

Analysis and Proposals on Legislating Adminstration Practices in Chinese Higher Education Institutions

【作者】 罗卫刚

【导师】 罗玉达;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 对于高等教育领域而言,依法治校是依法治国方略的一个重要组成部分,是依法治国思想在高等教育领域的具体体现和工作实践,是高等学校建立现代大学制度和建设高水平大学的基本要求。建国以来特别是改革开放以来,我国高等学校依法治校工作取得了重大进展,教育法制进一步健全和完善,依法治校思想深入人心,高等学校依法治校工作成效明显。同时,随着高等教育改革的进一步深入和市场经济的不断完善,我国高等学校依法治校工作的不足也逐步显现,需要进一步加强和完善。本论文主要采取文献研究法、历史与现实相统一的研究方法,对高校依法治校工作进行深入研究,在总结国内外高等学校依法治校发展历程及经验的基础上,通过对我国教育法制建设和高校依法治校现状进行分析,指出我国高等学校依法治校工作中存在的主要问题,对加强我国高等学校依法治校工作提出了有益的建议。为政府教育主管部门和高等教育工作者依法办事,加强管理,提高依法治校水平提供理论参考。本论文在总结历史和分析现状的基础上,从教育法制建设、学校与政府关系、学校内部管理等角度指出了我国高等学校依法治校工作中存在的主要问题:1、教育法制建设亟待完善;2、政府与高等学校的关系不清晰;3、高等学校管理体制改革不彻底;4、高等学校内部制度建设仍需加强;5、管理层和师生法律素养有待提高。结合发达国家高等教育法制建设经验和我国高等教育发展的实际,本论文从三个层面提出了加强我国高等学校依法治校工作的建议:第一,从我国高等教育法制建设层面提出了加快教育立法进度,构建教育法制体系以及加快法规修订进度,提高教育法规适应性的建议;第二,从改善高等学校与政府关系层面提出了改革政府教育管理职能和落实高等学校办学自主权的建议;第三,从加强高等学校内部依法治校工作层面提出了建立和完善大学章程、加快高等学校管理体制改革、完善学校内部规章制度、培养和提高师生法律素质、建立健全高等学校内部纠纷救济制度、健全民主管理和监督机制等新时期依法治校工作的建议。

【Abstract】 Higher education management by law, as a practice of legislating administration is an essential component of legislative administration strategy that sets up the fundament for the construction of qualified education and its system as well. Since the establishment of PRC, especially the implementation of reform and open policy, great progresses in management by law has been achieved in Chinese higher education system. With the promotion of education legislation and the wide and profound spreading of the conception of management by law, the effectiveness is evident. Higher education reform and the development of marketing economy, however, set a new context for management by law in higher education. Research instruments applied in the dissertation are diachronic and synchronic analysis as well as research review. This dissertation is , with insight into the development of management by law in higher education home and abroad, to analyze existing problems in the area ,thus, make constructive proposals offering reference for education authorities and staff so as to improve the administration and management in Chinese higher education.Our diachronic and synchronic studies from perspectives of education legislation construction, the relationship between higher education authorities and institutions and internal management in universities indicates that the following issues are worthy of great concern: 1. greater effort for the construction of education legislation system; 2. redefinition of the relationship between education authorities and institutes; 3. profounder and further reform in higher education institutions; 4. reinforcement for the construction of internal regulation in individual education institutions. 5. promotion of legal awareness of managements, teaching staff and college students.In the light of the experiences in developed countries and the practices in Chinese higher education, this dissertation is to motion from three aspects: 1. speeding up the process of education legislating, constructing education law system and modifying related regulations in order to improve the adaptation of educational laws and regulations from the aspect of Chinese higher education legislating construction; 2. reforming administrative functions conducted by education authorities and clarifying operating independence of individual higher education institutions from the aspect of redefining the relationship between higher education authorities and institutions; 3. establishing and modifying statues for higher education institutions and legal relief system, promoting the reform of internal management system and regulation system, boosting the awareness of management by law among staff and students and approaching to democratic management and supervising system from the aspect of internal management by law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】793

