

The New Progress of Character Education in American Primary and Middle Schools at the Beginning of 21st Century

【作者】 陈姗

【导师】 曹能秀;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 道德和道德教育在人类发展的过程中占据着重要的地位。进入21世纪之后,伴随着经济的高速发展和科技的突飞猛进,在物质主义和享乐主义盛行之下,人们的道德水平开始不断下滑。人类遇到是越来越多的共同的社会道德问题。因政治、经济、文化等社会环境的急剧变迁而引发的一系列的伦理道德问题,引起了各国、各地区的高度重视,并成为了全人类共同关注的课题。越来越多的国家认识到道德教育的重要性,认为在21世纪应该把道德教育放在全部教育的首位,重视和加强中小学生道德教育的研究和改善。在20世纪80年代兴起的美国品格教育运动掀起了道德教育改革的新浪潮,引起了各国学者的高度重视,并逐渐成为道德教育发展的一种主要潮流和主要发展趋势。本论文在基于对美国品格教育的历史发展作较为系统地梳理之上,把握21世纪初美国品格教育的理论和实践发展的趋势,探究品格教育的实质及其相关内容,以期更深入地理解品格教育,从中寻找出对我国中小学道德教育发展的有益启示。具体来说,本文主要由以下几个部分组成:“绪论”部分阐述了四个方面的问题:研究意义、研究现状、研究内容、研究方法。第一部分对“品格”和“品格教育”的概念进行了界定并对相关概念进行了辨析。主要是对容易产生混淆的品格教育、道德教育、价值教育和公民教育的概念进行辨析,并对本文中的“品格”及“品格教育”的概念进行界定。第二部分对美国中小学品格教育的历史进行了回顾。主要以前人的研究为基础,阐述了自16世纪殖民地时期到20世纪末美国品格教育的发展状况。总结品格教育发展的历史阶段特点可以将其大致划分为三个阶段:品格教育的兴起阶段(殖民地时期至20世纪中叶);品格教育的衰退阶段(20世纪中叶至20世纪80年代);品格教育的复兴阶段(20世纪80年代至20世纪末)。第三部分对21世纪初美国中小学品格教育的背景进行了探讨和分析。主要从政治、经济、文化和教育这四个方面,分析了美国品格教育进入21世纪后的时代背景。第四部分对21世纪初美国中小学品格教育的基本情况进行了概括。主要从政府对品格教育的支持、品格教育的理论研究和品格教育的实践发展三个层面对品格教育在进入21世纪之后的一个发展现状进行了归纳。第五部分在对21世纪初美国中小学品格教育发展现状分析的基础上,概括出美国中小学品格教育的特点,并归纳了美国社会对品格教育的正反两个方面的评价。第六部分在借鉴美国中小学品格教育成功经验的基础上,提出了对我国中小学道德教育的几点启示。

【Abstract】 The morality and moral education play an important role in the process of human development.After entering the 21st century,under the widely acceptance of materialism and hedonism,people’s moral level starts dropping continuously with the dramatic development of economy and technology and science.Humankinds meet more and more common social ethic questions.The ethic and moral questions which are caused by politics,economy and culture changes cause the highly attention of all countries and local areas and become the common concern of all humans.More and more countries realize the importance of moral education and believe that moral education should be placed at the first position of the whole education in the 21st century.All the countries should emphasize and enhance the research and improvement of primary and middle schools’moral education.American character education movement which rised in 1980s brings a new bandwagon of moral education reform.It causes highly attention of all countries scholars and becomes a main current and main development trend of moral education. Based on the systematicalcombing on the history development of American character education,this essay tires to find out the development trend of theories and practices of American character education at the beginning of 21st century.It tries to investigate the substance and related contents of character education so as to know more about the character education and look for the beneficial enlightens for the moral education development of our country’s primary and middle schools.Generally speaking,this essay contains the following parts:The "introduction" elaborates four subjects:meaning of the research,literature research findings,scope of research and research methods.The first part defines the definitions of "character" and "character education", differentiate and analyze its related conceptions.This part mainly analyzes the differences between character education,moral education,value education and citizenship education and give the definitions of character and character education.The second part reviews the history of character education.Based on research of formers,this essay introduces the development conditions of American character education from 16th century to the end of 20th century.The history development can be divided into three periods:the rising period of character education(from the colonial period to the middle of 20th century);the declining period of character education(from the middle of 20th century to 1980s);the returning period of character education(from 1980s to the end of 20th century).The third part discusses and analyzes the background of character education in American primary and middle schools in the 21st century.This part analyzes the time background of American character education in the 21st century mainly from politics, economy,literature and education four aspects.The fourth part introduces the basic conditions of character education in American primary and middle schools at the beginning of 21st century.This part summarizes the development conditions of character education from three aspects:the support of government,the theories research and the practice development.The fifth part generates the features of American character education and induces the positive and negative social evaluations of character education,which is based on the summary of the development conditions at the beginning of 21st century.The sixth part gives some enlightens to moral education in our country’s primary and middle schools which based on the successful experience of character education in American primary and middle schools.

  • 【分类号】G631
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】235

