

Study on the Problems of Scenic Landless Peasants Labor Transfer

【作者】 陈隽

【导师】 陈华;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 失地农民的概念最先是从1993年开始出现的,在经过三年的治理整顿之后,中央政府开始收财权并加速经济投资,再加上要求GDP出政绩的刺激,地方政府开始“经营城市”,于是失地农民就开始大量出现了。失地农民是一个国家在城市化的过程中必然出现的一种正常的社会现象,是在国家经济建设和社会发展的过程中,由于城市化和工业化的用地而失去土地的农民。失地农民在某种意义上说就是失业人群。造成农民失地的原因是多样化的,所以对失地农民的研究也不能一概而论。旅游业作为一种“无烟产业”,很多地方政府争先对其进行投资,想以旅游业的发展来带动当地经济的增长。然而旅游景区不是空中楼阁,景区的建立和土地息息相关,有的景区建立就和当地居民的生产生活发生冲突,要求农民放弃自己所从事的农业生产,也就是强迫农民失业。仅靠补偿费用来解决景区失地农民问题是不科学的,解决好景区失地农民的长远生计,也就是实现其劳动力的转移才是关键。对于强迫性失业的农民来说,农民自身的因素固然重要,可是政府或利益部门的安置补偿政策,对景区失地农民劳动力转移所起的作用也不可小视。本文用实证研究的方法,以石林风景区五棵树村失地农民为例,从劳动力转移的角度来分析景区失地农民问题。全文共分为五个部分。第一部分是本文的引言部分。就目前国内有关失地农民的研究、国内外农村剩余劳动力转移理论进行综述,及对本文的研究意义、研究对象和方法、技术路线及其本研究要解决的问题进行了说明。第二部分进入实证研究,主要分析目前景区失地农民的现状及存在的原因。第三部分对安置政策进行具体的分析。第四部分分析影响景区失地农民的原因及提出相应的可行性建议。第五部分为总结和讨论部分。景区失地农民劳动力转移,关键在于如何分配景区土地既得利益,这有赖于制度的保障及其实施的规范性,仅依托景区以廉价和不稳定的就业作为和失地农民交换土地的代价对失地农民来说是缺失公平的。对于景区失地农民的劳动力转移研究,不仅要从影响劳动力转移的引力和推力来分析,政府和相关利益部门的安置政策也是不容忽视的因素。

【Abstract】 The concept of landless peasants, which was first started in 1993 year. After three years of rectification, Central government started to close the finance and power and accelerated economic investments, and appraised local offical’s achievement with GDP, so local government started the "city management", it lead to more emerging landless farmers. Landless peasants is who lost their land, it’s emerging is a normal social phenomenon in a city in the inevitable process, and due to urbanization and industrialization of the land in the country’s economic construction and social development process.In a sense, landless peasants is unemployment crowd. The reason that Landless peasants bring about is diversification, so we can not be generalized about landless peasants’ study. Tourism as a "smokeless industry", many local governments respond to its investment, wish to the development of tourism to boost the local economic growth. However Scenic Spot is not a castle in the air, scenic areas and the establishment is closely related to land, Some build on the landscape and the life of local residents production conflict, the peasants to give up their demands are engaged in agricultural production, is forced peasants to the unemployed. Compensation costs alone to solve the problem of landless peasants area is unscientific and scenic landless solve the long-term livelihood of farmers is the key in process of labor transfer. For forced unemployment farmers, not only farmers factor is important, but aslo the policy of government departments or the interests of the resettlement compensation, it plays a role that can not be ignored on the landless peasants labor transfer.In this paper, empirical study, Stone Forest Scenic Area five trees to the village of landless peasants example, from the perspective of labor to analyze scenic landless peasants. The full text is divided into five parts. This paper is the first part of the introduction. Currently on the landless farmers, domestic and international transfer of rural surplus labor theory of roundups, and the significance of this paper, research and the research methods to solve the problems described. Into the second part of Empirical Research, analyzes the current landscape of landless peasants and the status of reasons. The third part of the resettlement policy for specific analysis. PartⅣ scenic impact analysis of landless peasants and corresponding feasibility proposal. The fifth and concluding part of the discussion.The key of scenic landless peasants labor’s transfer is how the distribution area of land vested interests, it depends on the protection system for the implementation of standardized, only rely on cheap and scenic unstable employment as landless peasants and the exchange of land for landless peasants price is a loss of public Ping. For scenic landless peasants labor, not only from the impact of labor and the gravitational thrust analysis Governments and relevant departments interests of the resettlement policy is not to be ignored.


