换矩阵。对Sony-G520 CRT显示器和SONY VPL-CX5 LCD投影仪进行实验,视觉匹配九块颜色,获得该显示器和投影仪间变换矩阵。安排4名实验者进行了主观评价,结果是校正后与未校正相比有很大改进,改进比例达87.5%。同时,对30个色块的校正效果进行了主观和客观评价,计算了未校正和校正后的色差,未校正平均色差为16.78ΔEab*,校正后平均色差为3.51ΔEab*,最大和最小色差由校正前的28.94ΔEab*、4.35ΔEab*下降到16.51ΔEab*、0.64ΔEab*,主观评价和客观评价取得了一致。

【Abstract】 It become prevail that computer slides are displayed by a desktop projector.It is often happened that the projected color by the projector looks different from the color on the computer screen.The color reproduction from computer display to projector belongs to cross-media research field.It is not practical using optical instrument to implement the reproduction.In this paper,a novel method of color reproduction from computer display to desktop LCD projector was presented.The studies in the paper include:(1) Additivity on projector including tone characteristics,color tracking characteristics,spatial non-uniformity and spatial independence was tested respectively.The GOG and "S" model was used to fit the projector color characteristics.The result shows the color difference of "S" model was little.(2) The paper presented a novel method of the color reproduction from desktop displays to projectors via visual matching.The model was based on visual matching 9 color patches between a display and a projector.The effects of the method to improve color reproduction were tested for 30 samples by visual and color difference evaluations.The subjective assessment of four experimenters shows that the calibrated average color difference is improved considerably by 87.5%.The maximum, minimum and average color differences between the displayed colors and the projected ones uncorrected and corrected changed from 28.94,4.35,16.78 to 16.51, 0.64,3.51△Eab* units respectively,which were consistent with the results of visual evaluation.


