

A Case Study on the Correlation between Reading Strategy Training and PETS-1 Achievements in a Secondary Vocational School

【作者】 宋青

【导师】 王庆玲;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 研究表明,阅读策略训练运用于英语教学中是有效的,学者们一直从事着有关策略训练的理论和实证研究。英语阅读策略的重要性和必要性在新的“中等职业学校英语教学大纲”、新教材以及近几年的全国英语等级考试(一级)题中都已明显得到了体现。根据这些启示,本文假设系统地教授阅读策略能够帮助读者有效地进行阅读。本次研究进行了一次教学实验,旨在调查阅读策略能否对PEST-1成绩产生积极影响。作者依据相关理论进行了这个实证研究。在文献综述里,作者对阅读本身、阅读策略及阅读策略训练的有关理论进行了回顾,奠定了实验的理论基础。前辈的研究证明阅读策略的训练能帮助学习者阅读,并且提高他们的阅读成绩。在此研究中,首先用前测和调查问卷作为研究方法。正式实验前,先用PETS-1试卷对本学期作者任教的六个教学班进行了前测,以了解中专生的阅读水平。通过对统计数据进行“独立样本T-检验”,作者从六个班中选出两个阅读无显著差异的班作为研究对象,也就是说这两个班学生的阅读水平是相似的。他们是园林专业一年级的两个班,即4班和5班的学生。4班为实验班,5班为对照班。接着对这两个班实施了问卷调查,以调查他们的阅读效果和在阅读过程中是否使用了阅读策略。通过对问卷调查获得的均值和标准差的数据分析,作者发现这些学生已经意识到了阅读的重要性,在阅读过程中的确使用了一些阅读策略,并统计出了五个使用频率最高和最低的阅读策略。在学生使用的阅读策略中,形式操练策略和认知策略使用频率最高,元认知策略及功能操练策略使用频率最低。与此同时,作者还确定了这次要培训哪些阅读策略。阅读策略训练是前测和后测之间一个必不可少的环节。在为期10周的随堂阅读策略训练中,对照班只进行一般的教学,而实验班接受了策略取向教学(SBI)。每两周学习一个阅读策略,作者对每个策略都进行了显性解释并按顺序介绍了培训过程。最后,使用了后测和面谈两种研究方法。培训结束后,两个班又用前测的同一套PETS-1试卷进行了后测,目的是检测阅读策略训练和PEST-1成绩间的关系。通过“独立样本T-检验”和“配对样本T-检验”作者发现,阅读策略培训后实验班的阅读成绩有显著进步,而对照班后测平均分虽也有所提高,但进步并不显著。这进一步说明对于这些中专生,阅读策略培训确实对他们的阅读水平有积极的影响。后测之后进行的面谈表明实验班中部分学生对已学习的阅读策略的认识和看法,这将对老师阅读课堂教学提供更多的信息和参考。总之,本文阐述了中专学生阅读策略使用的现状,力求探索一条有效提高PETS-1成绩的途径。尽管有其自身的局限,但可作为唤起同行们加强阅读策略训练、探索如何提高PETS-1成绩的一项尝试和一点启示。

【Abstract】 The importance and necessity of English reading strategy are shown in the English Teaching Syllabus for Secondary Vocational Schools (Trying-out), related textbooks and the latest PETS-1 tests. Reading strategy training has proved to be effective in teaching English, and scholars have constantly been doing researches in this field either from a theoretical angle or from an empirical perspective. With such enlightenment, the present thesis hypothesized systematic training of reading strategies could help students read more efficiently and effectively. It reports on an experiment, aiming at investigating whether reading strategy could positively affect PETS-1 achievement.The author did the empirical study guided by relevant theories. Literature review provided the theoretical foundation for the thesis. Consequently, theories about reading, reading strategies and reading strategy training were discussed. In short, the previous studies demonstrated that reading strategy training could help learners with their reading and raise their reading proficiency.In this study, first a pre-test and a questionnaire were the instruments as variable measurements. Before the experiment, PETS-1 papers were administered to six classes, which all were taught by the author in that semester, to understand the secondary vocational students’ reading proficiency. According to the statistics obtained from the Independent Sample T-Test, the author chose two no-significantly-different classes in reading proficiency as her participants from the six classes. That was to say, the students’ reading proficiency of the two classes was at the same starting line. These students come from two first year classes, Class 4 and Class 5, majoring in Gardening. Class 4 was selected as the experimental class while Class 5, the control class. Next a questionnaire-survey was conducted among the two classes to examine their reading efficiency and effectiveness, to see whether they use reading strategies while reading. After analyzing their means and standard deviations by computer, the author found out that all of the participants were aware of the importance of reading and they did invite some reading strategies in the reading process. The five most and the five least frequently used reading strategies were counted out respectively. Of all the strategies they implemented, formal practicing strategies and cognitive strategies were the most frequently used strategies, whereas functional practicing strategies and meta-cognitive strategies were the least ones. At the same time, the author determined which reading strategies would be used in the reading strategy training.And there also was an essential step between the pre- and post-test, reading strategy training. During the ten-week training in the ongoing reading class, the control class just went on with their normal classes, while the experimental class conducted a Strategies-Based Instruction (SBI). As for each strategy introduced per two-week, the author all made an explicit explanation and presented its procedure in sequential order to her participants. A class observation was employed in each class period throughout the training to identify the participants’ existing reading problems.Finally a post-test and an interview were used as instruments. After the reading strategy training, the same PETS-1 papers as the pre-test ones were delivered to the two classes. It was to examine the relationship between reading strategy training and PEST-1 achievement. By means of the Independent Sample T-Test and the Paired Sample T-Test, the author found that after reading strategy training, the experimental class made significant progress in reading proficiency, while the control class, though scored a little higher than that of the pre-test, didn’t. For these secondary vocational students, reading strategy training did have a positive impact on their PEST-1 achievements. The interview followed the post-test showed some participants’ opinions on all the strategies they had learnt. And these in turn could provide valuable information for the classroom reading teaching and future studies.Overall, the research in this thesis demonstrated the general state of the secondary vocational school students’ reading strategy using and tried to explore a more effective approach to raise their PETS-1 achievements. In spite of its limitations, the study can serve as an attempt and encouragement for peers to be aware of the importance of reading strategy training and exploring how to raise PETS-1 achievements.


