

Study on the Relation between Dehydrogenaes and H2-producing Microorganisms

【作者】 王秀菊

【导师】 张无敌; 刘士清; 尹芳;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 化石燃料的大量使用给人类带来巨大的资源和环境问题。如:化石燃料燃烧产生的CO2是造成全球气候变暖的主要原因。据有关文献报道,如果要将全球的平均气温控制在2℃的上升幅度内,在2020年之前,非碳能源的消耗要上升到占总能的30%。为此各国开始寻找替代化石燃料的可持续发展的能源。氢作为最清洁的可再生能源,被认为是最具应用前景的可再生能源之一。利用生物本身的生理代谢特性制取氢气是未来一种很有潜力的能源生产技术。特别是生物质发酵法制氢,由于其具有发酵产氢潜力巨大,原料来源广泛且成本低廉,在获得氢能的同时,还可以处理有机污染物,变废为宝等优点,被能源界称为是可再生替代能源研究应用领域中最具发展前景、经济、无污染的重要技术之一,备受国内外能源界的关注。产氢的稳定性和持久性是发酵产氢中一直存在的问题,如何在稳定持续产氢的基础上提高产氢的速率和转化率是生物质发酵产氢研究中的重要内容,也是能否实现产业化应用的关键性因素。鉴于上述种种问题,本研究首次创造性地在微生物发酵产氢中引入脱氢酶理论,将其作为指标并证实了“脱氢酶与产氢微生物密切相关”的假设,获得以下结果:1、建立了一种简便、快捷且适用于不同发酵产氢体系的单菌株筛选方法;2、以脱氢酶活性为关键指标,筛选出产氢微生物,作为本实验的研究对象;3、以产氢微生物为接种物,通过生物质发酵产氢的动态过程表征:脱氢酶活性与产氢菌株产气随时间的变化呈现明显的规律性趋势,体现出脱氢酶在微生物产氢过程中起到的先导作用。这是对深入研究脱氢酶对其揭示生物质发酵产氢过程中自然规律研究的良好开端;4、依据脱氢酶理论与产氢的关系规律,采用正交实验L27(313)设计研究,极大地提高原料利用率和产氢得率。在优化的产氢菌种产氢的工艺条件下,发酵产气的启动时间比原始条件工艺提前了33h,发酵系统产氢能力达到45.3mmol/mol葡萄糖,比菌株在原始条件下的对照组提高了273%;5、针对试验研究所得的规律,对后续研究与发展提出了合理化的几点建议。

【Abstract】 It brings mankind the huge problem of resources and environment,that fossil fuel drives a great deal of depletion,such as:the CO2 coming from the fossil fuel is a main reason to make the global weather warmer.The research indicates recently,if the average temperature in the world is controlled in 2℃ascension ranges,the amount of the non-carbon depletion energy would have 30%in total depletion energy by 2020.For this,researchers in all countries start to look for a renewable energy which can replace fossil fuel.As an most detergent renewable energy,hydrogen energy is one of attractive energy.The method that microorganism producing hydrogen from biomass has great future,It is widely anticipated that bio-hydrogen production which has the advantages of high hydrogen production rates and of the capability to convert widely organic wastes in the environment into more valuable energy could be one of the most promising,economical,clean biotechnology in the applied domain of renewable energy.The Stability and persistence are lasting problems in fermentative hydrogen processes. Moreover,how to improve hydrogen production rate and substrate conversion efficiency is also important in the research of fermentative hydrogen production,which is also the key factor to realize industrialization.In view of these questions,this study firstly puts forward and validates ’There was a good correlation between hydrogen-producing bacteria and dehydrogenase activity(DHA)’ with innovation.The conclusions are as follow:1、A convenient,quick technical method was developed for screen pure bacterium in fermentation system;2、It is used in this research that pure hydrogen-producing bacteria with the dehydrogen activity as key index is screened;3、With hydrogen-producing bacteria for inoculums,The research indicates that dehydrogenase activity changes in obvious regulation trend with production of hydrogen in dynamic hydrogen fermentation,which is a meaningful start for the further research of dehydrogenase to reveal the law and effect of dehydrogenase in fermentation hydrogen production from biomass; 4、The hydrogen production rate and substrate conversion efficiency were dramatically improved by optimizing hydrogen-producing bacteria with adding promoting component which obtained by L27(313) orthogonal test since it could activate the DHA of hydrogen-producing bacteria.By using the batch fermentation bioreactor with optimizing microorganism,the hydrogen yield from PDB was was 45.3mmol/mol glucose,which was raised 273%compared with contrast test without optimizing component of culture medium respectively.Moreover,the start-up time was about 33 hours ahead of contrast test;5、Put forward rationalization to the follow-up research and the development according to the research regulation gained by examination of what time suggestion.


