

Research of Issuses on Crime of Position Encroachment

【作者】 蒋建勇

【导师】 吴大华;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 新中国成立以来长期对职务侵占犯罪规定的欠缺,所造成的理论研究的不足,致使在现行刑法颁行后刑法理论在职务侵占犯罪这一课题的研究中显得比较薄弱。理论界对一些问题的认识很不一致,特别是在本罪的犯罪构成认定中,对犯罪主体,犯罪客体,犯罪对象,犯罪客观方面等问题争议较大。对本罪共同犯罪定性处罚的观点很不统一。诸如如何理解职务侵占罪中利用职务上的便利的含义,职务侵占罪的犯罪方法与贪污罪是否相同,其犯罪主体范围如何等等一系列关乎科学正确地认定和处罚职务侵占犯罪的实际问题需要解决,本文在刑法学原理指导下,针对我国司法实践中出现的新型疑难问题,通过评析已有的学术观点,就职务侵占罪犯罪主体、主观方面、客观方面以及客体特征,职务侵占罪与相关犯罪的区别,共同犯罪的定性等问题作探讨,力图从理论与实践相结合的角度,发表自己的看法,以期对职务侵占罪的研究以及司法实践提供有价值的参考。本文分几个部分对该罪进行论述:第一部分分析了职务侵占罪的立法沿革及其概念,明确了本罪的内涵和外延。第二部分对构成认定中争议的问题提出自己的观点;第三部分讨论了的职务侵占罪共同犯罪问题;第四部分把职务侵占罪与相关犯罪作了区分。

【Abstract】 Since the founding of New China, the criminal law lacks the related stipulation of the crime of position encroachment for along time . that has resulted in the deficiencies of theoretical researches in our country and theory of the criminal law in the study subject in crime of positions encroachment appeared relatively weak after the current criminal law has enacted.Theory community failed to reach agreement about the understanding of a number of questions. Especially, on the four criminal requisites of subject, object, subjective and objective aspects of the crime of position encroachment and the opinions about Common crime of the crime of position encroachment are not unified .such as how to understand the use of post office of convenience, distinctions on means of the crime between the crime of position encroachment and crime of corruption, the scope of subject of crime of position encroachment and so on....A series of practical problems how to identify and punish the crime of position encroachment correctly and scientifically must be related. Under the guidance of the principle of criminal law, the article discuss the object, subjective and objective aspects of the crime of position encroachment ,the difference between the crime of position encroachment and closely related ones , through the assessment of academic opinion has been on the job the main criminal misappropriation. The author also analyses the judicial determination of cojoint crime of position encroachment and legislative improvement of crime of position encroachment on the ground of combination of theory and practice and tends to provide theoretical and practical circles with valuable reference.This article includes the following parts : The first part arcording to the legislative history and concept analysis of the crime of position encroachment ,the article defines clearly the connotation and extension of the crime. The second part based on the four criminal requisites of subject, object, subjective and objective parts, the article researches and analyses the legal characters, and advances some new viewpoints. The third part discourse upon the problem that determine the nature of the coactive crime in the crime of position encroachment. The fourth part distinguishes the difference between the crime of position encroachment and other crimes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

