

The Research about the Actuality and Countermeasures of the Adult Teaching Stuff in Yunnan Public Security College

【作者】 王思文

【导师】 傅淳;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 教育管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 知识时代的到来,西部大开发政策的实施,使云南的经济得到了飞速的发展,也使建设一支高素质、复合型的警察队伍成为一项重要的任务。云南公安队伍,尽管从创建至今不管在数量上、质量上,还是在实际履行其职责的效能上,都取得了令人叹服的成就,但随着社会的发展,科技的进步,公安队伍越来越显现出某些与时代的不适之处:一是队伍素质不高,学历层次偏低,而且自身素质也与其承担的任务要求和社会需求有较大的差距。二是部分民警的政治坚定性不强,执法不严、执法犯法甚至徇私枉法的现象时有发生。三是队伍结构不尽合理,知识面窄且老化,信息化水平不高。要改变这一现状,根据《中华人民共和国公务员法》、《中华人民共和国人民警察法》、《公安机关人民警察培训暂行规定》以及《中共中央关于进一步加强和改进公安工作的决定》的要求,有效的途径就是强化在职培训。公安机关要“全面落实民警上岗前必训、职务和警衔晋升必训、一线民警必训制度,提高公安民警的政治、业务、体能素质和实战技能”。云南警官学院作为目前西南唯一的一所公安类本科院校,理所当然承担起此项重任,而直接承担任务的学院成人教师的素质则直接关系到教育教学质量,关系到云南公安队伍的发展。但是目前云南警官学院成人教师队伍存在着诸多的问题,而且这些问题亟待得到关注和解决。本文力图通过对云南警官学院成教师资队伍的现状调查和分析,提出云南警官学院成人教育教师的素质构成存在的问题,从完善师资队伍,提高成人教育教学质量的角度,提供解决问题的具体对策,为学院的教学服务并为相关部门提供参考。论文主要采用了文献分析、对比分析、列举分析、调查研究等方法,紧紧围绕“云南警官学院成人教育师资队伍建设”这一核心问题进行研究,主要内容为:第一,阐述研究的背景、目的和意义;第二,辨析研究中的三组相关概念:①教师素质、师资队伍建设;②继续教育、教师继续教育;③成人教育、终身教育。第三,对云南警官学院成人教育师资队伍的现状进行分析,提出问题;第四,阐述国内外教师素质理论对本研究的启示,从理论和实践的角度对云南警官学院成人教育师资队伍现状进行思索,提出其成人教育教师的素质构成要素;第五,提出提高云南警官学院成人教育教师素质的对策与建议,以期能为云南警官学院成人教育教师队伍的建设提供借鉴与参考。本论文对公安成人教育这个较新的领域中的师资队伍建设进行研究,在研究中能够提出自己的见解,比如推行公安类成人教师资格证等,有一定的创新。

【Abstract】 The coming of the knowledge times and the actualizing of the development of the West Regions Policy make the economic of Yunnan develop. They also make constructing a police procession that is high diathesis and compound to be a very important assignment. Although Yunnan polices gained remarkable achievement in quality, in quantity and in carrying out their responsibility, from beginning till now, they showed something out of place with times because of the development of society and advancement of science and technology. Firstly, the diathesis of police and education arrangements are low. They are not only far from the Police Department’s policy which said that should reach 15% of bachelor’s degree and 60% of junior college diploma, but also far from the foreign polices’. And their qualities have long distance with their tasks and social requirements. Secondly, some polices’ political consistencies are not stable enough. The phenomenon of executing, violating and perverting the law appear frequently. Thirdly, the framework of the police procession is illogicality. And the aspects of their knowledge and information are narrow and elderly. According to the Civil Servant Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Police Law of the Republic of China, the Provisional Rule on Police In-job Training and the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Consolidating and Improving Public Security Work, the effective method is reinforcing the in-job training to change the circumstances. The public security organ has to implement the training before mounting guard, the training of the advancements on post and police rank and the training of practical police. At the same time, it also has to improve the makings of politics, operation, physique and the skill of actual combat. As the only policy professional college, Yunnan Public Security College bears the responsibility. The direct factor that relates with the educational quality is the diathesis of the adult teaching stuff in this college. And this factor is also connected with the development of Yunnan police procession. However, the adult teaching stuff in Yunnan Public Security College exists many problems, which must be noticed and solved now. This thesis refers the problems on the formation of the adult teaching stuff’s diathesis in Yunnan Public Security College through the investigations and analyses on the adult teaching stuff. Through the view of completing the stuff and improving the quality of education, it also provides the Countermeasures to solve these problems. All of these give the reference to the tuition in this college.This thesis has adopted analysis, comparison, enumerating and investigation methods, enclosing the core—the construction of the adult teaching stuff in Yunnan Public Security College. First, this thesis expounds the background, the purpose and the significance of the research. Second, this thesis differentiates and analyses these three conceptions:①the qualities of tutor, the construction of the teaching stuff;②keeping education, keeping education of the tutor;③adult education, life education. Third, this thesis analyses the actuality of the adult teaching stuff in the Yunnan Public Security College and points out the questions existing in it. Forth, this thesis advances the inspirations from the out and in-country theory of the tutor qualities. This thesis researches the qualities of the adult teaching stuff in this college from the angle of theory and practicing, and it also points out the factors which construct the qualities. Fifth, this thesis proposes the Countermeasures and advices to improve the qualities of the adult teaching stuff in Yunnan Public Security College. And it hopes to offer the reference suggestions in constructing the adult teaching stuff in Yunnan Public Security College.This thesis concentrates on researching the construction of the teaching-stuff in this new field. And it refers to the innovative self-view of the author, for instance, implementing the qualification certificate of the adult-education tutor in the field of public security.

  • 【分类号】G724
  • 【下载频次】73

