

Feminine Figure in the Legendary Fiction of the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 杨筱燕

【导师】 黄海;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 唐传奇中的女性形象以前多为静态化的类型分析,本文把唐传奇中的女性置于整个唐朝社会这一历史语境中,指出唐传奇中的女性形象是一个动态化的发展过程,经历了“女性符号”——“情女子”——“侠女”——“烈女节妇”的演进轨迹,性格由单一渐趋丰满,形象从简单到多样化。究其原因,是由于唐传奇的创作主体都是男性作家,唐传奇中的妇女本身是没有话语权的,属于被书写的对象,女性要以什么样的姿态进入文本之中,取决于作家的创作心态和社会风气的变化,也和唐传奇不断发展的文体特征有关。但是从作品产生的实际效果来看,唐传奇还是在客观上给我们塑造了一批有血有肉、亲切可感的女性群像。作者以她们为故事的主角,去书写她们的主体欲望、情感追求和人生价值取向,展现出了她们身上所具有的种种女性美的特质:外表美、才情美、情感美,突破了女子是性符号、红颜是祸水的籓篱。但是作为“男性创造——女性形象——男性消费”的话语模式,从根本上说,传奇中的女性角色不可避免地以各种形式体现着男权意识形态下的“女性价值”。男性作家对女性容貌的关注,在一定程度上是把女性美作为一种物质属性的东西写进去,成为士子大夫狂狎玩味的对象。女性在爱情上的追求多以悲剧结果,是因为男子在婚烟上带有更多的功利色彩,以娶“高门望族”为荣,这些女性不过成为男子在婚姻外的情感补偿对象。而士子文人对科举及第的迫切追求,也往往使他们以牺牲个人情感作为代价。可见唐传奇中的女性并未改变妇女在整体上处于社会底层的命运,从她们话语权的丧失,可以看出她们的权利是在男人允诺的前提下取得的,根本动摇不了男人中心的社会现实。

【Abstract】 The feminine figure in the literature before Tang Dynasty almost had been a static analyze of genre. But during Tang Dynasty, the women’s figure in fiction was developed dynamically which went through "women of symbol", "spoony women", "chivalrous women" to "women with honour chastity" and the character became complicated. Because of the masculine writer, women in literature of the Tang Dynasty had no power to speak out, how would they be had depended on the intention of writer, change of society and the development of style.According to the practical effect, though the legendary fiction of the Tang Dynasty has left us a vivid image of women, it’s still a Man Creating-Female Figure-Man consuming style. The masculine writer concentrated their mind to feminine beauty just because the beauty was a symbol of power and women were the object for salacity. The tragedy fate of women was the result of men’s material seeking. Men were proud of marrying with gentlefolk, and beautiful women were only complimentary of their emotion. The female in the literature of the Tang Dynasty had not changed the fact that men had dominated the whole society and women were nobody.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1109

