

The Study of Ci of Relegation in the Northern Song Dynasty

【作者】 王娟云

【导师】 黄海;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前学术界对贬谪词并没有确切的定义,并且对贬谪词也没有十分系统的研究,本论文拟研究贬谪词在北宋的发展状况。北宋是贬谪词从萌芽、发展到繁荣的时期,对贬谪词在南宋以及后世的发展都有不可估量的意义。本文将用四章分别论述。第一章,贬谪词的界定及其创作背景。在这一章中,首先尝试对贬谪词进行较为科学的定义,然后分析贬谪词的写作背景,即北宋党争和词自身的发展。第二章,词人个案分析。依照上一章中对贬谪词的定义,对整个北宋词进行详细的梳理,得出了十七位贬谪词人和一百六十首贬谪词。在这一章中,对北宋贬谪词进行横向考察,对有特色的贬谪词人进行详细的论述,分析他们贬谪词的不同特点和对贬谪词发展的贡献。第三章,贬谪词风格分析。本章对北宋贬谪词进行纵向考察,分别论述贬谪词的三种风格:乐观旷达、悲苦哀伤、含蓄理性。第四章,北宋贬谪词的发展嬗变述略。在前文所做工作的基础上,本章试着将贬谪词在北宋的发展嬗变进行简要的综述。把北宋贬谪词分成了三个时期,即:以晏欧为代表的萌芽期,苏轼“以诗为词”开拓影响下的快速发展期,以周邦彦回归传统为代表的词律规范期。

【Abstract】 Ci is a type of classical Chinese writing.However,there is no clear definition and systematical research on Ci of relegation in academic circles so far.This paper intends to study the development of Ci of relegation in the Northern Song Dynasty during which Ci of relegation experienced a process of bud,development and prosperity.It was of great significance for Ci of relegation composed in the Southern Song Dynasty and later ages.This thesis consists of four chapters.Chapter one discusses the definition of Ci of relegation and its composing contexts.The author attemps to give a scientific definition of Ci of relegation first and then explains the composing background,including struggles between different cliques in the Nothern Song Dynasty and the development of Ci of relegation itself.Chapter two presents the analysis of some composers of Ci poetry.According to the definition of Ci of relegation presented in the previous chapter,by studying all the Ci poetry composed in the Northern Song Dynasty systematiclly,the thesis finds that there are 17 composers of Ci of relegation and 160 Ci poems of relegation.Based on a point-by-point comparison,the thesis discusses some distingtive composers in detail, and analyzes their features and contribution towards the development of Ci of relegation.Chapter three is the stylistic analysis of Ci of relegation.On the basis of vertical analysis of Ci of relegation composed in the Northern Song Dynasty,three kinds of style are put forward,namely,optimism,pessimism and rationalism.Chapter four describes the evolution of Ci of relegation in the Northern Song Dynasty.A brief summary about its evolution is delivered.The evolution of Ci of relegation can be divided into three periods.The first one is the budding period with the famous composer Yan Ou being the representative.The second is the period of rapid development with the outstanding poet Su Shi being the major driver.Last one is the formed period marked by Zhou Bangyan’s return to the tradition of Ci.

【关键词】 北宋贬谪词风格发展嬗变
【Key words】 the Northern Song DynastyCi of relegationstyleevolution
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

