【作者】 张国英;
【导师】 李勤;
【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 世界史, 2007, 硕士
【摘要】 本文分析了17世纪中期-20世纪华侨华人移居柬埔寨的历史背景和原因,阐述了柬埔寨华侨华人在发展中的特点,包括在东南亚国家中华人人口数量较少原因的分析,身份的构成特点,在经济发展中的特点,以及在文化变异和华人族群同化中的特点。柬埔寨很早就有中国人移居,柬埔寨的华侨华人迅速增加始于17世纪,明末清初,中国国内民不聊生,民间起义时有发生,就有人为避战乱移居柬埔寨,更有忠诚于明王朝的遗臣、遗民不服清政而到柬埔寨谋生。17世纪中期-20世纪,在国际大环境中,是西方优势地位逐渐确立的时期。中国在1840年鸦片战争后,国内连年战乱。在同期的柬埔寨,处于泰国和越南两个强邻的争夺与蚕食之中,1863年柬埔寨沦为法国的保护国,由于殖民地经济发展需要大量的劳动力,华人成了殖民者掠取的对象。基于以上背景,在多种原因的综合下,怀着不同的动机和目的,华人纷纷移居柬埔寨。华侨华人移居柬埔寨后,开辟荒野、从事贸易、建设城市,为柬埔寨社会政治经济文化的发展做出了重要的贡献。柬埔寨华侨华人在自身的发展中,与其他东南亚国家的华侨华人有共性,但也有自身的特点。在华侨华人移居的初期,大多从事农业、渔业及商业,在以后的商业活动中逐渐发展为以从事零售业为主,柬埔寨华侨华人的经营范围从制造业工厂到商行,几乎遍及柬埔寨国内经济的整个领域。现在柬埔寨的国民经济比重中,华人经济占到80%的比例,可以说华人经济在柬埔寨有着举足轻重的地位。华侨华人移居柬埔寨是为了生存,由于华侨自觉融入当地社会,华人与柬埔寨人相处是十分融洽的。同时政府在经济政治上的一些措施,柬埔寨已经由开始时保留着明显的中华传统特色的华侨社会转型为华人社会,由“落叶归根”融合到柬埔寨社会中“落地生根”了,成为柬埔寨众多的民族中不可缺少的一员。
【Abstract】 The thesis analyses the historical background and reason of the overseas Chinese and Chinese Abroad to Cambodia from the middle of thel7th century to the 20th century. It elaborates the peculiarity of the Chinese Abroad of Cambodia in developing , included the reason of amount decreasing , identification formation , development in economy , culture variation, the Ethnic Chinese group assimilation and so on.Many years ago , many Chinese people immigrated to Cambodia .The number of population increased fast from the 17th century .From the end of Ming Dynasty to the beginning of Qing Dynasty ,People lived a hardship life and often uprising in China .So some people immigrated to Cambodia in order to escape the chaos of war , especially the adherents of Ming Dynasty refused to obey the government of Qing Dynasty and immigrated to Cambodia . A global collision between the western and eastern forces and gradual building-up of the western superiority appeared from the middle of the 17th century to the 20th century, after the opium war , there were often revolting in China . During this period , It was contending and nibbling between Thailand and Vietnam .Cambodia was reduced to the protectorate of French in 1863.,because colony needed lots of labor in the development of economy, the Chinese Abroad became prey for colonialist . In the aforementioned context, the Chinese Abroad immigrate unceasing to Cambodia because of different motives and purposes .After the Chinese Abroad immigrated to Cambodia, they opened undeveloped lands ,went to for trades , set up the cities ,and contributed greatly to the development of the Cambodia in social politics ,economy and culture . They not only have generality with others in southeast Asia, but also have individual character in self development .In the early days, some of them came to Cambodia for agriculture , fishery and commerce activity . Their operation scope was from the factory of manufacturing industry to trading company ,which almost pervaded the whole territory in Cambodia’s internal economy . Now, in the whole economy proportion, the economy of the Overseas Chinese constitutes 80 percent, that is to say , it plays an important role in Cambodia . The Overseas Chinese immigrate to Cambodia in order to exist, besides that, they join voluntarily Cambodia ,they get along well with locality people in Cambodia . What is more, the government of Cambodia takes measure in economy and politics , the Overseas Chinese turned gradually into Ethnic Abroad, they were not short of portion in Cambodia.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 云南师范大学 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
- 【分类号】D634
- 【下载频次】158