

The Rational Thinking about the Introduction of the ISO9000 Standards into the Management of Teaching Quality in Middle Schools and Primary Schools in China

【作者】 罗洁颖

【导师】 张晓霞;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 ISO9000族标准是各行业通用的质量管理体系国际标准,也是最初源于企业并主要用于企业的系列标准,它不仅能给企业管理带来很多有利之处,对于教育领域的相关研究也具有重要的借鉴意义。目前该标准已经被我国教育界引用到教育质量管理中,中国教育界关注和导入ISO9000族标准,最早始于20世纪90年代后期。现今也有一大批中小学和各类职业教育、成人教育、高等教育、幼儿教育机构通过ISO9000族标准体系认证,还有不少学校获得了外国认证机构的认证,并且现在正逐步尝试着在中小学的教学质量管理中开展。ISO在我国教育领域引进后,使各级各类学校在人力资源的合理配置、教职工岗位职责的明确、办学效率的提高,以及教学质量的提高和良好的校风、教风、学风的形成等方面,都取得较明显的效果。不少学校经认证后,不仅提升了学校参与国际竞争的能力和水平,而且在国际合作办学中争取了主动,并取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。我国目前通过认证的学校(包括幼儿园)已有上百家,在教育界,ISO9000族标准在高等教育、民办学校取得了很大的成功,目前,在中小学开展ISO9000族标准尚处于尝试阶段。为了促进中小学教学质量管理,使我国中小学教育能够更好地与国际接轨,全面提高教学质量管理水平,笔者选取了“ISO9000族标准引入我国中小学教学质量管理的理性思考”作为自己硕士学位论文的题目。本文首先介绍了ISO及ISO9000族标准的基本情况,论述了ISO9000族标准与中小学教学质量管理关系;就ISO9000族标准引入中小学,在办学方针、管理目标和教学质量管理目标、文件系统、管理评审制度、纠正和预防措施等方面进行了研究;同时以内蒙古奋斗中学开展ISO9000族标准为案例,分析其运行的效果和利弊,认为在中小学实施ISO9000族标准是可行的;最后,笔者对中小学教学质量管理引入ISO9000族标准作了一些理性思考,分析了ISO9000族标准引入中小学教学量质量管理的难点、应注意的问题并提出在中小学教学质量管理中建立ISO9000质量管理体系的建议。认为在中小学的教学质量管理中运用该标准不可无限制,引入学校一定要以借鉴其先进理念为主,把实施的重点放在建立科学的教学质量管理体系上,而不是在认证上。

【Abstract】 The ISO9000 Standards used in all trades and professions for quality management is a system of international standards, which are originated from enterprises and mainly used in business activities. Such standards benefit not only enterprises but also probably the area of education, which dates from late 1990s in China. Currently these standards have been introduced by China into the management of teaching quality in education areas, including many middle schools and primary schools as well as all kinds of vocational schoolings, adult schoolings, universities and children schoolings. Many of these education institutes have passed the ISO9000 Standards-based authentication and some even have passed the authentication from international notified bodies. This authentication is now gradually to be tried in the management of teaching quality in middle schools and primary schools.Since ISO was introduced into the education area in China, all kinds of schools have achieved great effects in distributing human resources, clarifying the stuff’s post responsibility and improving the school’s working efficiency and teaching quality, as well as in the formation of school spirit, teaching spirit and learning spirit, etc. After authenticated, many schools have not only improved their competitive power and level in the world, but also has gained the initiative of the international cooperation in running schools and received good social effects and economic benefits. At present, the number of authenticated schools, including kindergartens, has exceeded about 100. In education area, ISO9000 Standards have achieved great success in some universities and non-state schools, while presently it is just an attempt to carry out the ISO9000 Standards in middle schools and primary schools. In order to promote the management of teaching quality in these schools and keep the education in China up with that in the world to fulfil an overall improvement of the management level of teaching quality, the author chooses this subject in her paper for the master’s degree.To start with a brief look at ISO and the ISO9000 Standards, this paper discusses the relations between ISO9000 Standards and the management of teaching quality in middle schools and primary schools; in relation to the introduction of the ISO9000 Standards into these schools, the author makes a research in the aspects like the goal of school policy management and teaching quality management, file system, management of examination-and-appraisal system, the measures of correction and prevention and so on; meanwhile, this paper takes Inner Mongolia Striving Middle School as an example, which has been introduced the ISO9000 standards, and analyses its management effects together with the advantages and disadvantages, and then concludes that it is practicable to carry out the ISO9000 Standards in middle schools and primary schools.Finally, the author gives a rational thinking about the introduction of ISO9000 Standards into the management of teaching quality in schools (middle and primary) , analyses the difficulty in carrying out them and the matters needing attention, and then put forward some suggestions for the use of ISO9000 standards in the quality management of schools (middle and primary). And also the author argues that it is not wise to carry out ISO9000 standards without limits in schools. We should use the advanced theory for reference and focused on the establishment of scientific management of teaching quality, not the authentication.

  • 【分类号】G639.2
  • 【下载频次】202

